Tyler Kerr Set For Pro Fight In Thailand

May 30, 2024 | 0 Comments

[Written by Stephen Wright]

Tyler Kerr will return to the ring for his second professional Muay Thai fight today [May 30] against an experienced Thai opponent at the Chiang Mai Boxing Stadium in Chang Mai, northern Thailand.

Kerr, who has spent several months training in Thailand, Vietnam, and Malaysia, made his pro debut in March, defeating a local fighter on points in a televised contest at the JF Boxing Stadium in Pattaya, Thailand.

He said he feels energised and sharp after honing his craft at the Spirit of Siam gym in Chang Mai, where he has received one-on-one training with top coach Marco Merlo for the past two months.

“I’m very excited to get back in the ring,” Kerr told Bernews. “I’ve been training twice a day and loving it.

“The Spirit of Siam is a fantastic gym with a family feel, much like Fight City [Muay Thai and Fitness] back home.

“I was put in touch with Marco through Chuck Morgan [the Fight City coach] and have been virtual friends with these guys for the past few years.

“I’ve always dreamed of coming to train at this gym. There’s a lot of one-on-one attention and caters to your growth. There’s a lot of drilling and teaching, which I really enjoy.”

Tyler Kerr Bermuda 7 March 2024 thumb

The 28-year-old, whose fight will be five three-minute rounds, said he was excited to experience the atmosphere at the Chiang Mai Boxing Stadium, which he believes is more authentic than some of the popular touristy venues in Thailand.

“I gave my preference to fighting at the boxing stadium – it’s one of the original venues and more formal,” he said.

“Some venues popular with tourists have guys fighting two or three times a week.

“If you put too much pressure on them, they might go down easy so they can still collect their purse and fight against next week.

“I’ve no idea who I’m fighting, but it will be the real deal. It will be five rounds rather than three in my pro debut.

“I’ll have to stay calm, try and figure him out before we start shifting into high gear.”

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