Hashtag: #PLP

Photos: PLP Branch Christmas Hamper Drive

Photos: PLP Branch Christmas Hamper Drive

The members of PLP Branch Constituency 15 held their annual Christmas Hamper Drive at Grace Methodist Church today [Dec 17]. Doors opened at 8.00am where they welcomed donations of non-perishable food items and toiletries to be given in hampers for needy individuals and families in the community. Following the hamper drive, there was a Christmas party... Read more of this article

Photos: PLP MPs Host Back To School Fun Day

Photos: PLP MPs Host Back To School Fun Day

The Progressive Labour Party Constituencies 14, 15, 16, and 21 hosted their Back To School Fun Day at Victor Scott Primary School field on this afternoon [Aug 20], with school students from across the island joining area MPs Michael Weeks, Walter Roban, and Rolfe Commissiong. The event featured snowballs, hamburgers, hot dogs, tattoos, free clothes,... Read more of this article

PLP Condemns Robbery at Continental Motors

PLP Condemns Robbery at Continental Motors

Acting Deputy Leader and Shadow Minister of Home Affairs, MP Walter Roban today [May 8] condemned the robbery at Continental Motors on Friday afternoon saying National Security Minister Michael Dunkley should “provide the leadership and resources needed to combat our growing crime rates”. MP Roban said, “The Bermuda Progressive Labour... Read more of this article

PLP Congratulate Patrick Nisbett & Nahki Wells

PLP Congratulate Patrick Nisbett & Nahki Wells

Shadow Minister of Health and Community Affairs Michael Weeks congratulated Patrick Nisbett on winning his class at the World Cup China competition and also extended his congratulations to footballer Nahki Wells who received three awards at the end of season ceremony held by Huddersfield Town. Me Weeks said, “As our Bermudian athletes continue... Read more of this article

Premier, PLP Offer Condolences To James Family

Premier, PLP Offer Condolences To James Family

Premier Michael Dunkley and the Progressive Labour Party have extended their condolences following the passing of former United Bermuda Party government Finance Minister Dr. Clarence James. Premier Michael Dunkley said this evening, “On behalf of the Government of Bermuda, I extend our sympathies to the family of the late Dr. Clarence James, one of... Read more of this article

PLP To Host Meeting On Airport Redevelopment

PLP To Host Meeting On Airport Redevelopment

The Progressive Labour Party will be hosting a Town Hall meeting on the Airport Redevelopment Project on Tuesday, April 19 at 7.30pm at the St. George’s Cricket Club. A spokesperson said, “The Bermuda Progressive Labour Party, Constituency #2, St. George’s West, invites concerned residents of the East End to a Town Hall meeting on... Read more of this article

PLP Constituency 18 To Hold Seniors Tea

PLP Constituency 18 To Hold Seniors Tea

The Executive of the Pembroke West Central Branch of the Progressive Labour Party invites local seniors to their 5th Annual Seniors Tea. “The annual event, started in 2012, is held every year on the Saturday after Easter and is eagerly anticipated by local residents,” a spokesperson said. “This year’s event will be held on Saturday,... Read more of this article

PLP Highlights Athletic Achievements Overseas

PLP Highlights Athletic Achievements Overseas

Shadow Minister of Community, Culture, Sports and Health, MP Michael Weeks tonight [March 24] highlighted the achievements of athletes representing Bermuda overseas while wishing “all of our international athletes well in their fields of competition”. MP Weeks said, “As our athletes continue to represent Bermuda on the world stage,... Read more of this article

PLP: “We Urge Premier To Withdraw This Bill”

PLP: “We Urge Premier To Withdraw This Bill”

“The business of the country is on hold, the country’s budget has not been passed, public services have been affected, trash continues to pile up on the streets, racial tension is escalating” and we “urge Premier Dunkley to withdraw this bill so that the country can step back from the precipice,” said Deputy PLP Leader David... Read more of this article

PLP On Same Sex Marriage Referendum Bill

PLP On Same Sex Marriage Referendum Bill

“The OBA’s constantly shifting position on same sex marriage is lacking in openness and transparency and has been unfair to the electorate,” the Progressive Labour Party said this evening [Feb 29]. This follows after the announcement earlier today by Premier Michael Dunkley that the Government will table a Referendum Bill so “that... Read more of this article

PLP To Host Free Health Screening On Feb 13

PLP To Host Free Health Screening On Feb 13

On Saturday, February 13, the PLP western branches, including constituencies 33 through 36, will be hosting a free health screening to celebrate the party’s 53 years of existence. Professionals will be available to run a variety of tests, with the entire community invited to attend. The event will take place from 10.00am to 1.00pm at Alaska Hall. A... Read more of this article

PLP Condemns Armed Robbery At Restaurant

PLP Condemns Armed Robbery At Restaurant

Following the robbery at the Four Star Pizza in Warwick last night [Dec 26], the Progressive Labour Party has expressed concerns that “the worsening economic conditions, ongoing job losses and cuts to the Police budget could see a continuance of this trend into the new year.” Shadow Minister of Home Affairs, Walter Roban said, “The... Read more of this article

PLP Will Host Free Holiday Fish Fry Tomorrow

PLP Will Host Free Holiday Fish Fry Tomorrow

Hosted by party leader Marc Bean, party chairman Maynard Dill, and the party executive, the Progressive Labour Party will be hosting a free fish fry tomorrow [Dec 16] from 4.00pm until the food runs out. A spokesperson said, “Hosted by the Leader, Marc Bean, Party Chairman, Mr. Maynard Dill, and the Party Executive, in appreciation of the support... Read more of this article

PLP On Junior Leaders Programme Funding

PLP On Junior Leaders Programme Funding

The Progressive Labour Party [PLP] is calling on the OBA government to “start putting the welfare, health, and future of our youth first and foremost” with Shadow National Security Minister, Walter Roban saying, “We call on the OBA to reassess its priority of neglect and deprivation of our youth, seniors, and families over the past... Read more of this article

PLP To Hold Fish Fry On September 30th

PLP To Hold Fish Fry On September 30th

The Progressive Labour Party Will be holding a Fish Fry on Wednesday [Sept 30th] at PLP HQ, and the menu is set to include fresh Bermuda fish, curry chicken, baked chicken, peas & rice, coleslaw, ginger bread and more. A spokesperson said, “Entry fee is only $15. Additionally, there will be membership forms available for current members to... Read more of this article

PLP To Hold East End Town Hall On Airport

PLP To Hold East End Town Hall On Airport

The PLP will be hosting a Town Hall on the airport project at 7pm this Thursday [Sept 17] at St. George’s Cricket Club, where they said the “panelists will review the independent Deloitte report which highlighted numerous deficiencies in the OBA’s approach to this important project.” A PLP spokesperson said, “The One Bermuda... Read more of this article