CedarBridge Honor Society Supports Charity

May 18, 2023

[Written by Shervelle Burch & Anya Thompson]

Each year, the CedarBridge Academy National Honor Society [NHS] strives to complete a community service project. This year’s goal was to urge CedarBridge staff and students to donate products to a charity. This year, the NHS was pleased to be able to donate 8 boxes full of essential items to the Transformational Living Centre for Families.

Front row: National Honors Society, Public Relations Officer Anaya West, Vice- President: Kisaye’ Bell, Case Manager for TLC Mrs. Geraldgene Cann, Zen Mello, NHS Secretary: Nathan Wilson. Second row: President Siniah Lambe, Treasurer Fabiola Adams, Diamond DeSheild, Shuntea Dove, Ambika Anderson. Last row: Kayla McCarthy, D’wzjhane Smith and Ryan Pimentel. Missing from photo, Parliamentarian Tajer Basden.

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“The TLC is beyond grateful for the wonderful Care Packages donated to our Families by The CedarBridge Academy National Honor Society”, said Geraldgene Cann, Case Manager at the Transformational Living Centre for Families.

“Our families were delighted to receive the thoughtful, useful, and lovely parcels filled with treats for moms just in time for Mother’s Day. Of course, there are several items that are useful for family living.

“This type of assistance goes a long way toward assisting us in attaining our goal by enabling us in addressing our families’ daily needs. We applaud The CedarBridge Academy for instilling a spirit of philanthropy in their students and staff, who are clearly enthusiastic about donating.”

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The CBA National Honor Society is led by Ms. Shervelle Burch, the Advisor, and Ms. Althea Emery, the Co-Advisor. Mrs. Ashley Robinson, Ms. Melanie Burrows, Dr. Keyna Crawford-Anderson, and Mr. Neville Zuill are all members of the faculty council.

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