Sisters To Cycle In Memory Of Late Mother

May 3, 2023

[Written by Stephen Wright]

Rennika Denbrook and her sister Ricca Butterfield will join together to cycle the Convex End-to-End on Saturday [May 6] in memory of their late mother, Rochelle Butterfield.

Rochelle, who died in a motorcycle accident six years ago aged 48, was a keen participant in the annual charity event, which involves thousands of people heading west, whether walking, cycling or running.

“My sister hit me up and said, ‘If you wouldn’t mind walking or riding with me this year. I think it would be a lovely way to celebrate momma.’ I was like, ‘I totally agree!’” Ms Denbrook told Bernews.

“My sister has been doing it for the past five years. We’ll get together on Saturday and make it happen. It will become a beautiful tradition and another way to remember momma at this time of the year.

“I think she would be so happy that we’re doing something together as a family. I’ll be doing my little sun dance, and hopefully, we will have a beautiful day!”

Rennika Denbrook and Ricca Butterfield Cycling May 6, 2023_1

Ms Denbrook, 37, described the Bermuda End-to-End as being close to her mother’s heart because “she loved a good time, being out with her friends, and seeing different parts of the island.”

She said: “Sometimes she might have dressed a little funky [for the event]. It was a beautiful experience for her; I expect it to be the same for us.”

Committing to the challenge of cycling from one end of the island to the other gave Ms Denbrook an added incentive to kickstart her exercise regime at the beginning of the year.

It will be the first time Ms Denbrook has signed up for the ever-popular event.

“I’ll definitely be keeping up the exercising after the End-to-End,” added Ms Denbrook, an executive assistant at the Corporation of St George. “It’s been a good jump-off point for me.

Rennika Denbrook and Ricca Butterfield Cycling May 6, 2023_2

“My sister and I live in separate parts of the island, so we haven’t really been able to exercise together. I’ve been doing what I can alone or with my two daughters.”

The Full End-to-End starts at 7 am in St George’s. The 14-mile Middle-to-End starts at 10.30 am at Point Pleasant Park in Hamilton, next to the Point House building.

Meanwhile, the Fun Walk and Cycle, sponsored by Athene, takes place at 2 pm, starting at Beacon Hill in Somerset.

Proceeds will go towards the Bermuda Zoological Society, Gina Spence Productions, The Eliza DoLittle Society, the Skills Development Programme, and Vision Bermuda.

Anyone interested in signing up or finding out more information, click here.


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  1. Patricia says:

    This warms my heart. Rochelle was a beautiful person