OBA Responds To Election Announcement
[Updated] “The One Bermuda Alliance is excited that the Premier will finally be held accountable for presiding over the disaster that is today’s Bermuda,” Opposition Leader Jarion Richardson said this evening [Jan 8] following the announcement that the general election will be held on February 18th.
Mr Richardson said, “The people of Bermuda are tired of the island’s inequity and their voices finally have the opportunity to be heard.
“I listened with intent and pondered, for a Premier who is so confident about what his government has done for Bermuda and her people, why did he spend so much time focusing on the One Bermuda Alliance?
“Why is the Premier lying about the OBA voting against affordable housing and freezing health premiums? It simply isn’t true and he is manipulating the public.
“It looks as if we are more of a threat than Premier Burt and the Progressive Labour Party wants to let on.
“Is he running away from having to draft a budget to actually deal with Bermuda’s problems? Is he running away from figuring out the details in the corporate income tax he rushed into?
“To the youth of Bermuda, Premier Burt is yet again sending a resounding message: your voices are not needed or valued. Very little was said about your future in the Throne Speech, and by calling a February election he is stripping you of an opportunity to vote if you are in school overseas.
“That doesn’t sound like a fairer Bermuda to us.
“The One Bermuda Alliance has been and continues to work hard for the people of this island as we are committed to securing Bermuda’s future. A Bermuda where every resident will benefit, not just a selected few.”
Update: A PLP spokesperson said, “Jarion Richardson’s statement reinforces the clear choice that Bermudians will face on October 18th.
“Our people will choose between: a PLP that fought for our seniors and an OBA that ignored their struggles told them that money doesn’t grow on trees.
“A PLP that fought to keep health insurance premiums down and an OBA that fought against easing the healthcare burdens of our people.
“A PLP that fought against Pathways to Status and an OBA that still wants to open the immigration floodgates
“Today, we talked about how the financial struggles of our people inspired us to slash taxes so that 86% of Bermudians would get some relief from the cost of living. All while making taxes fairer by shifting the burden to the wealthy and away from those struggling the most.
“Today, we talked about how we introduced the minimum wage so all workers can earn a fair wage.
“We talked about how we expanded the Child DayCare Allowance to allow over 100 more parents to get access to quality care for their children.
“We talked about how we reduced energy taxes 60% which held the line on electricity costs.
“We talked about how the PLP eliminated customs duties on essential goods to ease the inflation squeeze.
“We talked about how the PLP invested record amounts in affordable housing, completing 71 units.
“And, we talked about how our mortgage guarantee programme helped nearly 40 first time Bermudian homebuyers.
“Jarion, and the OBA chose to ignore our message because at their core they are fighting for the elite, the privileged and the wealthy while we are fighting for a fairer Bermuda for all of us.”
LOL! Weak. What a weak response.
The island faced the most INEUQAL existence under your and your predecessors Government. How can you even utter those words!?
Banking on the youth vote? What has the OBA ever done for the youth besides take away scholarship funding? Make it make sense.
Burt’s doing is another Trump story. Why so soon? Correct me if I am wrong, aren’t Elections further down in the year?? Run Burt Run!!!
Vote OBA
Vote for who in Oba
They can’t cover most of the constituencies
Opposition Leader Jarion Richardson still can’t see that he was placed there as a surrogate.
The PLP spokesperson said “we talked about …..” that’s all you did, talk and do nothing for Bermudians but plenty for yourselves.
Spent a lot of money to foreigners turning their eyes to Bermudians needs. Voting OBA!
WARRIOR ! no body is coming to your house because the have nothing to offer you , they are going to use the written and spoken media this time and if they had a master plan there is no more tax payer money to pay for it .
Asking the question WHY is Bermuda wasting time an energy and taxpayers money when we get no answers other than spin and selling off our assets.
Do we have a govermment which hag crown so big which we now can not afford ?
Bemuda is stuck in a rut and spinning the wheels caused by owing vast quantities of money and not knowing where our nex dollar is comimg from, frankly we are goin no where fast .
The Carabean is competing against us and winning for the same tourist dollar and doing a better job at it .
Bermuda is the wasting our money on projects which have no future.
They are back biting and demoralizing each other for us with cheep shots on each others inabilities shortcomings and failures.
Also both parties are making promises that they are incapable of keeping because that cost money we dont have.
We are all waisting our time and effort.
Just see the above pointless efforts complaining about either parties inability to manage the countries financial business .
Simply because they all turn their backs on us all .
They can run but they can not hide.
Give them a vote!
Please do not encourage the PLP Government to give away more of Bermuda to rich foreigners.
Over the years there has become an inequality in Bermudas electoral procedure for that which is required to governs Bermuda.
There is masive imbalance between conservative and labor membership this not only hurts them selves but hurts Bermudains and the country in the long run.
The on going political animosity becomes an ill wind bearing no desirable fruit between respectable people as each party throws not stones but rocks in each other pond as that apears,a pointless exercise ,for sure!
30 to 6 says that 6 have absolute no chance at participating in progress while the 30 can do just what pleases them selves.
The end result causing literary thousand of people / tax payers who are enjoying the bad fruits of disenfranchizement this leads too alienation and losof harmony , in fact what Bermuda has become is a single parent with no discernible future by having too many cooks in the kitchen as does have our neighbors across the pond .
If we think of our future is having a one sided congregation is the best way to live ,dare i say for our survival we are sadly mistaken .
We cannot treat politics as a game of being non diversable economics and win every time , so putting all the eggs one basket is a recipe for failure .
Bermudians ! is that what you real want, if so. congratulations. you deserve who has been offered which you then are required to vote for.
Do we need to review our constitution for one person per parish for each party .
There was talk of independent candidates this will become as a guessing game relying solely on trusting that person not to think for them selves and knowing which candidate would cross over or eventually would jump ship .