Hashtag: #BermudaCahow

Video: Nemo CahowCam1 Chick Has Fledged

Video: Nemo CahowCam1 Chick Has Fledged

At 2.03am on May 25, the Cahow chick named ‘Nemo’ of burrow #831 – from which CahowCam1 has been live streaming – fledged. Jeremy Madeiros, Chief Terrestrial Conservation Officer, The Department of the Environment and Natural Resources, said, “At 86 days old, this is one of the shortest Cahow fledging times that I have... Read more of this article

2020 Cahow Nesting Season Proving Successful

2020 Cahow Nesting Season Proving Successful

The 2020 Cahow nesting season has seen 134 breeding pairs produce 68 confirmed chicks, with all but two chicks at good or above average weights. A spokesperson said, “The 2020 Cahow nesting season has a record number of 134 breeding pairs, which have produced 68 confirmed chicks.” Jeremy Madeiros, Principle Conservation Officer, said, “After... Read more of this article

Video: Second Cahow Chick Revealed

Video: Second Cahow Chick Revealed

As scientists, students, and viewers from around the world watched online, a second Cahow chick hatched live on camera, following the first hatching of the season on February 28. A spokesperson said, “Scientists, students, and followers around the world were watching as the new chick in the CahowCam2 burrow was finally revealed. “Its peeps... Read more of this article

‘Hatching Alert’ For Online Cahow Cam

‘Hatching Alert’ For Online Cahow Cam

The egg on CahowCam2 is on “hatching alert” this evening [March 6] and the operators are urging people to tune in to watch it live via www.nonsuchisland.com March 6th 2020 | CahowCam2 parent with its egg which is expected to hatch soon “The egg being watched in CahowCam2 has now reached its 48th day of incubation so if all goes well... Read more of this article

Video: Cahow Chick Hatches Live On Camera

Video: Cahow Chick Hatches Live On Camera

As the Nonsuch Expeditions team and viewers from around the world watched online, a Cahow chick in burrow #831 hatched at approximately 12.00am on Friday, February 28, officially launching the 2020 CahowCam season. This the eighth season that the team has been live streaming from the underground nesting burrows on Nonsuch Island, during which tens of... Read more of this article

BUEI Talks “Bermuda’s Cahows” On January 29

BUEI Talks “Bermuda’s Cahows” On January 29

The Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute [BUEI] and the Bermuda Audubon Society will present a talk entitled “Bermuda’s Cahows” with Jeremy Madeiros on Wednesday, January 29th. The event poster says, “Join us for an evening with Jeremy Madeiros, principle conservation officer for the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Jeremy... Read more of this article

Video: Female Cahow Returns And Lays Egg

Video: Female Cahow Returns And Lays Egg

Nonsuch Island has a new resident, as a female Cahow recently returned to Burrow #831 in the Translocation Colony A to lay her egg, all while being “being attentively observed by her mate.” A spokesperson said, “The female Cahow has returned to burrow #831, in Translocation Colony A on Nonsuch Island in Bermuda from which CahowCam... Read more of this article

Offshore Boat Trips To View Bermuda Cahows

Offshore Boat Trips To View Bermuda Cahows

The Bermuda Audubon Society, together with the Bermuda Zoological Society will be offering offshore boat trips to view Bermuda Cahows starting November 9th until November 23rd. A spokesperson said, “Our Cahows are back! The Bermuda Audubon Society in conjunction with the Bermuda Zoological Society will be offering offshore boat trips to view... Read more of this article

BPOTY Support Bermuda Cahow Initiative

BPOTY Support Bermuda Cahow Initiative

One of the world’s leading bird photography contests has taken a Bermuda Audubon Society programme aimed at boosting Cahow numbers under its wing. Established in 2016, the annual online Bird Photographer of the Year Competition draws tens of thousands of entrants. Describing itself as a “celebration of avian beauty and diversity, and a tribute... Read more of this article

Video: CahowCam Chick Fledged Out To Sea

Video: CahowCam Chick Fledged Out To Sea

At 1.32am on June 7th, “Cedar” — this years’ star CahowCam chick — fledged out to sea with thousands of followers around the world watching in real time, and, according to the experts, if all goes well she will return in 3 to 5 years, often times landing within yards of her original nesting burrow. “She is one of five that... Read more of this article

Holographic Display Created Of Cahow Bird

Holographic Display Created Of Cahow Bird

Bermuda’s Cahows have been highlighted in a modern way, with the Looking Glass company creating an impressive looking holographic display of a Cahow’s nest, with the company saying it is done with a hope to develop techniques as an “alternative to viewing animals in captivity.” “Holograms present the illusion that something... Read more of this article

Fourth Live Cam Launched On Nonsuch Island

Fourth Live Cam Launched On Nonsuch Island

In celebration of World Environment Day, the Nonsuch Expeditions in partnership with the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and the Dept. of the Environment and Natural Resources have officially launched their 4th Live Cam on Nonsuch Island. This new camera is located in Nonsuch Island Translocation Colony A, and unlike the existing nest Cams, is above ground,... Read more of this article