Hashtag: #AmericanPoliticians

US Consulate: “Urge Citizens To Avoid Areas”

US Consulate: “Urge Citizens To Avoid Areas”

The U.S. Consulate alerted U.S. citizens to “continuing protests in Hamilton” and said while the “demonstrations have been largely peaceful” they “urge citizens to avoid areas of demonstrations, and ask that they exercise caution if in the vicinity of any large gatherings, protests, or demonstrations.” The statement... Read more of this article

Sen. Sanders Mentions Bermuda Again In Debate

Sen. Sanders Mentions Bermuda Again In Debate

Bermuda was mentioned again during last night’s U.S. Presidential Democratic Debate, with Senator Bernie Sanders saying “profitable corporations are stashing their profits in the Cayman Islands, Bermuda and in other tax havens.” In reply to a question about how he would pay for one of his proposals, Senator Sanders said, “We have... Read more of this article

Bloomberg Rules Out Running For U.S. President

Bloomberg Rules Out Running For U.S. President

Former New York City Mayor and regular Bermuda visitor Michael Bloomberg said he will not run for President of the United States, saying that it is clear he cannot win. In an article on Bloomberg view, Mr Bloomberg said, “Over the course of American history, both parties have tended to nominate presidential candidates who stay close to and build... Read more of this article

State Dept Release Slayton’s Resignation Letter

State Dept Release Slayton’s Resignation Letter

The U.S State Department released 500+ more emails from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s email account on Friday, with one of them being former US Consul Gregory Slayton’s resignation letter, in which he says “when we arrived in September of 2005, respect and admiration for the US was near a 25 year low in Bermuda and the US... Read more of this article

Larry Ellison Gives $4M To Rubio Super PAC

Larry Ellison Gives $4M To Rubio Super PAC

Tech billionaire Larry Ellison — the owner of defending America’s Cup champion Oracle Team USA — has given $4 million overall to the super PAC supporting Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio, according to a report by Politico. The story said, “A super PAC supporting Marco Rubio’s presidential campaign raised $2.5 million... Read more of this article

Hillary Clinton Emails Mention Bermuda/Uighurs

Hillary Clinton Emails Mention Bermuda/Uighurs

“I have a time sensitive matter to discuss re Guantanamo detainees and Bermuda,” Hillary Clinton appeared to have emailed in June 2009, according to one of her recently released emails. Mrs Clinton directed the email to Cheryl Mills, who served as her chief of staff at that time. Mrs Clinton — who served as U.S. Secretary of State... Read more of this article

Bernie Sanders “Will Do Away With Loopholes”

Bernie Sanders “Will Do Away With Loopholes”

Bermuda got a mention during last night’s U.S. Presidential Democratic Debate, with Senator Bernie Sanders saying he will “do away with the outrageous loopholes” that allow “corporations to stash billions of dollars in the Cayman Islands and Bermuda.” Bernie Sanders said, “So yes, I will do away with the outrageous... Read more of this article

Bloomberg Confirms He’s Considering Running

Bloomberg Confirms He’s Considering Running

Former New York mayor and frequent Bermuda visitor Michael Bloomberg has confirmed that he is considering running for President of the United States, marking the first time the billionaire has confirmed that he is eyeing a presidential bid. In an interview with the Financial Times, he was “looking at all the options” when asked about a possible... Read more of this article

Report: Bloomberg Considering Presidential Bid

Report: Bloomberg Considering Presidential Bid

Former New York City Mayor and regular Bermuda visitor Michael Bloomberg is considering a third-party bid for president and would be willing to spend at least $1 billion of his fortune on it, according to the New York Times. The Times reports that Mr Bloomberg has instructed advisers to draw up plans for a potential independent campaign in this year’s... Read more of this article

Column: Bermuda Is Legitimate Business Centre

Column: Bermuda Is Legitimate Business Centre

[Opinion column written by Larry Burchall] Hillary Clinton’s promise to go after “High-income money managers…[who]..use loopholes related to foreign reinsurance – often located in Bermuda – to avoid paying their fair share.. [of US taxes]” and saying that she would “end the Bermuda reinsurance loophole” is a serious statement from a... Read more of this article

Clinton: “End Bermuda Reinsurance Loophole”

Clinton: “End Bermuda Reinsurance Loophole”

[Updated] “High-income money managers have used loopholes related to foreign reinsurance – often located in Bermuda – to avoid paying their fair share,” U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said, adding that she would “end the Bermuda reinsurance loophole.” Her official campaign website recently released... Read more of this article

US Passes Bill Relating To Visa Waiver Program

US Passes Bill Relating To Visa Waiver Program

Following the recent terrorist attacks, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a Bill tightening aspects of the visa waiver program that affects citizens of 38 countries. The visa waiver program currently makes it possible for citizens from 38 approved countries to travel to the United States for up to 90 days without first applying for a visa. The... Read more of this article