OBA & Govt On $180K Consultant Contract

April 18, 2023

“The public deserves to know why Christopher Warner has been given a contract worth almost $180,000 without having to go through the mandated steps required,” Opposition Leader Cole Simons said, while the Government said “the consultant was engaged in keeping with all processes and procedures” as it “is a process that differs from that of contracting a contractor or vendor.”

Opposition Leader Cole Simons 

Mr. Simons said, “Why does Premier Burt and his Cabinet think that they are above the law? It is reprehensible behaviour when they continue to flout financial rules without fear of consequence.

“The public deserves to know why Christopher Warner has been given a contract worth almost $180,000 without having to go through the mandated steps required before any contract over $100,000 is awarded. What is going on?

“Where is the transparency? It makes one wonder how many other contracts have been pushed through without due process.

“Who is to say that there were no qualified Bermudians for the job? Why wasn’t the role advertised in Bermuda? How many other contracts have been awarded in this manner?

“The One Bermuda Alliance has asked repeatedly for a list of Government consultants and we have yet to receive anything.

“This Government has a history of flagrantly violating the procurement process. When does it end?”

Government’s Response

A Government spokesperson said, “The public should be aware that following an unsuccessful recruitment for the role of Deputy Chief Information Officer post several months ago, as well as other vacancies in key areas in the Department of Information and Digital Technologies, steps were taken to identify interim resources to provide support.

“A subsequent recruitment exercise for the Deputy post has recently concluded and it is anticipated the post will soon be filled.

“Meanwhile, it should be stressed that efforts are being made to recruit for the Chief Information Security Officer post and it is expected that this recruitment effort will commence in the coming weeks.

“As a result, and in order to fill an interim need, a consultant was engaged to perform related government duties as directed during this period.

“Contrary to reports, the Accounting Officer followed all the appropriate and relevant approvals. Specifically, an approval was obtained from the Head of the Public Service via a process that requires the support of an Application to Engage a Consultant. This process is outlined in Financial Instructions, and it is a process that differs from that of contracting a contractor or vendor.

“Therefore, to be clear, the consultant was engaged in keeping with all processes and procedures.”

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  1. Question says:

    The AG’s report shows the scandal. I look forward to the results of the police investigation.

  2. Lol says:

    What do you expect from the same clown in the UBPOBA who wanted to bring the TA back. I understand that the party is trying to find another John Swan face but Cole is not the one.