Wayne Caines Resigns As BTA Board Chairman
The Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport acknowledged the “resignation of Wayne Caines as Chairman of the Bermuda Tourism Authority and thanks him for his service.”
A Government spokesperson said, “Appointed in 2020 at the height of the global pandemic, Mr. Caines took on the role during one of the most challenging periods in Bermuda’s tourism history. Under his leadership, the BTA navigated the uncertainties of border closures, shifting travel restrictions, and the long road to recovery.
“His tenure also saw the organization transition through two leadership changes and a strategic shift from focusing on on-island events and experiences to a sales and marketing-driven approach. Additionally, he played a role in steering the BTA toward a self-funding model.”
Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport Owen Darrell said, “Leading the Bermuda Tourism Authority during a period of significant upheaval required dedication and resilience. Mr. Caines provided leadership through a critical time, and we recognize his efforts in helping to shape the organization’s recovery strategy.”
The Government spokesperson said, “As Bermuda’s tourism industry continues to evolve, the Government remains committed to ensuring stability, transparency, and accountability within the BTA. This includes working with the board to foster a professional and supportive environment for all employees.
“The Ministry looks forward to working with the Bermuda Tourism Authority’s leadership and stakeholders to support the long-term success of the island’s tourism sector.”
Go row a boat. All talk and rhetoric does not a cake make. We need a doer in that job . But in Bermuda Jesus would not stand up to the criticisms of Bermudians who stayed home and got stories 4th hand. The same Bermudians he saved from the cross who said it doesn’t hurt why you worried you are coming back. Jesus wept.
Is this connected to the report that was commissioned following the staff resignations, and where is the report? More secrecy involving public money?
If everything was going well, then why resign.
A resignation is usually a the individual being pushed out and rather it be in the press as that they give the individual the opportunity to resign and save face.
Wayne should be releasing a statement if it was 100% his choice.
Maybe we will get that tomorrow.
You guys need to get rid of kim swan
We needvto get rid of comments like that. I’m confused. We are being to discuss concerns about foreigners who we invited here but we trash our own. I could never say that about you, even if you were goal-keeper and let in 10 goals. So why do we do that to our own?
“So why do we do that to our own?”
Because the politics of hate seems to work in Bermuda
Yes hate from OBA bloggers is why the PLP keeps winning. They believe it’s helping the OBA cause, but it’s creating a negative and opposite reaction.
heres some advice Politicians stay out of Tourism You have never worked in it didnt study it dont have any stake in it …. leave it for the experts and those who live and breathe hospitality …the OBA set it up the BTA with leaders in the industry and much progress was seen and the sector was growing …enter the plp and with everything they touch it declines and is on life support
when will they learn
Not just tourism. It’s anything that is connected to the economy, being infrastructure, or “affordable” housing, or healthcare. None have any experience or clue, just how much they can milk the taxpayer.
PLP Strikes again. Everything they touch goes to S^&*. Too much political interference by unqualified Minister like this one!
When issues become i tolerable which that push executive over the edge like wise when people find them selves not able to carry on and having to take the door there are not usually group of small reason for them for resignation which usually arises up to mounting issues
Make us wonder why our tourist boat that did not float and was created in the first place.
I doubt that department would be the last to fail.
Bermuda will forced / to chose to down size along with its population that is another mater for the iminent future.
Was that creation of the innovators in government a similar idea to all the other departhments of Government by passing off a business failure with bo balance sheets other than taxes or the inability to perform by head office passing it over to others to take the fall.
They are still selling licences for every thing except the kitchen sink they got you for duty on that . Blame the voter !
Bermuda’s domestic last hope is tourism that is as as we know it , that being seasonal affect local employment under the expertise of Governmeant however nothing is steady except taxes .
i ask how long can the public endure that burden ?
While being faced with rising prices, however ,t appears no body has the vision to improve it ? Blame the voter !
Then again tourism was our main business but so not so lately, that went to the American strip mall .
No more than was a lame excuses .
The cruise ship in more in vogue and i might add more affordble NO DUTY. !
They who now holds our feet to the fire in competition.
Then cruise ships come here with 4,000 people their draw card still for Bermuda and our competotion we are the play ground of the world but nothing to play at . PEOPLE WANT TO BE ENTERTAINED .
Bermuda has became one of the benifficiaries of the Cruise Ship , now with a fading stay here tourist business there comes loss of work for our people in the tourist industry . blame the voter !
Are we now to ask why a very big airport. bit late with that questio as it has already been asked !
In time the airport will become redundant and we will still owe money on it and the house will grow silent .
I know that I keep thinking it and I known just after the election it woul not be fail to bottle it up and may be it is to late even if we have to break some rules .
Here is plan “B”.
The prople appears to be loosing ground in suport of their own humanity .
Many years of being a polatition is very hard going and a very stressfull job ,and no less thank a less job their pa has nothing to do with it we are gettin cheep labor , the P.L.P. will have to give up some seats for a smaller Government the O.B.A will need to find more good people. We will not be the looser.
If I want the best for Bermuda so must you. we are talking about sharing the load.
only part of the answer of the answer the real answer answer if Bermuda has to pay the heavy price.
Let us all make ” Bermuda great again”.
Has time come to think our prosperity by forming a coalition of 18 per side and you can bet BERMUDA will come first no party wins you both win .
Jarion is a good man for the sake of a prosparity of our island do not talk down to Mr. J Robinson he want to give up a part of his life for you ,that man cares more than any man i know he will serve all you well . the votin process in the house will not change .
Bermuda people got what they wanted for sure but did Bermuda get what it is entitled too?
Over an over an over all i can only say we must all work togather how on earth you we go wrong and you can realy celebrate BERMUDA DAY
We all togetrher must mover forward.
We all make mistakes in life, Unfortunately Bermuda has made far too many .
I may have discovered or can I blame the disparity of spell check and grammar incompatably on my computer ?
a word which has become very popular in usage for far to long .
Blame has never solved any of our long list of problems neither does “pass the buck ” because they both will come back and haunt us.
Does blame passed on to another separate us from our responsibilities .
However there is plenty of blame to go around regarding dereliction of duty neglect and apathy.
May i ask this question . Who is Bermuda going to blame for our failures ? But only our selves .