Hashtag: #AmericanPoliticians

Premier Meets Florida Civic & Business Leaders

Premier Meets Florida Civic & Business Leaders

Premier David Burt was welcomed to Miami and Miami Beach by both cities’ respective new mayors yesterday [Dec 5], during a visit arranged by the Bermuda Business Development Agency [BDA] to meet Florida civic and business leaders. The one-day visit included meetings with the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce, and the Mayors of Miami and Miami Beach,... Read more of this article

Column: The Pattern Behind Trump’s Retweets

Column: The Pattern Behind Trump’s Retweets

[Opinion column written by Jennifer Mercieca] On Nov. 29, President Trump retweeted a series of videos that purported to depict violence committed by Muslims. They had originated from the account of a far-right British ultranationalist who had been convicted for harassing a Muslim. The backlash was swift, with British Prime Minister Theresa May saying... Read more of this article

Sanders Calls For U.S. Congress To Investigate

Sanders Calls For U.S. Congress To Investigate

Following the release of the Paradise Papers, former Democratic Presidential candidate Senator Bernie Sanders has written a letter calling on the U.S. Congress to conduct an investigation. Senator Sanders, a self described democratic socialist who is the longest serving independent member of Congress in American history, wrote to Republican Senator... Read more of this article

President Trump Tweets At Bermuda Resident

President Trump Tweets At Bermuda Resident

U.S. President Donald Trump, who is known for his prolific presence on Twitter, recently tweeted his thanks to Bermuda resident John Layfield. The tweet — which got almost 13,000 retweets and 49,000 likes — included a video of Mr Layfield on Fox News, and said, “Thank you @JCLayfield — will get even better as my Administration... Read more of this article

Photos: Gathering To Support Women’s March

Photos: Gathering To Support Women’s March

[Updated with video] People are gathering this morning [Jan 21] in Queen Elizabeth Park in Hamilton, showing solidarity with women in the U.S. and around the globe, where thousands are participating in the Women’s March on Washington and more than 600 sister marches are taking place across the world. The events are taking place the day after President... Read more of this article

Premier Extends Thanks To President Obama

Premier Extends Thanks To President Obama

This weekend, Premier Michael Dunkley wrote to President Barack Obama to extend his well-wishes to the outgoing President and express his “deepest appreciation and admiration” for his eight years of service to the people of the United States of America and beyond, on behalf of Bermuda. In the letter, Premier Dunkley said, “Bermudians,... Read more of this article

Column: ‘A Healthy Democracy Needs All Of Us’

Column: ‘A Healthy Democracy Needs All Of Us’

[Opinion column written by Glenn Fubler] The eloquence of United States President, Barack Obama continued to flow in his ‘Farewell Speech’ this past Tuesday evening, in his hometown of Chicago. While it was aimed at his fellow Americans, its message contained a universal theme, applicable to global citizens. He reminded the audience that he took... Read more of this article

Clinton Extends Thanks For ‘Thoughtful’ Letter

Clinton Extends Thanks For ‘Thoughtful’ Letter

Hillary Clinton has written to Premier Michael Dunkley to thank him for his “thoughtful and heartfelt letter” following the U.S. Presidential election held late last year. A Government spokesperson said, “The public may recall that on November 9th, 2016, Premier Michael Dunkley wrote to President-Elect Donald Trump to extended well... Read more of this article

Column: ‘Ralph Nader Champion For People’

Column: ‘Ralph Nader Champion For People’

[Opinion column written by Glenn Fubler] The BBC recently aired an interview from its archives, to mark November 30th, the date in 1965 when Ralph Nader published his first book, “Unsafe at Any Speed”. This maiden work by a 20-something author quickly became a Bestseller and ushered in an era when American citizens found their voices, moved beyond... Read more of this article

Donald Trump Wins U.S. Presidential Election

Donald Trump Wins U.S. Presidential Election

Bermuda residents joined many around the world in keeping a close eye on American news coverage to watch the United States Presidential Election unfold, with businessman Donald Trump winning the Presidency. The Republican field began with 17 candidates, and Donald Trump claimed the Republican nomination, while Hillary Clinton was the Democratic nominee,... Read more of this article

Bermuda Mentions In ‘Podesta Email’ Leaks

Bermuda Mentions In ‘Podesta Email’ Leaks

While most of them appear to refer to items that have already been publicly reported, mentions of Bermuda can be found in the ‘Podesta Emails’, a mass release of emails by Wikileaks which were apparently obtained by hacking the emails of Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta [pictured]. A search of the Wikileaks website shows that... Read more of this article

Dr Ewart Brown Attends White House Dinner

Dr Ewart Brown Attends White House Dinner

Those watching the broadcast of the White House Correspondents’ Dinner this weekend may have seen a familiar face, as former Premier Dr Ewart Brown was in attendance, and was shown on television as the cameras panned the crowd. The black-tie event brings together journalists, politicians and celebrities, and involves speeches making fun of both... Read more of this article