Hashtag: #OBA

OBA: “Electioneering, Tourism & Reality”

OBA: “Electioneering, Tourism & Reality”

[Updated] If  Tourism Minister Wayne Furbert’s boasts that his new ‘So much more’ marketing campaign is working, why is it that the largest hotel on the Island is offering bargain basement prices to attract business, OBA Shadow Minister for Tourism Shawn Crockwell asked. Mr Crockwell said: “If demand was picking up, and projections are... Read more of this article

OBA’s R. Wayne Scott: ‘It’s Time For A Change’

OBA’s R. Wayne Scott: ‘It’s Time For A Change’

[Opinion column written by R Wayne Scott] Bernews published a long column by Col David Burch a few days ago, in which he argued that the Progressive Labour Party had done many good things for Bermuda during their 14 years in office. The One Bermuda Alliance agrees. No one wants to deny or diminish the good things the PLP has done. In fact, we thought... Read more of this article

OBA: ‘You Have The Vote, You Have The Power’

OBA: ‘You Have The Vote, You Have The Power’

[Updated] In the weeks ahead the Government will do all it can to spin and distort what the OBA says but no amount of spin can diminish the hardships, pressures and anxiety its policies have created, Opposition Leader Craig Cannonier said. Mr Cannnonier was speaking at a One Bermuda Alliance press conference this morning [Nov 9], which was held following... Read more of this article

One Bermuda Alliance Throne Speech Reply

One Bermuda Alliance Throne Speech Reply

One Bermuda Alliance Leader Craig Cannonier was scheduled to deliver the Opposition’s Reply to the Throne Speech in the House of Assembly today [Nov 9], however that will not take place as Parliament has been dissolved following last night’s election call. The speech Mr Cannonier was due to deliver said: “The Throne Speech is not the... Read more of this article

Premier Cox Calls Election For December 17

Premier Cox Calls Election For December 17

[Updated with video, UBP & OBA comments] Premier Paula Cox has formally announced that the election will be held on Monday, December 17th, 2012. The Progressive Labour Party will be battling for a fourth term in power, while the One Bermuda Alliance will be hoping for the opposite result. Both the PLP and OBA are fielding a full slate of 36 candidates... Read more of this article

OBA Website Lists Bailey, Smith As Candidates

OBA Website Lists Bailey, Smith As Candidates

Although an official press conference has not yet been held to formally introduce Ed Bailey or Glen Smith as OBA candidates, the OBA has recently updated their website and lists both gentlemen as candidates. Mr Bailey [pictured] is listed as the candidate for C#34 Sandys South Central candidate, where he is known to have been canvassing for some time. He will... Read more of this article

OBA: ‘Use Half-Baked Results For Political Gain’

OBA: ‘Use Half-Baked Results For Political Gain’

[Updated] The early release of October air arrival figure last week by the Tourism Minister was nothing more than “an attempt to use half-baked results for political gain,” Shadow Minister for Tourism Shawn Crockwell said. Earlier this week Tourism Minister Wayne Furbert said that of October 25, 2012 show that 17,472 passengers visited the... Read more of this article

OBA: Speech Did Not Outline Economic Plans

OBA: Speech Did Not Outline Economic Plans

Bermuda should be very concerned in the midst of an economic crisis that has killed jobs for thousands and spread financial hardship across the country that the Government’s Throne Speech does not address the country’s number one need – which is jobs, Opposition Leader Craig Cannonier said. Mr Cannonier said the Government “outlined no economic... Read more of this article

OBA’s Jon Brunson To Challenge Zane DeSilva

OBA’s Jon Brunson To Challenge Zane DeSilva

[Updated with video] The One Bermuda Alliance confirmed that Jon Brunson will stand for them in Constituency #29 Southampton East, where he will challenge the PLP’s Zane DeSilva, who has already been confirmed as the candidate for the area. Mr Brunson is making a return to politics, having previously served as a UBP MP. Mr DeSilva moved from Constituency... Read more of this article

PLP & OBA On Report Of GDP Falling 3.5%

PLP & OBA On Report Of GDP Falling 3.5%

The Government was not thinking about the long-term security of the people when it “spent lavishly during the fat years” and their “waste, excess and arrogance” drove us into debt, Shadow Finance Minister Bob Richards said. Mr Richards was responding to a report released by the Department of Statistics which stated that Bermuda’s... Read more of this article

OBA: ‘PLP Trying To Deflect From Their Record’

OBA: ‘PLP Trying To Deflect From Their Record’

[Updated] The most important thing on the Government’s agenda is to tear down whatever we say on the issues to deflect people’s attention from their record, the One Bermuda Alliance said. This follows after the PLP press conference yesterday where they called the OBA’s brochure detailing some of their planned initiatives calling a “fairy tale... Read more of this article

OBA Release Brochure About Planned Initiatives

OBA Release Brochure About Planned Initiatives

[Updated with PLP response.] The One Bermuda Alliance today released a brochure [PDF] detailing some of the initiatives they plan to institute. Opposition Leader Craig Cannonier said: “The brochure does not represent our full platform – that will come when the election is called – but it does lay down our approach to getting Bermuda back... Read more of this article

Bob Richards Responds: Insurance Premiums

Bob Richards Responds: Insurance Premiums

[Updated] Shadow Finance Minister Bob Richards has responded to Premier Paula Cox saying that the OBA actually first raised this issue in the House of Assembly, while noting they “don’t care who takes credit for the idea” as part of their “approach to government will be to take on good ideas from whomever they originate.” Premier... Read more of this article

OBA: We Cannot Continue With Spin & Deception

OBA: We Cannot Continue With Spin & Deception

Speaking on the recent unemployment figures, Opposition Leader Craig Cannonier said the figures were “alarming” and said we cannot continue to go on with the “spin and deception.” Noting that the unemployment rate has doubled since 2009, Mr Cannonier said: “The reality of Bermuda’s story is this, we are not headed... Read more of this article

One Bermuda Alliance Hosts Public Forum

One Bermuda Alliance Hosts Public Forum

The One Bermuda Alliance hosted a Sandys South Town Hall last night [Oct 17] at the Dalton Tucker Primary School. Topics of discussion included crime, the economy, employment, education, senior citizens and more. The panelists were Opposition Leader Craig Cannonier, Shadow Finance Minister Bob Richards, OBA MP Louise Jackson as well as OBA candidates... Read more of this article

OBA: Government Ordered Ads Removed

OBA: Government Ordered Ads Removed

[Updated] Shadow Minister for Transportation Pat Gordon-Pamplin has spoken out against the removal of OBA advertising posters from bus shelters calling it an “act of political censorship,” while the PLP said it is “highly inappropriate to have political advertising on government property.” The OBA had purchased the ads through... Read more of this article