Department Of Planning Moves To New Office

March 16, 2025 | 2 Comments

The Ministry for the Cabinet Office advised that the Department of Planning is relocating to a new office space.

A Government spokesperson said, “Effective Wednesday, March 19, the Department of Planning will now be located on the 3rd Floor, 44 Church Street West, City of Hamilton HM 12.

“While the Department remains committed to providing critical planning services to the public during this transition, there may be some unavoidable interruptions.

“Members of the public can seek assistance and information about services by visiting the Department of Planning’s website at or the Customer Self Service [CSS] at

“The Department appreciates the public’s patience and understanding during this transitional time and looks forward to continuing to serve the community from their new location.”

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  1. Terry Cabral says:

    What a load of crap.Disruptions?

  2. PAC MAN says:

    The Department of Planning is another reason why the people of Bermuda are unable to build an afordable home this red tape problem goes back many years where many of our classic traditional home plans were where drawn on the back of an envelope simplisity was the key. all that was need at the time was a floor plan builders of the day were families relatives and friends with their spacific tallents they all heped one another. no so today .

    The department of planning had its beginning with one man show who also did inspections he was the thorn in our sides.

    The local architect of the daybwere in it for the money , traditional Archecture got pushed aside for what i call a collection of rooms.
    At that time architects drew up plan exactly wht the clients wants usually a copy cat of a friends house those are still being done today .
    The tragic loss caused by the reduction in the roof pitch that was drastic mistake in enginering, wonder why so

    People have to remember the Bermuda slate is very fragile and has to be dealt with accordingly .

    For many a good reason, today a great many building have a low pitch roof and large windows and sliding doors which comes with higher maintenance costs and greater risk during hurricanes.

    I have always said design your house in the middle of a hurrican, you will think twice what you want and what you get will bet diferent things . .

    As the years went by along came 5 story building which were require for the advancement of the offshore business
    that virtuall came a stand still the the non Bermudian architects were hurting, planning policy change to require the local moon lighting drafting planner to require qualified Architect to sign off on the work .
    i took that is an insult as i coud turnout better work than they could as their complicated plans cause complicated costs and higher buildin costs, actually they did not want what we caled bred an butter work . at a fair price the moonlighter could produce a set od workable plans for a two bedroom home 9 am to 5 pm in five days.
    Virtual all those perfectly good plans for the building boom at the BHC were produced my Moon Lighters .
    There were more people wanting houses than there was available land to build them on leaving their parents with houses with empty rooms.
    Goverment got Dooped its the construction boon with prefabs and masive building complexes there are other an alternative to that which have not and will never be explored. by a politition.
    In this day and age history changes every thing, architecture is a thing of the past , people life styles is a thing of the past. cost of living is a thing of the past, every thing is a thing of the past.

    Our heritage is in things we build too late to blame any body it done . there is a price to pay .

    My house is 64 years old and has never lost one roof slate , make you wonder why ?
    There are many home here well over 130 years of age with no planning permits which have survived hundreds of hurricanes make you wonder why ?
    it is called common sense building !.

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