Hashtag: #BermudianaBeachResort

Minister On Bermudiana Beach Resort Launch

Minister On Bermudiana Beach Resort Launch

Phase 1 which comprises “70 of the 111 keys will come online in July next year with the remaining 41 units in 2021,” Minister of Tourism and Transport Zane DeSilva said in reference to the Bermudiana Beach Resort. The property was originally named Grand Atlantic and scheduled to be housing development, however after the units did not sell... Read more of this article

Video: Bermudiana Beach Ribbon Cutting

Video: Bermudiana Beach Ribbon Cutting

[Updated] A ribbon cutting ceremony is being held this afternoon [July 17] for the Bermudiana Beach Resort in Warwick. Last year it was announced that the property — which was originally planned to be the Grand Atlantic housing development – will become a “new mid market boutique resort to to be re-named the Bermudiana Beach Resort.” Update:... Read more of this article

Column: 100 Homes, Grand Atlantic, Housing

Column: 100 Homes, Grand Atlantic, Housing

[Opinion column written by Trevor Moniz] On Friday in the House of Assembly the story of the 100 Homes project in Ireland Island South continued. In the morning I was allowed by the Speaker to give a ‘personal explanation’ to record on the Hansard the correction of untrue statements made by the Minister of Public Works Lt/Col David Burch. The Minister... Read more of this article

Bill For Tax Relief For Bermudiana Beach Resort

Bill For Tax Relief For Bermudiana Beach Resort

A Bill tabled in Parliament seeks to offer relief from customs duty, hotel occupancy tax and exemption from the employer’s share of the payroll tax for a period of ten years for the Bermudiana Beach Resort. Titled the “Tourism Investment [Bermudiana Beach Resort] Order 2018,” the Bill is in relation to the Grand Atlantic property on the... Read more of this article

Senator Answers Questions On Grand Atlantic

Senator Answers Questions On Grand Atlantic

The 78 Grand Atlantic condos are vacant, the approximate annual operating and staffing costs are $168,400, and the plans with the property are advancing. This was stated as Junior Minister for Public Works Vance Campbell responded to questions in the Senate from Opposition Senator Marcus Jones relating to the Grand Atlantic development on South Shore... Read more of this article

Column: Project Will Create Opportunities

Column: Project Will Create Opportunities

[Opinion column written by Junior Minister for Tourism Senator Crystal Caesar] Recently, the Government began a legislative process that will see the Grand Atlantic transformed into Bermuda’s next hotel property. This project, which will be known as the Bermudiana Beach Resort, creates a tremendous set of opportunities for Bermudians and Bermuda... Read more of this article

Audio: BHC/Grand Atlantic Discussion In Senate

Audio: BHC/Grand Atlantic Discussion In Senate

The Bermuda Housing Amendment Act 2018 — which relates to the Grand Atlantic development — passed in the Senate this week, with the Bill having already passed in the House. The Bill seeks to amend the Bermuda Housing Act 1980 in relation to the powers of the Bermuda Housing Corporation to “provide statutory exemptions from stamp duty... Read more of this article

Videos: Update On Plans For Grand Atlantic

Videos: Update On Plans For Grand Atlantic

[Updated] Minister of Public Works Lt/Col David Burch, joined by Minister of Tourism & Economic Development Jamahl Simmons and Robert MacLellan, held a press briefing this afternoon [March 28] to provide an update on the plans for the Grand Atlantic property in Warwick. It was announced the property will become a “new mid market boutique resort... Read more of this article

Minister Confirms: Grand Atlantic MOU Expired

Minister Confirms: Grand Atlantic MOU Expired

The MOU in relation to the Grand Atlantic property has expired, Public Works Minister Craig Cannonier said this morning [Feb 26] in the House of Assembly. Grand Atlantic was planned by the previous administration as a housing development, however only one unit sold in the first six months, and the Government announced it will be taken over by Caribbean-based... Read more of this article

America’s Cup Team Moving Into Grand Atlantic

America’s Cup Team Moving Into Grand Atlantic

Team Oracle — which is due to be housed in the Dockyard area which is presently under construction — will move into the Grand Atlantic development starting in April for approximately three months, the Government announced today [Mar 27]. A spokesperson said, “The Bermuda Housing Corporation [BHC], in conjunction with the Bermudiana... Read more of this article

Parliamentarians Discuss $9M Grand Atlantic Fee

Parliamentarians Discuss $9M Grand Atlantic Fee

[Updated] Public Works Minister Craig Cannonier told the House of Assembly the developer will be paying $9 million over four years for the Grand Atlantic Development. “The Grand Atlantic loan balance currently stands at $36.7 million,” Minister Cannonier said. “It is anticipated that the agreement with the new developers for Grand... Read more of this article

Update On Plans For Grand Atlantic Development

Update On Plans For Grand Atlantic Development

The Government announced that the Bermudiana Beach Resort development team lead partner, MacLellan and Associates, has provided them “with a Memorandum of Understanding Presentation Pack which provides documentation for the specified conditions set forth in their agreement to acquire the development property currently known as Grand Atlantic.” Last... Read more of this article

Second Extension Given On Grand Atlantic MOU

Second Extension Given On Grand Atlantic MOU

[Updated with videos] Grand Atlantic developers MacLellan & Associates have been granted a further 120 day extension to the MOU, Minister of Public Works Patricia Gordon-Pamplin said this morning [Nov 14]. Earlier this year MacLellan & Associates entered into an MOU with the Government to “upgrade and reposition” the Grand Atlantic development,... Read more of this article

PLP Oppose “Attempt To Displace A Family”

PLP Oppose “Attempt To Displace A Family”

The latest attempt to displace the last remaining residents of the Grand Atlantic Development is one that “we condemn and pledge to oppose with every measure at our disposal,” Shadow Tourism Minister Zane DeSilva said today. In a statement earlier this week the Government said, ““The remaining lone occupants of the development have... Read more of this article

MOU Extension For Bermudiana Beach Resort

MOU Extension For Bermudiana Beach Resort

The Bermudiana Beach Resort has been granted a 90-day extension to the MOU, and the Ministry has also noted that the remaining lone occupants of the Grand Atlantic development have “thus far refused all offers to relocate. ” The Ministry of Public Works said that they have been granted a 90-day extension to the Memorandum of Understanding... Read more of this article

Warwick MP: Residents Should Be Consulted

Warwick MP: Residents Should Be Consulted

Lawrence Scott — the MP for Warwick South East — said the One Bermuda Alliance Cabinet and what he termed the “alleged independent environmental activist” group BEST have “continued to articulate plans” for the proposed revised Grand Atlantic project “without formally meeting with the residents of the area who... Read more of this article