Kiwanis Club Clean Up At Cooper’s Island

October 24, 2022

A clean up was held on Cooper’s Island by the Kiwanis Club of St George’s, who partnered with Keep Bermuda Beautiful, as part of the worldwide Kiwanis ‘One Day’ initiative.

A spokesperson said, “One of Bermuda’s most picturesque parks was subject to invasion over the weekend. However, there was no need to call out the Bermuda Police Service, the Royal Bermuda Regiment Coast Guard, or any other security personnel.

“The weekend invaders had one thing in common – they were all members or friends of the Kiwanis Club of St George’s. The club was participating in the worldwide Kiwanis ‘One Day’ – a time when all Kiwanis clubs in the world are encouraged to undertake a project, thereby recording millions of community service hours on the same day.

Kiwanis St George President Keina Rollins and her daughter Ameina Soares

Cooper's Island Invaded Bermuda October 24, 2022

“Kiwanis St George was led by new president Keina Rollins and her eight-person group cleaned up a portion of the park and the beach at the east end. Various types of trash and vegetation were collected and placed at a designated spot for removal.

“For the second time in the past two years, Kiwanis St. George partnered with fellow charity Keep Bermuda Beautiful [KBB] for this venture. KBB supplied the volunteers with gloves, grippers, and bags to collect debris.

“Kiwanis Clubs’ main thrust is ‘serving the children of the world,’ and as one former club president stated, ‘children need and deserve a safe and clean place to play’ – hence the selection of Cooper’s Island park and beach for this year’s Kiwanis ‘One Day’ project.”

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  1. Honestly says:

    Thank you for your support! I don’t know why that area is lacking attention, expecially during the summer months.