BCCL Named City Of Hamilton’s Charity Of Year

June 8, 2024 | 0 Comments

The City of Hamilton has selected the Bermuda Center for Creative Learning [BCCL] as its charity of the year for 2024.

A spokesperson said, “Each year, the City’s Social Committee selects a charity to donate funds collected at the City’s annual Christmas party raffle. The City also makes in-kind donations to other charities throughout the year inclusive of rental fee sponsorship for City venues and cross promotional support.”

BCCL Charity of the Year June 2024

City CEO Dwayne Caines said, “We have long recognized the invaluable impact that BCCL has on the lives of children, particularly those with neurodivergent needs, and we are proud to select BCCL as our charity of choice for 2024. Our partnership with BCCL aligns perfectly with our mission to make a positive difference in our community. We are deeply committed to supporting the unique educational needs of the BCCL students, who represent a vital and important demographic within our city.”

The spokesperson said, “Last month, the Bermuda Center for Creative Learning [BCCL] held its ‘mini-Olympics’ sports day in Victoria Park for which the City sponsored all park rental fees.

“BCCL is a City-based private school for children beginning at age six who think and learn differently. Most students have been assessed and diagnosed with dyslexia, ADHD or other language-based learning differences. BCCL’s mission is to empower students, providing a personalized and flexible learning environment that focuses on students’ social-emotional and academic needs.”

BCCL Head of School Cindy Corday said, “BCCL held its first-ever sports day last week with an exciting Olympic theme held at Victoria Park and sponsored by the City of Hamilton! This event was a culmination of our learning about the origins of the Olympics in ancient Greece and the upcoming event this summer in Paris. Students participated in various events, showcasing their athleticism, teamwork, and school spirit. From sack races to relays, everyone gave their best effort and had a blast. Congratulations to all the participants and a big thank you to everyone who made this event a success!”

Mr. Caines added, “At the City, we believe in the power of community and the importance of nurturing the next generation. By leveraging our resources and ecosystem, we aim to support BCCL in every possible way, ensuring that their students have access to the tools and opportunities they need to thrive.

“We want to thank BCCL for the incredible work they do on a daily basis. We continue to be inspired by their dedication and the positive impact they have on their students’ lives. It was truly an honor for us to sponsor the BCCL sports program last month, and we are excited about the opportunity to collaborate on more creative initiatives in the coming year.”

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