Garden Club Donates $10,000 To Eco-Schools
The Garden Club of Bermuda has made a donation of $10,000 towards the Eco-Schools programme operated by BUEI.
A spokesperson said, “This programme which was started by the Foundation for Environmental Education [FEE] involves 68 countries and 59,000 schools and was implemented in Bermuda in 2013 when Greenrock was chosen as its first National Operator.
“BUEI took over the programme in 2019. Currently, there are 17 registered schools; 12 public, 4 private and the Bermuda College.”
Hannah Lampit, BUEI Eco-Schools Coordinator – Jan Macdonald, GC President and Karla Lacey, BUEI CEO
Karla Lacey, BUEI CEO, stated “Student-led and action-based, Eco-Schools empowers young people to introduce sustainable practices within their school by engaging and exposing them to authentic learning experiences. Eco-Schools’ approach enables schools to build community while engaging in meaningful learning opportunities with academic and financial rewards.”
“The Eco-Schools Bermuda programme has three main pillars: the 7 Step Framework, the 10 Sustainability Pathways and the 3-tiered awards system. Students, teachers, parents, volunteers and ‘Delivery Partners’ [who provide specialized expertise and advice], all play a part in bringing the programme to fruition,” a spokesperson said.
“As the island is slowly coming out of the pandemic and facing inflation, like the rest of the world, food security has become increasingly more of an issue. More people are turning to gardening and growing their own produce for their personal consumption.
“Eco-Schools is teaching our children to be more responsible, eco-friendly and self-reliant in a multitude of disciplines. It has been said ‘We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.’ Be the change that a sustainable world needs!”
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