KBB: Use Caution, Common Sense & Clean Up

December 24, 2021

[Updated] People planning to go to the public beach at Elbow for Christmas Day are “asked to use caution and common sense, follow health regulations to stay in your small ‘bubble’ group, and help Keep Bermuda Beautiful by using the trash bins.”

A KBB spokesperson said, “Over the past decade, the Christmas party at Elbow Beach has become a family-friendly tradition for many. But last year was different. There was a raging pandemic, and the stairs to the public beach were ruined by a hurricane, so people stayed home.

Crowds at Elbow Beach on Christmas Day back in 2018:

“A few may have ventured out to other beaches. This year conditions are somewhat improved. The stairs have been rebuilt, but the pandemic and Health regulations are still with us. Yet it is reasonable to expect that some families will pack a cooler, don a Santa hat, and head to the beach on Christmas morning.

“In anticipation of many small groups wanting to use the beach, several neighbourhood stakeholders are helping behind the scenes to provide safe parking, extra waste bins and reminders to follow the Health regulations. The Coral Beach & Tennis Club will allow people to park on the Horizons property. St. Paul’s Anglican Church volunteers will help with free parking. Any donations to the church will be gratefully accepted.

“KBB will put dozens of extra trash bins on the beach to capture all the picnic debris. On Boxing Day, KBB volunteers will return to the beach to carry the bagged trash and bins up the steps to the parking lot.

“There has been as much as a ton of trash resulting from beach-goers on Christmas Day in past years. Most of the trash is glass bottles or aluminium cans that can and should be recycled. The Department of Parks waste collection team will truck away the bagged trash so that the beach can become spotless for the remainder of the holiday period as quickly as possible.

A spokesperson for KBB stated, “Christmas Day at Elbow is the closest thing Bermuda has to a ‘Leave No Trace’ event which is even more surprising since there are no real hosts or organisers. Beach-goers have shown great respect for Bermuda’s beauty, and when there are plenty of bins, no one litters. The Department of Parks cannot be expected to do it all, especially during the holidays, so KBB and willing volunteers have stepped in to help.”

“People planning to go to the public beach at Elbow for Christmas Day are asked to use caution and common sense, follow Health regulations to stay in your small “bubble” group, and help Keep Bermuda Beautiful by using the trash bins.

“If the bins are full, take your trash home with you. Park safely at Horizons. Come back the next day and join KBB’s Boxing Day Cleanup from 10 am – 12 pm. Everyone is asked to do their part to have a safe, healthy and happy holiday.”

Update 8.23pm: A Government spokesperson said, “A spokesperson for the Ministry of Public Works wishes to clarify a statement issued in error by the Government earlier today on behalf of Keep Bermuda Beautiful, which detailed plans for managing trash at Elbow Beach and arranging for parking at a nearby hotel property for the customary Elbow Beach Christmas Celebrations.

“The Ministry apologises for any inconvenience caused and can now advise that due to the recently implemented public health measures, the parking and other volunteer support indicated in the previous release will no longer be available.

“However, Department of Parks staff will be on duty across the island to ensure that beaches and parks are enjoyed responsibly. To that end, we ask all members of the public visiting public parks and beaches to be mindful of the ongoing pandemic, adhere to the health and safety measures in place, and leave our public spaces in the same state that they found them.”

“Furthermore, all those who visit Elbow Beach to celebrate the Christmas Holiday are urged to maintain social distancing of 6 feet with persons who do not occupy the same household. If you cannot keep a distance of six feet, you must wear a mask.

“Please remember, we must all do our part to help stop the spread of the coronavirus. Continue to follow public health guidelines, wear a mask, practice good hand hygiene, maintain physical distance and download the WeHealth Bermuda app.”

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  1. Sage says:

    Wouldn’t a warning against driving after drinking be tbe right thing to do or is this affair given carte blanche. Police will not be operating RSC’s amywhere near the area either, mark my words.

    • Toodle-oo says:

      I agree that with the focus this event receives and the time that it happens in the location that it does catching people over the limit would be as easy as shooting fish in a barrel .
      And lets never forget about those other people with their ‘alternative medication’.
      Remember , drugs = the 3rd pillar of our economy and no-one drives better under the influence of anything.