Celebrating Bahamas 50 Years Of Independence

July 11, 2023

The PLP said they join “Bahamians around the world in celebrating the Bahamas 50th Independence Day.

A spokesperson said, “The historical links between our islands date back to 1648 when the first European settlers in the Bahamas were 70 disaffected Bermudians fleeing religious and political persecution brought there under the leadership of the onetime Governor William Sayle.

“In 1964, Bahamas attained internal self-governance from the UK through a series of constitutional and political steps. On July 10, 1973 Bahamas gained full independence.

“The Commonwealth of the Bahamas has developed over the past 50 years experiencing challenges, but also great successes as a stable democracy and vibrant economy. The Bahamas has made its mark in global tourism, international finance, global politics, sports, the arts, entertainment and so much more.

“Bermuda has always had close relations with the Bahamian people through our people, culture and history. In politics, the Progressive Liberal Party of the Bahamas and the Progressive Labour Party have been closely tied to each other for over 60 years. The leaders of the PLP Bermuda and PLP Bahamas through Arnold Francis, Dame Lois, L. Frederick Wade, Walter Robinson and subsequent leaders maintained personal ties with the late Rt. Hon. Sir Lynden O Pindling. These relationships supported the early development of the PLP in Bermuda. Their guidance assisted the party’s electoral journey and preparation for the historic 1998 victory.

“Last year, a contingent from Bahamas led by the Prime Minister the Hon. Philip Davis came to Bermuda to participate in the PLP Delegates Conference. This was the first visit of a Bahamian Prime Minister to Bermuda in decades, a testament to the strength of the ties between our two countries.

“Recently, Bahamians living in Bermuda held a three-day celebration including a Pre- Independence Golden Jubilee Gala in support of our ‘sister’ island. The Premier, on behalf of the Government, hosted a reception at Camden attended by Foreign Affairs Minister of Foreign Affairs and Public Service, The Hon. Frederick Mitchell.

“The Bahamas has celebrated its anniversary in a year of activities which included a Gala, the Prime Minister’s Legacy Ball, the Golden Jubilee Celebration, Ecumenical Service and Cultural show with a light show and fireworks display. The Deputy Premier and Deputy Party Leader Walter H. Roban, Party Chair Dawn Simmons, and other PLP members traveled to the Bahamas to participate and show their support.

“This relationship between Bermuda and the Commonwealth of the Bahamas is valued and cherished by many Bermudians. The PLP family in Bermuda is honored to have been included in their glorious celebrations. We look forward to observing and being inspired by the Bahamian people as they ‘Move Forward, Upward and Onward Together Well into the future. We are also committed to seeing the ties between our communities strengthened and grow in the future.”

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  1. whay says:

    “The Bahamas mainly exports fuel, boats, beverages, polymers, shellfish, cyclic compounds, paintings, oil and pebbles. The Bahamas’ main exports partner is the United States, accounting for around 72 percent of total export”.

    “The Bahamas extends 760 miles from the coast of Florida on the north-west almost to Haiti on the south-east. The group consists of 700 islands and 2,400 cays with an area of 5,358 sq. miles (13,878 sq. km.)”

    Bermuda is tiny compared to the Bahamas at just 21 square mile (56 square kilometers) in total land area cluster of mostly-interconnected small islands in the north west Atlantic Ocean.

    Any inference that Bermuda should be independent because the Bahamas is independent is absolutely stupid.