Nine People Complete Cleaning Institute Training

April 1, 2019

This morning, Minister of Labour, Community Affairs and Sports Lovitta Foggo presented certificates to eight of the nine participants who completed the Cleaning Management Institute Training Programme which was held in partnership with the Department of Workforce Development and took place from 25 March to 30 March, 2019.

Participants included Hazel Morris, Lavita Williams, Juliette Spencer, Kumara Spencer, Sharon Smith, Syruss Williams, Murad Taalib-Din, Nathan Baron-Sorrentino and Karen Henderson [not pictured].

Cleaning Management Institute Training Programme Bermuda April 2019

Courses completed throughout the programme included General Cleaning, Carpet Care, Hard Floor Care, Restroom Care, General Safety, Hazard Communications, and Customer Service.

Participants are now certified as official ISSA Cleaning Management Institute Master Level Custodial Technicians.

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  1. PANGAEA says:


    Here is one that goes back well over 100 years in the days of Lifebuoy soap , Lux soap and Sunlight soap , not forgetting Pears soap, also Rinso and good old elbow grease that ‘s when there was nothing available in little blue bottles that could compare to those mentioned above.

    There is one other cost saving solution which was a favorite back then as it is used even to day in many homes , it is 5% white Vinegar which is the Queen of all the cleaning solutions .

    Another is Apple cider vinegar with” the mother” has other health benefits.

    The chamois leather or a cotton cloth are the aplicators of choice, also paper towels work well on hard surfaces.

    Today there are hundreds of chemicals and aplicators to choose from including the micro cloth ,which should not be used with white vinegar, which, by the way is a mild acetic acid clear corn based solutio which can be diluted a further 50% with water to 2 ~ 1/2 %.

    Bermuda is plagued with botanic mould and mildew spores, 5% full strength Vinegar gets at the roots, using a spray bottle you have a room sanitizer along with hundreds of other sanitizer uses.

  2. PANGAEA says:


    I can not over emphasize the the importance of ” General Safety” as mentioned in the Bernews article above, before using any and all cleaning chemicals the instructions contained on the packaging should be fully understood.

    WARNING ! under no circunstansances should no two chemicals be mixed or blended.

    Eye , respiratory and skin protection are esential,protective clothing including a hat are strongly recomended, accidents can and will happen on wet floors.

    The three main problems we encounter here are mould / mildew and dust , small insects , dust mites can also be a problem , always work from the top down ,rugs and floors last.

    Do check the weather forcasts.
    Humidity needs to be controlled as that feeds mould.

    Doors; Window sashes; frames and fly screens inside and out is where the mold will always accumulate.

    The two main rooms that need special attention are the bathrooms and kitchen .

    Where does all this MOULD come from ? Mould comes on the wind from the under side of vegetation planted too close to buildings.

    Where does DUST come from ? Dust comes from Clothing ; Bedding ; Carpets Prapes; passing Traffic.

    Congratulations to the nine people.

  3. Adklee says:

    Are they equipped to properly detect mould???

    Seriously though, if there’s any place I’d recommend beefing up the CS it’s the Dept. of Public Works. Our public schools would majorly benefit by having a Facilities Manager onsite. You can start by assigning 1 expert per parish.

  4. Congratulations to these industrous people.

  5. industrious

  6. PANGAEA says:

    PART 3 CLEANING TOOLS The top 10

    I>2> 3> Most likely the number one cleaning tool next to the washing machine and clothes dryer is the vacuum cleaner which comes in many verieties some look like they come from outer space and perform a variety of tasks but they do the same thing ” THEY SUCK” their number one feature is the built in filter, I am not going to name brands here, but i will recommend that you take at least 48 hours deciding which model is best suited for your home so long as it contains a disposable bag. and will it work for the family car.

    >4 The the micro fiber cloths you will need at least 6 to 8 of them. in various colors for various tasks , mostly blue for wash cloths and yellow for dust cloths also a variety of sponges.

    >5. Brushes mops and brooms You will need a variety of those from the used tooth brushs to scrub brushes.

    >6 . A variety of plastic trash bags as you are going to rid youself of all that which is not necessary like old mould covered shoes and cardboard boxes which roaches use for vacation homes.

    >7. Five gallon Buckets x 2 wash and rince & misc other containers. Dont invest in small buckets that can tip over. Big buckets can als be used for storage containers.

    > 8 A limited variety of cleaning solutions. $$$.

    > 9 An 36 ” extension grabber and small “A” frame portable ladder.

    >>>>>>>>> 10 . ( Make your list ) Raid the kitchen for any item that may help you this is a one person team effort here.

    ADVICE >>>>>> Do not over do it tomorow is another day. Seniors work in the morning play in the afternoon
    Start a business, ” where there is muck there is money “.