‘New Strategy’ To Ensure Buses During Exams

May 1, 2017

“A new strategy has been put in place to ensure bus transportation for CedarBridge Academy and Berkeley Institute students during the six weeks of school exams,” the Ministry of Tourism, Transport and Municipalities said today, with six minibuses  to be “on-call as potential stand-ins for buses that may be out of service.”

The Ministry said, “After multiple discussions involving the Premier, the Minister of Tourism, Transport and Municipalities, the Minister of Education and officials from the two ministries, a new strategy has been put in place to ensure bus transportation for CedarBridge Academy and Berkeley Institute students during the six weeks of school exams.

“The school exams begin tomorrow [Tuesday May 2] and Transport Minister Senator the Hon. Michael M. Fahy JP announced today that 6 minibuses will be drafted into use for the early morning runs, to be on-call as potential stand-ins for buses that may be out of service.

He said, “It is imperative that school students using public transportation are able to get to class on time. And because of the exam period, it is even more important that students are not inconvenienced by the challenges we have with the bus fleet.”

“There will be three mini-buses and a special bus supervisor every morning at each end of the island during the exam schedule to ensure there is sufficient transportation departing for students, in the event of any possible disruptions.

“The agreement came after consultation with the Bermuda Minibus Association, with their members agreeing to make the service available.

“But students are advised to take the first available bus option, even if the route takes them into Hamilton, as opposed to directly to their school. Priority arrangements are being made at the Hamilton Depot to ensure students get to school on time.

Minster Fahy said, “Students, parents and the schools have quite justifiably had concerns about this transportation matter. The Government is committed to student education and the Department of Education and the Department of Public Transportation have spent considerable time looking at the issue and arriving at this solution.

“Both senior schools are encouraged to use their internal communications system to advise all students of the provision of the mini buses and direct students to make use of whichever vehicle comes to them first.”

“The DPT has been plagued with out-of-service buses for some time, although a shipment of parts has just been received that will help technicians and mechanics put more vehicles back on the road.”

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Comments (16)

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  1. puzzled says:

    So basically Government is stating that there are not enough buses to services what they are supposed to service.

    Get a grip OBA.

    • Antlee says:

      Which is something the PLP never did…..so what are you getting at? The OBA presented a solution to a problem and you’ve highlighted the problem and not the solution….to what point and purpose I wonder?

    • Mike J says:

      There are more than enough buses, as long as the new bus schedule is approved. The unions have refused to agree to the new bus schedule (for the past 15 years) as it will reduce the overtime of the bus drivers that is created by the inefficiencies of the current schedule.

      It looks like the OBA is refusing to order new buses to cover the old schedule to presumably force the Union to accept the new schedule. It appears the OBA have an excellent grip (and understanding) of the current situation.

    • PBanks says:

      Yeah, I’m not fond of this. A patch, but no signs of a short term or long term fix to the current situation.

      After school exams have concluded, we’re still facing the situation of possible bus shortages due to mechanical issues.

  2. Onion Juice says:

    So its just for the six weeks?

    • Antlee says:

      I wonder if this sentiment is shared by the thousands of parents and grandparents of these school children…. My guess would be N-O.

  3. puzzled says:

    Easy Onion.
    July will see strikes and all det.
    Heng hin der.

  4. just wondering says:

    and still no comment how the buses are supposed to handle the huge job of moving people to and from AC events and to do all their other regular work as well??

    • Antlee says:

      I’m not sure how your dislike of the OBA can lead to such a nonsensical comment. Would you prefer that they not fix any problems until they can fix all of them???

  5. casadanale says:

    all I can say is well done to the hardest working minister in government. Thank god for Mike Fahy. He is getting it done. The OBA despite all the noise from the other side are taking care of our school children and action like this gets my vote come election time. Thanks for making sure my boy will be at school on time for his exams.

  6. JUNK YARD DOG says:

    Mr Premier.

    There must be thousands of people who will agree that forcing our children to take exams is the best common denominator to determine a persons ability to remember and recall vast quantities information at one sitting being the only way of determining excellence.

    This system is mental terrorism of the highest order, laces with a liberal helping of stress anxiety and fear, is unhealthy.

    We all have at one time have been there in an attempt to solve one trick question after another,all which having no bearing on the reality of life challenges.

    The destiny of each and every one our young people is all determined in one or two hours of mental torture in an exam room.

    That is not fair and never will be.

    Not every young person is so academically inclined,as many have been endowed with other talents.

    Not all children are born with the silver spoon, as some families are struggling as they survive in a dis functional household, caused by many issues including sickness and even death which adds to the dilemma .

    The children that make the cut are only among the top 2% that is a poor average,nothing to be proud of, as the rest don’t matter.

    As an excuse it is said that unfortunately the Bermuda way of life and our hot climate are not conducive to learning as in colder countries.

    The Public school system has failed our children as it may have failed their parents.

    Do not give me that lame excuse .


    • bdaboy says:

      “Mr Premier.”

      Yes, the educational system has clearly failed…with you.

      It’s quite a stretch to blame the premier for this, but that’s how the plp works. Take absolutely no responsibility for anything, and do nothing but point fingers at others.

  7. JUNK YARD DOG says:

    Bermuda could rent some exotic tour coached to fill the gap.

  8. Triangle Drifter says:

    Baby steps towards privatisation. A good thing. Let the steps get bigger & turn into a run.

    • Really says:

      Thank you Triangle Drifter, have been thinking and hoping and praying that those mini buses could possibly be a baby step back to world that wasn’t hostage to a Union.

  9. Natural says:

    All the govt is worrying about is America’s Cup. SMH.