Hashtag: #DecriminalizationOfMarijuana

Police Cannabis Caution Policy Draft Released

Police Cannabis Caution Policy Draft Released

The weight of the cannabis must be under three grams and the offender must not have other drugs on them are two aspects of the draft of the guidance of the police caution policy for a person arrested for simple possession of cannabis. The information was released today by Director of Public Prosecutions Larry Mussenden, who said he intends to “formally... Read more of this article

Column: Rabain On Cannabis Decriminalisation

Column: Rabain On Cannabis Decriminalisation

[Opinion column written by Diallo Rabain] Recently, while sitting in the barbershop, the topic of decriminalisation came up. As one of the newest MPs I can easily recollect recent history of knocking on doors where this topic was raised at many homes. So, I was keen to engage in the conversation to see where these young men’s minds were at on the... Read more of this article

AG On Govt’s Efforts To Reform Cannabis Laws

AG On Govt’s Efforts To Reform Cannabis Laws

Attorney-General Trevor Moniz said he was “pleased to hear” that the PLP is “onboard with the Government’s plan to decriminalize possession of small amounts of cannabis,” adding that “the Government committed to doing so in last November’s Throne Speech and has initiated consultations with the Department of Public Prosecutions... Read more of this article

PLP To Table Decriminalisation Of Cannabis Bill

PLP To Table Decriminalisation Of Cannabis Bill

On Friday, the PLP will table the ‘Decriminalisation of Cannabis Bill 2017′ which proposes measures including decriminalizing the possession of cannabis under the statutory minimum of 7 grams, Shadow Attorney-General Michael Scott said today. Mr Scott said, “The Bill consists of 5 clauses, which decriminalize the possession of cannabis... Read more of this article

Feedback Invited: Police Cautions For Cannabis

Feedback Invited: Police Cautions For Cannabis

Parliament recently passed an Act which empowers the Director of Public Prosecutions to issue a guidance for formal police cautions, and Director of Public Prosecutions Larry Mussenden said he is considering issuing guidance for simple possession of cannabis, and is interested in hearing the views of the general public. Mr Mussenden said, “Recently,... Read more of this article

Poll Results On Decriminalisation Of Marijuana

Poll Results On Decriminalisation Of Marijuana

37.8% of voters support marijuana decriminalisation, 36.6% preferred legalisation with government regulation and 19.4% wanted current laws to remain the same, according to a recent poll released by Profiles of Bermuda. In releasing the poll results the company said, “While the results are not statistically significant from last year, there is... Read more of this article

Cannabis Reform Rally Held In Hamilton

Cannabis Reform Rally Held In Hamilton

A Cannabis Reform Rally is being held today [Apr 20] at Parliament, calling for the “decriminalization, regulation and tax [or other reform] of cannabis.” “Are you in favor of the decriminalization, regulation and tax [or other reform] of cannabis? Want to find out what effective cannabis policy could mean for Bermuda? Do you feel... Read more of this article

Jamaica Senate Passes New Marijuana Law

Jamaica Senate Passes New Marijuana Law

In Jamaica on Friday [Feb 7], the Senate passed Dangerous Drugs Amendment Act 2015 following two weeks of debate. The new law would see the possession of up to two ounces of cannabis a non-arrestable offence. A Jamaican Gleaner report said, “The Dangerous Drugs Amendment Act 2015 will make the possession of up to two ounces of ganja a non-arrestable... Read more of this article

Medical Use Of ‘Cannabis Containing Products’

Medical Use Of ‘Cannabis Containing Products’

Government revealed in today’s [Nov 7] Throne Speech, that the Legislature “will be invited to approve” legal amendments to permit the use of what they said were “specific forms of cannabinoid drugs [cannabis-containing products] for medical purposes.” In addition, the Throne Speech said the Caution Policy “will be... Read more of this article

Cannabis Activists Protest Outside OBA HQ

Cannabis Activists Protest Outside OBA HQ

A group of protesters, led by cannabis activist Alan Gordon, gathered outside the One Bermuda Alliance’s headquarters on Reid Street yesterday evening [Sept 2] to protest the government’s policy on cannabis. The OBA held a meeting yesterday, and as the MPs left the building they were greeted by Mr. Gordon and his fellow activists, who were... Read more of this article

Cannabis Activist Plans Public Rally At OBA HQ

Cannabis Activist Plans Public Rally At OBA HQ

The OBA’s next caucus meeting on Tuesday, September 2, will “meet a rebellion” against a “trick the Government played on gravely ill and dying patients”, says cannabis activist Alan Gordon. Mr. Gordon said that last January, Minister Michael Dunkley “told the public that compassionate cannabis permit applications could be... Read more of this article

Opinion: Implementation Of Cannabis Reform

Opinion: Implementation Of Cannabis Reform

[Opinion column written by Jonathan Starling] I’m sure many Bermudians who have been following the ongoing parliamentary debate about cannabis reform are extremely disappointed with the low calibre of this important discussion by our ‘Honourable’ MPs. While credit must be given to the OBA for initiating the Cannabis Reform Collaborative and its... Read more of this article