BWS Provides Update On Hurricane Tammy

October 24, 2023 | 3 Comments

The Bermuda Weather Service provided an update about Hurricane Tammy today [Oct 24].

“Distant Hurricane Tammy continues its approach towards Bermuda and continues to be very challenging to forecast. The National Hurricane Center expects Tammy to become post-tropical in the next 48-60 hours,” the BWS said.

“Also, local winds are expected to increase late Thursday through Friday, reaching gale force, well ahead of the center of Tammy. This increase in winds is due to the pressure squeeze between the ridge of high pressure to our NW and Tammy approaching from the SE. Post-tropical Tammy will also be decreasing in intensity as it nears Bermuda so we may or may not experience gale force winds as it passes.

“With so much uncertainty with the long-term forecast of Tammy, please stay up to date with local conditions at and has more specific information on Tammy. Stay prepared, stay vigilant, stay safe.”

BWS Hurricane Tammy Update Bermuda October 2023

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  1. Hilarious! says:

    This graphic is misleading. What is shown as a cone is the average grouping of several models.

    NOAA’s HFSA Forecast Guidance for Current Active Storms spaghetti model has paths veering north, then easterly. Another moving west then south by southwest.

    In any case, always be prepared.

    • Joe Bloggs says:

      “This graphic is misleading”

      You should contact Michelle Pitcher, Director of the Bermuda Weather Service, and offer to give a remedial class to the meteorologists who work there.

      • Hilarious! says:

        Why do you think that people at the BWS do not already know that I am correct? Dealt directly with the previous head of the BWS, Mark Guishard, now Chief Administrative Officer at the airport. Have you ever met and spoken with Mark?

        Please, do come on back with another non-zinger to keep up your standing as the #1 blogger on Bermews.

        Say, why do you not know about how these charts are produced and spaghetti models? It is after all, common knowledge and on the Internet!

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