Hashtag: #SportsHelmet-CamVideos

Videos: Powerboat S-20 In Around The Island
The Rubis Around the Island Power Boat Race was held on Sunday [Aug 17] with this year’s power boat race being sponsored by Rubis Energy who also put up a $10,000 purse for the event. Steve Bridges and Aaron Sims have raced together for a few years now in the twenty eight foot Skater S-20. The edited highlight videos below give us an inside... Read more of this article

Videos: S-57 ‘Catlow’ Racing Around The Island
The shorelines were crowded with onlookers on Sunday [Aug 17] when the 2014 Around the Island Powerboat Race took place, with sponsor Rubis putting up a $10,000 purse for the event. Cameron Harris and Lavon Seymour racing in S-57 “Catlow” were the second boat to cross the finish line at Ferry Reach in a time of 40.49. Their course time... Read more of this article

Video: Racer’s Viewpoint In Winners Edge Race
More than 130 cyclists started the Winners Edge road race earlier this week [Apr 6] on a tough course which started at Prospect and headed east on Middle Road and then back along North Shore Road, Palmetto Road, and Frog Lane. The hilly route took its toll on riders in all categories and created opportunities for groups to distance themselves from the... Read more of this article

Video: Motocross Racing On-Bike Camera View
Motocross races are traditionally held on Boxing Day, and this year was no different with racers taking to the track today [Dec 26] at Southside Motorsports Park, St David’s. B class rider #17 Jonah Smith was kind enough to let Bernews place a camera on his motorcycle, allowing everyone to get a glimpse of the high speed action and twists &... Read more of this article

Videos: Motorcycle, Gokart Races Helmet Cam
Both the Bermuda Motorcycle Racing Club and Bermuda Karting Club held races on Sunday [Oct 20] at the Southside track, and the videos below allow you to catch the high speed action from the racer’s viewpoint. Filmed from a camera placed on the actual gokart/motorcycle, the footage shows the twist and turns from the drivers’s unique perspective. View... Read more of this article

Video: Round The Island Race On-Board Cam
Ryan Davidge and Andrew Osborne [FB16] took line honors at the 2013 Around The Island Race on Sunday [Aug 11] setting a new class record time of 46:56, and you can watch the race from their perspective in the video below. Filmed using an on-board camera, the video shows the top speed race around the island from the vantage point of the actual driver.... Read more of this article

Videos: Go-Kart Racing GoPro & Regular View
The 2012/13 Bermuda Karting Club season continued at the South Side Moto Sports Park on Sunday [Jan 6] with a round of racing taking place in the afternoon. Class winners for the day included Amber Lopes, Scott Barnes, Ryan Burgess, Blake Horseman, Corey Lewis, and Ryan Lopes. You can view the videos of the day’s racing below, a photo gallery... Read more of this article

Video: Go-Kart Races On Board Racer’s View
The Bermuda Karting Club season continued at the South Side Moto Sports Park on Sunday [Nov 25] with a full slate of races. Scott Barnes drove to victory three times in the TAG Senior Class and twice in the 125cc Shifter Class, withS tephen Corrado winning the other race. Owen DeCosta won two of the three races in the Junior Stock Clone 10-15years... Read more of this article

Videos: Powerboat Race On-Board Camera
Spanish Point Boat Club saw scores of spectators turn out on Sunday [Oct 7] to watch the last races of the Bermuda Powerboat Association 2012 Season. A total of thirteen boats were out for the racing which saw action take place in the Great Sound off the Boat Club grounds. Vendors were on hand providing ice cream, food and refreshments. View all our... Read more of this article

Video: S20 Around The Island Powerboat Race
[Updated] Steven Bridges and Aaron Sims zoomed around the entire island in only 33 minutes and 45 seconds during Sunday’s [Aug 12] Around the Island powerboat race, claiming second place in the S class. The video below shows the view of the top speed 33-minute race around the island from the vantage point of the actual driver, as well as takes... Read more of this article

Video: Round The Island Race On-Board Cam
[Updated] During today’s [Aug 12] Around the Island powerboat race, FB55 was equipped with a camera, and the video below shows a look at the top speed 47-minute spin around the island from the view of a powerboat racer. Brothers Tonka and Stacey Simpson were first across the line and won the class in a record setting time of 47 minutes and 10... Read more of this article

Karting Results & Helmet Camera Video
Bermuda Karting Association Racing continued on Sunday [Apr.1] at the Southside Motor Sports Park, with Preston Martins, Jahnazae Swan and Al Seymour Jr all winning a race in the Junior In-Clone 12 – 15 Year Old Class racing. Ryan Lopes won three of the three Junior In-Clone 7 – 12 Years Old Class races, while Scott Barnes won two of the three... Read more of this article