‘Under Construction’ List Of Candidates

January 26, 2025 | 2 Comments

Nomination Day for the 2025 Election will be on January 31st, and all of the candidates will be officially confirmed on that date, and in the meantime we are compiling an ‘under construction’ list of announced candidates, which will be continuously updated until Nomination Day.

The list is being provided as we have had multiple requests for a consolidated list, however it does come with a *strong disclaimer* that it is not a final list, and will not be so until late in the day on January 31st.

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As another caveat, the candidates are listed based on official announcements and the political parties website listings, so even if ‘word is’ that somebody may or may not be running, the changes will be made based on official announcements.

The column on the left links to the constituency page on BermudaElections.com which shows the past results for the area, the column second from the left shows the current incumbent MP for the area, and then the remaining columns show the candidates listed by their respective entities.

Clicking through and looking at the past results can provide statistical insight into election probabilities, as while every candidate and party states their interest in winning the seat, statistics show that some seats have consistently been held by a single party for years and in some cases the party is winning them with a high percentage of the vote in every election, while other seats do change hands and are won by narrow margins, so looking at past results can often provide insight into the statistical probabilities of future results.

We expect to add additional candidates throughout the week, and the list will be final late on Friday [Jan 31].

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For full coverage of the 2025 Election and past elections, visit the links below, with comprehensive coverage available on our network website BermudaElections.com, the leading source of data and election videos.

click here Bermuda 2025 Election

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  1. Thank you says:

    This is a big help.

  2. Voter says:

    The FDM leader indicated that his party had 36 candidates. Where are they????????????? or is he still working on strategy of BSING the OBA?

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