TABS ‘Proud To See’ Shorts On Boston TV

May 29, 2023

Rebecca Singleton expressed her pride and excitement at Bermudian news anchor Glenn Jones showcasing the TABS Bermuda short brand on Boston television.

Mr Jones, who joined the NBC10 Boston station in 2021, wore Bermuda shorts to work to celebrate Bermuda Day and explained to the viewers why he was wearing short, and presented TABS Bermuda shorts to his co-hosts.

His co-workers joined in the spirit, also wearing shorts to work, with  Mr Jones writing on Twitter: “Today’s Bermuda Day [the traditional date anyway].

“My colleagues knew I’d be wearing Bermuda shorts; it’s where I’m from. So they schemed in secret to come to work in shorts so I wouldn’t be marking the occasion alone. Now that’s teamwork! Thanks guys. Warmed my heart.”


Rebecca Singleton told Bernews, “I was so proud to see Glenn Jones wearing TABS on NBC10 Boston television station on Bermuda Day. What an awesome plug for the island and Bermuda style.

“Glenn has always been an amazing supporter of Bermudian brands and when he reached out about wanting to wear a Bermuda suit on TV, I jumped at the opportunity to dress him in TABS, and also helped to encourage his co-workers to ‘free the knee’ this Bermuda Day. Glenn is an amazing ambassador for the island and I’m honored that he choose TABS for him and his collegues this Bermuda Day.” divider line ewrr

For extensive coverage of Bermuda Day spanning over a decade, visit our website, the island’s most comprehensive resource on the Bermuda Day holiday.

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