Chatmore School Holds Graduation Ceremony

June 21, 2023

Chatmore International School celebrated the graduation of Rip Crockwell-Laurent and Zyrah Trott at a ceremony held on June 7.

A spokesperson said, “Chatmore International School, proudly celebrated the graduation of two exceptional students in a heartfelt ceremony held on June 7, 2023. The event was attended by family members, friends, faculty, and staff, who came together to honour the accomplishments of the graduates and reflect on the school’s commitment to providing students with diverse opportunities.

“Students Rip Crockwell-Laurent and Zyrah Trott were recognised for their academic and personal achievements throughout their years at Chatmore. Rip has secured employment with prestigious landscaping firm Horsefield Landscaping & Design.

“He will also be entering into the Culinary Arts programme at Bermuda College in September and has completed 5 IGCSEs. Zyrah has completed numerous child development and safeguarding courses which has allowed her to achieve her goal of working in a childcare setting.

Chatmore International School June 2023 (1)

“The highlight of the graduation ceremony was the keynote speech delivered by Gareth Long, esteemed Chatmore Board Member, experienced school leader and Accredited Learning Environment Planner. With a resounding message about the importance of having options, Mr. Long emphasized how Chatmore plays a vital role in fostering an environment where students can explore various paths and discover their true potential.”

Mr. Long said, “The Chatmore Way is about being part of a learning and caring family. Rip and Zyrah are already working, planning and growing their own ideas. They aren’t the ones following the crowd – and we need more young people like them.

“Times have progressed where a person may now have several careers in a lifetime. Chatmore serves to equip students with the skills and mindset they need to embrace a world of endless possibilities.”

The spokesperson said, “Having successfully led four schools, Mr. Long is now the Director of the-learning-crowd, a firm dedicated to effective school design worldwide. Mr. Long knows the needs of small schools and small communities, having played a pivotal role in transforming the Cayman Islands’ education system after Hurricane Ivan.


“The ceremony was marked by inspiring words from the graduates themselves. Ms. Trott, who attended Chatmore for three years, shared words of gratitude for her teachers.”

Ms. Trott said, “Thank you for making learning easy for me and in a way I could understand. You never gave up on me even when I said I can’t do it or don’t want to do it.”

Mr. Crockwell-Laurent said, “Thank you to all the students here who I can genuinely all call friends, and most importantly, thank you to myself because I am pretty cool. Don’t be afraid of finding a job, look forward to it. There’s responsibility, yes, but all things in life have responsibility woven into them.”

The spokesperson said, “The presence of family and friends added an element of warmth and celebration to the event. The attendees witnessed the culmination of the graduates’ hard work and dedication, reflecting the strong support system that has been instrumental in their success.


“The Director of Chatmore, Mrs. Britanni Butterworth, also shared insightful advice with the graduating class.”

Mrs. Butterworth said, “Be who you are on purpose.”

The spokesperson said, “She emphasized the importance of authenticity and self-discovery and urging the graduates and attendees to embrace their unique qualities and purposefully pursue their goals.

“Chatmore continues to demonstrate its commitment to nurturing students’ growth and providing them with the tools necessary to thrive in a rapidly evolving world. The small size of the graduating class only serves to highlight the profound impact that individualized attention and a tailored education can have on students’ success.


“Students from Reception through to high school were inspired by the graduation event and even began thinking of what they’d like to have in their ceremonies. Chatmore continues to prepare students for their futures through avenues best suited to their learning journey, including portfolio-based assessments, A Levels, Dual Enrolment with the Bermuda College and career readiness.

“Chatmore is a nurturing learning environment dedicated to inspiring young people to discover a love of learning. By celebrating their unique strengths, our students are transformed, confident individuals who feel empowered to take on the world.”

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