Martin Ganda Visits Somersfield Academy

September 8, 2017

Somersfield Academy is inviting the community to join Martin Ganda, co-author of the New York Times Best Seller “I Will Always Write Back: How One Letter Changed Two Lives,” tomorrow [Sept 9] from 10.00am to 12.00pm in the Learning Commons.

A spokesperson said, “Somersfield Academy parents, faculty and students read the book as a part of their summer reading program. We encourage any student, teacher, parent, book lover or anyone who believes in the power of hard work, education and friendship to come out to join in our discussion.”


“The book tells the tale of two lives that were reshaped and enriched by friendship. “I Will Always Write Back” aims to empower teens to fight against the current culture of meanness by looking for what unites human beings around the world.

“This book also shows the vast differences that can occur in different parts of the world at the exact same time.”

“Martin Ganda seeks to spread the messages of inclusion and caring. Somersfield Academy strives to live the intention of being an inclusive and socially just community within the learning environment. The diversity statement [below] guides the actions of both students and faculty.


“Hosting an event such as this one fulfils this mission. Somersfield continues to be Bermuda’s educational champion for inclusiveness, diversity and internationalism.

“Somersfield Statement on Diversity: At Somersfield, we believe that a diverse and inclusive community is the richest learning environment for young people. Our mission is to support teaching and learning within our community by initiating and sustaining activities and discussions that promote understanding and respect.

“We are responsible for building an environment of trust where each individual feels safe and included.”

“We are committed to the challenge of confronting issues of injustice, discrimination and intolerance, and we encourage challenges to biases and assumptions. We believe that by creating a safe and nurturing environment, our staff and students will feel empowered to maintain this inclusive attitude in their interactions with the local and global community.

“This is a free event. For more information please follow Somersfield Academy on Facebook @somersfieldacademy, Instagram @somersfieldacademy and Twitter @somersfield_bda or call the main office on 236-9797. Visit our website or Martin’s website.

“To purchase a copy of the book, please visit The Bookmart at Brown & Co. who have kindly collaborated with Somersfield on this event.”

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