Hashtag: #Aecon

Aecon Announce ‘Commercial & Financial Close’

Aecon Announce ‘Commercial & Financial Close’

Aecon announced today [March 16] that it has “achieved commercial and financial close” on the airport redevelopment project in Bermuda, with the announcement saying “CCC will fully subcontract the work to Aecon, a construction contract valued at US$274 million” and “construction of the new terminal will begin shortly and... Read more of this article

‘Aecon Remains Committed To Airport Project’

‘Aecon Remains Committed To Airport Project’

Aecon “remains committed to the airport project,” they said today, adding that they “have confidence that the democratic process will prevail and that the Bill will be approved.” Following the protest and the Speaker’s announcement that the House of Assembly will be adjourned until February, we asked the company for comment,... Read more of this article

Canada’s Toronto Star Report On Protest

Canada’s Toronto Star Report On Protest

In a story headlined “Toronto construction company Aecon under fire in Bermuda,” the Toronto Star has reported on the protest on Friday, saying that “tempers flared” in the “normally peaceful tourist hot spot best known for its pink sand beaches.” The report said “A Toronto construction company is the focus of... Read more of this article

Info Session For Airport Project Construction

Info Session For Airport Project Construction

Aecon Group will be hosting an information session for members of Bermuda’s construction industry who will be invited through the Construction Association of Bermuda and Bermuda Economic Development Corporation. “The session, to be held on November 8th, will communicate pertinent details that will aid members of Bermuda’s construction industry... Read more of this article

Airport Redevelopment Internship Programme

Airport Redevelopment Internship Programme

As part of the airport redevelopment project, seven internships will be offered to local graduates, Aecon announced today, saying it is an “opportunity for young graduates to develop their personal and professional skills, make vital industry connections and to be involved in one of the largest capital projects in Bermuda.” The announcement... Read more of this article

Two Companies Appointed For Airport Project

Two Companies Appointed For Airport Project

Aecon Group Inc announced today [June 27] the engagement of Island Automation Limited to perform electrical engineering services and Onsite Engineering to perform mechanical engineering services for the redevelopment of Bermuda’s airport. “The appointments of these Bermudian companies for the first design phase of the project follow a competitive... Read more of this article

Aecon Group Selects Brunel For Airport Project

Aecon Group Selects Brunel For Airport Project

Aecon Group Inc. announced the engagement of Brunel Ltd., a Bermudian company, to perform structural and civil engineering services for the first design phase of the airport redevelopment project, adding that “the appointment of Brunel follows a competitive selection process.” The announcement said, “Brunel Ltd. is a consulting engineering... Read more of this article

PLP: ‘Termination Appears To Be Retribution’

PLP: ‘Termination Appears To Be Retribution’

[Updated with video + OBA response] The PLP held a press conference today where they addressed the termination of MP Lawrence Scott from his private sector job, saying “it appears to be retribution for his public stance against the OBA’s plan to privatise our airport to Canadian company Aecon.” Mr Scott — who serves as the Shadow... Read more of this article

OBMI Selected: Landscape Architect For Airport

OBMI Selected: Landscape Architect For Airport

Aecon Group announced the engagement of the Bermuda office of OBMI as landscape architects for the proposed redevelopment of the L.F. Wade International Airport. “The appointment of OBMI follows a competitive selection process that included Request for Qualifications [RFQ], Request for Proposals [RFP], presentation and interview stages with several... Read more of this article

Video: 20 Minute Interview With Aecon President

Video: 20 Minute Interview With Aecon President

[Written by Ayo Johnson] Aecon will likely sell its stake in Bermuda’s new airport once its completed, according to senior executive Steve Nackan. “Aecon is a developer and a builder. Our traditional approach is to take a project from the inception/development phase, build it, get it to a steady state. At that point its very common in our business... Read more of this article

OBMI Selected For Airport Development Project

OBMI Selected For Airport Development Project

Aecon Construction Group Inc. announced the engagement of the Bermuda office of OBMI as local architects for phase one of the airport redevelopment project. “The appointment of OBMI follows an extensive competitive selection process that included Request for Qualifications [RFQ], Request for Proposals [RFP], presentation and interview stages,”... Read more of this article

Airport Redevelopment Project Consultations

Airport Redevelopment Project Consultations

Aecon has retained LAS Int’l Consulting and Bermuda Environmental Consulting to undertake a Scoping Study as part of the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment process for the redevelopment of Bermuda’s airport, and the public is invited to consultation to seek feedback on the social and environmental issues that need to be considered. The... Read more of this article