Bean, Antonition & Rogers Awarded Scholarships

September 19, 2016

The Bermuda Zoological Society announced that three students have been named as the recipients of the 2016 Steinhoff/BZS Scholarship – Kahnae Bean, Shane Antonition and Khylah Rogers.

“I am very pleased with our choice in scholarship recipients this year. They will make excellent future stewards of our environment,” said Robert Steinhoff.

Having completed her bachelors in Environmental Management last year, Kahnae Bean is now entering her first year of a Postgraduate degree at the University of Hertfordshire studying Project Management.

This course pulls together project management theory, practice and solid hands-on experience and will provide her with an excellent grounding in project management theory and methods.

Shane Antonition, Kahnae Bean and Khylah Rogers

2016ScholarshipWinners Collage

“Obtaining my secondary education has been an exciting experience with lots of new challenges and opportunities,” Ms. Bean expressed. “Having the additional skills in Project management alongside Environmental management will allow me to implement new initiatives, involving a number of activities, people, and deadlines effectively.

I believe these skills will be beneficial to me as environmental problems and concerns are wide ranging and complex. I continue to develop professionally and I am anticipating a good career ahead of me in Bermuda. I am grateful for the continued support of BZS, Mr. Steinhoff, and the scholarship committee for assisting me in returning back to school this year.”

Shane Antonition is entering into his third and final year of his BSc Environmental Science degree at Plymouth University.

“My previous academic year, highlighted by my field course to Malta, has put a different perspective on the environmental threats such as marine pollution and excessive development that can face Bermuda,” remarked Mr. Antonition.

“However, my continued involvement with the Kids on the Reef Programme and the conservation project on Trunk Island has maintained my optimism that we can work towards a better future for our island environment.

“I am looking forward to returning to Plymouth University in September for my final year,” he added.

“My dissertation will focus on the distribution and composition of microplastics on Bermuda’s beaches. I am once again honored to have been awarded one of the scholarships this year and I would like to thank Mr. Steinhoff and everyone at BZS for their continued support of my academic pursuits.”

Dr. Ian Walker, Principal Curator of BAMZ, with the 2016 Steinhoff/BZS Scholarship winners


Recipient, Khylah Rogers, is currently study Veterinary Medicine at St. George’s University in Grenada.

“I feel incredibly honored to be one of the recipients of the 2016 Steinhoff Bermuda Zoological Society scholarship,” said Ms. Rogers. “I would like to thank the scholarship committee for recognizing my efforts and passion towards the pursuit of veterinary medicine.

“Even though I have recently started the journey towards my doctorate, I look forward to the time when I will be able to return to Bermuda and practice with other respected professionals in the field.”

Mr. Steinhoff, a former BZS president, established the scholarship in 2009 in order to provide educational opportunities for Bermudian students pursuing degrees in the environmental sciences at accredited institutions.

Students must be either in the final two years of a bachelor’s degree, or working towards a master’s or doctorate in their chosen field in order to qualify. In total, more than $50,000 has been awarded to deserving students, many of whom are already giving back to Bermuda through conservation and research programmes.

Dr. Ian Walker, Principal Curator, said, “We greatly appreciate the work of the Steinhoff Family and their support of environmental education.

“Without them this scholarship would not exist nor the opportunity to assist scholars who are dedicating their post-secondary education to environmental causes. All three of our recipients this year are exceptional and impressed the scholarship committee in their academic excellence and perseverance towards their goals. We wish them every success in their coming year.”

Photos by Michelle Smith

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  1. Congratulations to All of the recipients, especially Kahnae.

  2. Keep Bermuda Beautiful says:

    Congratulations to Shane, Kahnae and Khylah on winning scholarship awards. We look forward to your future contributions to Bermuda’s environment.