Hashtag: #Offbeat

Truck Gets ‘Stuck’ On Speed Bump In Flatts
A truck has apparently become stuck on top of the speed bump in Flatts today [Nov 30], with the vehicle seen sitting stationary on the speed bump since late this morning. The driver was seen out of the vehicle helping to direct traffic around the truck, which at our last check today was still ‘stuck’ with another truck on scene preparing... Read more of this article

Mexican Free-Tailed Bat ‘Visiting’ Bermuda
Bermuda has welcomed an unusual visitor, with a Mexican free-tailed bat spotted on the island, and according to the Bermuda National Trust this is the first time this particular type of bat has been recorded in Bermuda. “The Mexican free-tailed bat has made an appearance in Bermuda for the first time on record,” the BNT said. “Native... Read more of this article

CoH To Correct “Kerp Clear” Marking In Hamilton
The Corporation of Hamilton said they will be correcting the “Kerp Clear” road marking located on Front Street, and explained that what happened was an “oversight” as the “worker only had one ‘E’ stencil so he used the ‘R’ as a place-marker when laying out the word with the intent to re-use the ‘E’ after he... Read more of this article

Reza Baluchi Placed In Psychiatric Hospital In US
Reza Baluchi — who keeps trying to travel from Florida to Bermuda in a bubble — was reportedly committed to a Jacksonville psychiatric hospital under the Florida Mental Health Act after making his third attempt at the 1,000 mile journey. In his effort to avoid the Coast Guard, Mr Baluchi tried to begin his latest attempt from international waters,... Read more of this article

Snake Euthanized After Being Found In Sandys
A snake sighted in Sandys — which is believed to be a non-venomous Pueblan milk snake — was “humanely euthanized,” the Department of Environment and Natural Resources has confirmed, adding that the “introduction of snakes to the island’s natural environment could potentially be extremely harmful.” A spokesperson... Read more of this article

Police Probe Into CCTV Crash Footage Release
Following the circulation of CCTV footage showing a police motorcyclist colliding with another police officer who was on foot, the police said they have “commenced an internal enquiry to determine how the CCTV footage was released without authorization.” A police spokesperson said, “A video clip has made its way into the public domain... Read more of this article

Man To Make Second Attempt To Travel In Bubble
[Updated] Reza Baluchi — who was rescued by the Coast Guard in 2014 while attempting to travel 1,000 miles to Bermuda in a bubble — is attempting to travel to Bermuda again today, according to a story by the Sun Sentinel. He set off from Florida, but was “pushed back to shore by the wind” last night, however apparently plans to give... Read more of this article

One Man Protest Outside North Rock Restaurant
A one-man protest took place outside of North Rock Restaurant on South Road this afternoon [March 2] with the protest, which resulted in the police being called, centered around some form of issue alleged to involve pay stubs. The protester, who identified himself as Carlos Swan, told Bernews, “My boss wants to call the police to get my pay stub.... Read more of this article

Honk If This Morning’s Ignorance Got You Vexed
“Honk if this morning’s ignorance got you vexed,” is the latest sign to grace East Broadway, with the sign visible on the road this evening, following after this morning’s protest which saw at least one protester holding a sign saying “honk if you support us.” The sign on East Broadway follows after the protest this... Read more of this article

BPS: Report Of Woman Being “Blown Off” Cycle
The police are urging the motoring public to “drive and ride with caution as the winds are presently very high,” adding that “there is already one report of a woman being blown off of her cycle.” A police spokesperson said, “The motoring public should be advised to please drive and ride with caution as the winds are presently... Read more of this article

Crabs Travel 3,000 Miles From Bermuda On Buoy
Six Columbus crabs have travelled 3,000 miles from Bermuda on the back of a barnacle encrusted buoy to wash up on an English beach, according to a story in the Western Morning News. The story said ”Six rare Columbus crabs have travelled 3,000 miles from Bermuda on the back of a barnacle encrusted buoy to wash up on a Westcountry beach. “Conservationist... Read more of this article

Police & BAMZ Attend Report Of “Wild Animal”
[Updated with video. Police, BAMZ and Parks Dept officials attended the Cooper’s Island area after they received a report of what they termed a “large” and “wild animal,” which is now believed to have been a feral cat from St David’s] The police are on scene at the Cooper’s Island area in St David’s this... Read more of this article