Video/Photo Set #2: Explosion Damages House

October 16, 2013

[Updated with video] A massive explosion shook Devonshire at around 6.25pm this evening [Oct 16], leaving an Ariel Sands property with significant damage and the surrounding area strewn with debris after sections of the property’s roof, walls and windows were blown off.

The Police and Fire Service both confirmed that no one was injured, however they did say at least one person was taken away for medical care, with the Police saying the person was treated for shock.

Devonshire Explosion Bermuda, October 16, 2013-6

As Fire Service personnel went about investigating the scene, some of the residents of neighbouring houses were leaving with suitcases in tow.

There was a construction firm truck in the vicinity and workmen could be seen assisting some home owners secure their damaged properties for the night. As the evening went on, some people curious to see the damaged area were attempting to enter the property to have a first hand look.

Devonshire Explosion Bermuda, October 16, 2013-3

Debris could be seen strewn across many nearby properties showing the long distances the roof pieces, electrical supplies and concrete had flown from the force of the explosion.

“There was significant damage to the residence involved,” said the police spokesperson. “In addition, surrounding residences had windows shattered as a result. Inquiries into the cause of this explosion are ongoing.”

One of the neighbours said he was in shock after hearing the explosion, and said “it looked like a bomb had gone off” on the property.

The sound of the explosion extended past the immediate area, with Bernews readers reporting hearing it as far away as Paget and Smiths, as well as all through the Devonshire area including Hermitage Road, Lindos, Devonshire Bay, Middle Road, Brighton Hill and more.

Saying the investigation was just getting underway, neither the Police or Fire Service confirmed the cause of the explosion.

See our initial story here, and click to enlarge the photos below:

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Comments (13)

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  1. Goodidea Badidea says:

    Middle road and tee st. Heard it.

  2. Davie Kerr says:

    Just very glad nobody hurt, apart from the person treated for shock: definitely an underwear-changing event!

  3. William says:

    That looks like a very reliable water heater / boiler gun . It might be something like a water pump failed , the water heater calling for heat, no low water or secondary high limit, someone opened a valve , the thing flashed to steam and the water heater went kablooy. about two years ago a guy put a plug in a pop off valves place the thing flashed to steam it went off like a rocket straight up thru the 93 floors out the roof and shot across the sky like a rocket in Seattle Washington … there is a short video on water heater explosions related to steam.

  4. Justin says:

    Lucky all round, but show’s how strong Bermuda houses are. That would have leveled a brick built house.

  5. ella says:

    OMG I have not even read this article but thank God no one was injured or killed!

  6. The Ombudsman makes a statement and says:


    • Arthur - Atlanta says:

      As one of the comments to that video article mentioned, that could have happened with the older type water heaters in the past, but the modern day water heaters have safety valves etc. and the most that could happen would be a flooded house and I have attended dozens of those types of water heater related incidents.
      Compare the video explosion of myth busters and the video on Bernews of the actual explosion and they are two totally different explosions. The Bda one showed a fire/flame component like a missile strike or gasoline explosion would cause. The mythbusters explosion was mainly dust and debris related.

  7. swing voter says:

    hey man that looks preeety bad. I’ve seen shoot-outs on JCAN tv where bullets hit them things and sent them a mile high in the air.

  8. Observer says:

    Cheaply built places!