Gunshots Fired In Sandys Parish, No Injuries

June 26, 2013

At around midnight shots were fired in the Valley Lane, Sandys area, however there were no reported injuries.

A police spokesperson said, “Around midnight on Wednesday, June 26th police officers responded to a report of gunshots in the Valley Lane, Sandys parish area. Forensic evidence confirmed a firearm was discharged; however there were no reported injuries.

“Inquiries into this incident are ongoing and any witnesses or anyone with any information is encouraged to contact the Somerset Criminal Investigation Unit on 234-1010 or the independent and confidential Crime Stoppers hotline on 800-8477.”

This breaks what has been firearm incident free period, with the last firearm incident that was confirmed by the police taking place in April 2013, when a 19-year-old was shot in the Curving Avenue area.

In addition another act of violence took place within a similar time frame at the other end of the island, with a 21-year-old man being fatally wounded in an assault at Bailey’s Bay Cricket Club at around 1.30am.

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Comments (17)

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  1. Family Man says:

    The tribes are restless.

    • Terry says:

      Not the “tribes” at all.
      It’s the Chief that is missing.

  2. Nok says:

    the a$$es are at it again I wish they will pull the trigger on themselves!!!!!

  3. Opressed says:

    Aaaahhhhhhh, the sounds of summer!

  4. Father God, thank you for Mercy says:

    So the churches decide to hold a day or a week of public prayer and they think that it will solve everything? You can not play with God He is not to be mocked. Why can’t you all come together more often, put your ideologies aside and find out what is it that God wants instead of all of you doing your own thing.

    Is there any wonder why the island seems to be falling apart at the seams; it’s your fault, yes you, the ‘Christians’.

    You are meant to be the salt of the earth, the light of the world, but instead you have conformed and you have lost your savor.

    You Bermuda are meant to be the lighthouse in the middle of the Atlantic that is to be a beacon for the world to see but you have chosen to run after other God’s (Careers, Cars, Houses, Education, Politics, Money, Drugs, Alcohol etc.)


    • Anti says:

      Yeah but my church is the only correct church ;) pride and arrogance, selfishness and greed are surely decaying the people of Bermuda, unfortunately…

    • I feel your passion to see the right things take place, but the reality is that people will be people the world over. unfortunately the church can not be held accountable or responsible for the actions of fools who want to be a menace to society.

      Then you have some bright scholar that will say parents are to blame, and I don’t agree with that rational either, we live in a day and time that we all need to be our brothers keeper, regardless if you are Christian or not and quite frankly this is one of the more major areas we have drop the ball.

      The Church can preach Jesus Christ all they want, if those in the community still want to reject Him and then try and force the gay agenda down our throats by legislating what God did not ordain , what else would you expect from a society gone mad.

      • Family Man says:

        So you agree all that praying and braying was a complete waste of time.

        • I truly understand why God himself in the Bible had to do one of the greatest miracles known to men, He made a jackass talk because He knew down through the corridors of times jackasses will always be speaking.

          I don’t have anything against those that came together in prayer and no where did you read that I was attacking the church or those that come together in prayer.

          read what I said again and this time, get the real message that is being sent, it would amaze you when you decide to let your ignorance take a break and actually use that pea wea of a brain God bless you with.

  5. Father God, thank you for Mercy says:

    So the churches decide to hold a day or a week of public prayer and they think that it will solve everything? You can not play with God He is not to be mocked. Why can’t you all come together more often, put your ideologies aside and find out what is it that God wants instead of all of you doing your own thing.

    Is there any wonder why the island seems to be falling apart at the seams; it’s your fault, yes you, the ‘Christians’.

    You are meant to be the salt of the earth, the light of the world, but instead you have conformed and you have lost your savor.

    You Bermuda are meant to be the lighthouse in the middle of the Atlantic that is to be a beacon for the world to see but you have chosen to run after other God’s (Careers, Cars, Houses, Education, Politics, Money, Drugs, Alcohol etc.)

    Then you have the audacity to blame the way things are on these young people, how dare you! They are only harvesting the seeds that you sowed.

    You want to see a change you want things to turn around for the better, there is only one solution and will only ever be one. REPENT and turn from your perverse ways:

    2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, (who goes around calling themselves by his name, CHRISTIANS)shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

    It is you so called ‘Christians’ that are holding Bermuda hostage, and the sad things it is not exclusive to you, it is the world over and sadly there are only a minority that have not bowed their knee.

    You all keep crying out “When is this madness going to end, well there is the answer”. When you each take responsibility for where you have grossly gone wrong, stop pointing your finger at everyone else and then stop talking that you are a Christian but live it.


    • Again you are incorrect and maybe over zealous but I admire this about you, If you take and read the entire Bible from cover to cover, you would truly understand that it actually gets worst then this up ahead, but those of us who are blood washed in Jesus blood have had our lives redeemed from destruction.

      God makes promises for His chosen and He does it based on covenants he made with our forefathers, He keeps His promises and if you read one simple scripture that gives a simple but profound covenant, you may think a little more openly.

      For what so ever a man sowed, that shall he also reap. I always say to folk that you can go rob a bank, then before you get caught, you find God or religion and ask for forgiveness, that is good but when the law officials find that you are the one who broke into that bank, no amount of finding God or religion is going to stop the penalty for robbing that bank.

      So likewise when a man shoots and kills another with a gun or wound with a weapon, you will pay the penalty for it. so stop making it out like the church can stop a man from a willful act that he or she wanted to commit.

  6. Y-Gurl says:

    Here we go again, not much chance of the cops catching these clowns

  7. 30+ says:

    Sounds like these guys are warming up for hunting season!!!!

    Before you do something stupid……….thing about the 30+ years you will get. After doing 30+ they will not call you Kungfu you’re new name will be Kelly.

  8. Rockfish#2 says:


    A police spokesperson said, “Around midnight on Wednesday, June 26th police officers responded to a report of gunshots in the Valley Lane, Sandys parish area

    Please confirm the time/ date of this incident. It is now 10.02/ Wednesday 26 June.

  9. Muff diver says:

    More previous govment fallout.

  10. Dee Dee says:

    It seems like every time gunshots are heard through the night …. unfortunately and regrettably, within 7 days afterwards, someone gets shot. Am I the only one that sees that pattern??