Hashtag: #MaricoBassett

Shooter To Serve 10 Yrs Before Parole Eligibility
Marico Bassett — who was convicted of a shooting Randy Lightbourne — appeared before the Appeals Court who ruled that the time he must serve before being considered for parole is reduced to ten years. In December 2011 had been sentenced to 25 years in prison, with the Court ordering he must serve half the sentence before being considered... Read more of this article

Marico Bassett Jailed For 25 Years
This morning [Dec.6] Marico Bassett, who was convicted of shooting a man in broad daylight outside a West End bar, was sentenced to 25 years in prison, and must serve half the sentence before being considered for parole. During the sentencing, Chief Justice Richard Ground said that Mr Bassett had “shown no remorse,” and had a number of past... Read more of this article

Bassett Convicted Of Attempted Murder
Marico Bassett, who shot a man in broad daylight outside a West End bar, was convicted of attempted murder by a Supreme Court jury yesterday [Oct. 28]. Mr. Bassett, 21, gunned down 45-year-old Randy Lightbourne outside the Charing Cross Tavern in July, 2010. At an earlier Supreme Court trial in March Mr. Bassett was found guilty on a charge of unlawfully... Read more of this article
Bassett Guilty on Ammo Charge, Retrial Ordered
[Updated with photo & video] Just past 6pm this evening [Mar 10] Marico Bassett was found guilty on Count Three, which was a charge of unlawfully possessing ammunition. He was not, however, found guilty on the attempted murder charge, as the jury was unable to reach a verdict. A retrial was ordered. Count One was a charge of attempted murder, and... Read more of this article

Jury To Deliberate: Attempted Murder
[Updated] This morning [Mar.10] in Supreme Court Justice Greaves summed up the Marico Bassett shooting case. After directing the jury, Justice Greaves said that a key issue in this trial was the matter of identification. He said that the jury must ask the question: “Has the complainant identified the defendant?” He said that the jury must... Read more of this article

Jury’s Instructions: Charing Cross Shooting Trial
In Supreme Court this morning [Mar.9], in the case involving the alleged shooting of Randy Lightbourne by Marico Bassett, both the Prosecution with Mr Carrington Mahoney presenting for the Crown, and Mr Marc Daniels arguing for Mr Bassett, finished their presentations to the twelve person jury today. Randy Lightbourne, 45, previously told the jury that... Read more of this article
Gun Linked To Other Shootings
The gun used in the Randolph Lightbourne shooting last summer has been linked to multiple West End shootings — including last month’s murder of Colford Ferguson, ZBM News reported this evening [Mar. 8]. At the ongoing Marico Bassett [pictured] Supreme Court attempted murder trial, Police testimony revealed the weapon used to shoot Mr. Lightbourne... Read more of this article

Victim Describes Moment of Shooting
A Somerset man who survived being shot seven times last year has told the Supreme Court the man who opened fire on him was defendant Marico Bassett [pictured below], allegedly a member of a west end gang. Randy Lightbourne, 45, told a Supreme Court jury that he had recognised Mr. Bassett when the alleged gunman rode a motorcyle into the parking lot... Read more of this article

Video: Maybury & Bassett Court Appearance
The video below shows Alvone Maybury and Marico Bassett being brought, under heavy Police guard, into Magistrates Court this morning (July 27). Mr Maybury, who is alleged to have escaped custody two weeks ago, was charged with escaping lawful custody and was brought out from court in wrist and ankle restraints. Mr Bassett was charged with the attempted... Read more of this article
Marico Bassett Charged With Attempted Murder
This morning [July 28] 19-year-old Marico Bassett of Loyalty Drive, Sandys Parish was charged in Magistrates Court with the attempted murder of 44 year old Randolph “Randy” Lightbourne which occurred five days ago on July 23 in Sandy’s Parish. He did not enter a plea as the matter must be heard in Supreme Court and was remanded in... Read more of this article