Hashtag: #1959TheatreBoycott

Theatre Boycott 60th Anniversary Celebration

Theatre Boycott 60th Anniversary Celebration

[Written by Glenn Fubler] ‘Freedom Friday’, will be the celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the Theatre Boycott on Friday, June 14th – a kick-off for ‘Heroes’ Weekend’. Dwayne Caines, Lynne Winfield, Renee Falcon [VP of the Bermuda Nurses Association], Bishop Nick Dill, myself and Collin Simmons of the BIU Emphasising ‘celebration’,... Read more of this article

Theatre Boycott Celebrates 60th Anniversary

Theatre Boycott Celebrates 60th Anniversary

The Theatre Boycott is getting set to celebrate its 60th anniversary with the theme of ‘Busy Being Born.” A spokesperson said, “On this first day of spring, we gather here at the Human Rights Commission, to launch a campaign promoting Civic Engagement – ordinary people taking action to positively impact our society. During the... Read more of this article

Column: 60th Anniversary of Theatre Boycott

Column: 60th Anniversary of Theatre Boycott

[Written by Glenn Fubler] Friday, February 8th, 2019 marked the 60th anniversary of the first meeting of the Progressive Group, in Flatts. That secret gathering began a 3+month process involving 18 people envisioning a better Bermuda and brainstorming strategies towards that end. As a result of that process, by mid-June 1959, the Theatre Boycott began,... Read more of this article

Celebration of Success of Theatre Boycott

Celebration of Success of Theatre Boycott

Scores of residents gathered on Sunday, July 2nd at Whitney Institute, to begin a ‘Walk & Talk’ marking the 58th Anniversary of the Success of the Theatre Boycott. Formal introductions were made, including Honorary Patrons; Charles Marshall and sporting icon, Dennis Wainwright – both elders closely connected to Flatts. Members of the Progressive... Read more of this article

Students Mark Anniversary Of Theatre Boycott

Students Mark Anniversary Of Theatre Boycott

June 15th marks the 58th anniversary of the start of the Theatre Boycott in 1959, and in observance of this significant milestone, Imagine Bermuda hosted a luncheon for a dozen students, representing schools from across the Island. “This event took place in Flatt’s so that after enjoying a pizza lunch over conversations regarding the significance... Read more of this article

Anniversary Of Theatre Boycott To Be Marked

Anniversary Of Theatre Boycott To Be Marked

Imagine Bermuda is coordinating various events to mark the anniversary of the 1959 Theatre Boycott, saying they wish to draw from the legacy with the “goal of looking forward to foster collaboration towards a better Bermuda.” Imagine Bermuda said, “The anniversary of the success of the Theatre Boycott, July 2, offers all of the Island’s... Read more of this article

Photos/Video: Students Recreate Theatre Boycott

Photos/Video: Students Recreate Theatre Boycott

Students at Harrington Sound performed a skit on the 1959 Theatre Boycott today [Jan 29], bringing history to life in a fun and educational manner. A key event in Bermuda’s history, the boycott began in June 1959 with flyers circulating urging black Bermudians to boycott movie theatres to protest their segregated seating policies. The movement... Read more of this article

Photos & Videos: Theatre Boycott Anniversary

Photos & Videos: Theatre Boycott Anniversary

Continuing with the celebration of the 55th Anniversary of the Success of the Theatre Boycott, Imagine Bermuda hosted a night of entertainment at Harbour Nights on Wednesday [July 2]. Shortly after an appearance by the H&H Gombeys Troupe, a street drama skit chronicling the Theatre Boycott, was presented with performers including Altonio Roberts,... Read more of this article

US Consul: Remembering The Theatre Boycott

US Consul: Remembering The Theatre Boycott

[Opinion column written by U.S. Consul General to Bermuda Bob Settje] On the 55th anniversary of the Theatre Boycott, the U.S. Consulate General and Americans everywhere would like to join the people of Bermuda in recognizing and honoring those who acted courageously to further the cause of civil rights in Bermuda. As President Barack Obama has said,... Read more of this article

Video: Theatre Boycott Anniversary Celebrated

Video: Theatre Boycott Anniversary Celebrated

The 55th Anniversary of the Success of the Theatre Boycott was celebrated today [June 30] by a group of organizations with a proclamation being read on the steps of City Hall in Hamilton. A spokesperson for the group said, “We the undersigned, representing those organizations so listed, wish to join in the collaborative spirit that was exemplified... Read more of this article

Celebrating 55th Anniversary: Theatre Boycott

Celebrating 55th Anniversary: Theatre Boycott

Imagine Bermuda is calling on the community to celebrate the impact of the successful Theatre Boycott and reflect on its meaning today. A spokesperson said, “As we launch the celebration of the 55th Anniversary of the Success of the Theatre Boycott, Imagine Bermuda invites each resident to join in Reaching Out to our young people during the week... Read more of this article

Premier On Anniversary Of Theatre Boycott

Premier On Anniversary Of Theatre Boycott

Premier Craig Cannonier extended his support for the initiative to celebrate the 1959 Theatre Boycott, a movement that saw the end of formalized social segregation. On June 15, 1959 the boycott began with flyers circulated urging black Bermudians to boycott movie theatres to protest their seating policies. The movement gained steam and on July 2, 1959... Read more of this article

Observance Of Anniversary Of Theatre Boycott

Observance Of Anniversary Of Theatre Boycott

Community group, Imagine Bermuda, is inviting the public to the inaugural observance of July 2 as the anniversary of peaceful change in Bermuda by reaching out and spending time together, under the playful banner: B 2 Gather. A spokesperson said, “July 2 marks the 54th anniversary of the day formal segregation ended in Bermuda in 1959. This was... Read more of this article