Opinion: Senator Rabain On Silence Of OBA

June 20, 2014

Diallo Rabain[Opinion column written by PLP Senator Diallo Rabain] OBA Senator Lynn Woolridge recently attacked PLP Leader Marc Bean, focusing on the manner in which he has spoken in the House of Parliament.

Politicians are afforded a platform to speak for their constituents and the people of Bermuda. ‎The House of Assembly and the Senate are venues in which we are supposed to bring the concerns of those we represent.

The Opposition Leader has proven time and time again that he is willing to stand up for what he believes to be right and speak his mind on these topics. This is always done in the spirit of wanting a Bermuda that looks out for its citizens and does right by them.

The irony that Sen. Woolridge would choose to attack Mr. Bean for speaking up for Bermudians is beyond belief. The OBA has shown us a legacy of putting certain persons out front to do the speaking with a willing chorus of background singers who never openly express any opinion of their own.

Senator Woolridge and the majority of her fellow senators will happily re-read Ministerial Statements that have already been read in the House of Assembly and choose to remain mostly silent on bills, motions and the Motion to Adjourn in the Senate. Sadly this is typical of any OBA parliamentarians sitting in the backbench as well.

Bermudians should be able to count on their OBA representatives to stand up and speak their opinion vs toeing the party line and remaining mute. OBA parliamentarians seemingly lack any fortitude to stand up and speak when given the opportunity. Instead Bermudians get these cut and paste jobs from political consultants with a Senator or MP’s picture attached.

The silence from Sen. Woolridge and others on matters that have had a profound effect on our island is indeed deafening. Most recently the Jetgate drama has virtually brought legislation to a grinding halt. The senate has met 6 times in 6 months and has not passed any legislation since March. Sen. Woolridge and her fellow Senators have amazingly sat virtually mute the entire time. In fact, there will be no House of Assembly meeting this week Friday either.

When the former Premier deliberately misled the people of Bermuda in Parliament leading to his resignation and the resignation of the AG and and when it was revealed $300,000 was paid into a secret account to fund an “underground” election campaign, the OBA Senators remained mute the entire time.

‎‎Only those who are fully committed to truth and integrity will stand up speak to the concerns of working and middle class Bermudians. For a Senate team whose legacy is turning a blind eye and remaining silent over issues within their party that has sullied the name and reputation of Bermuda, I find Sen. Woolridge’s op-ed to be hypocritical to say the least. Sadly, sitting mute will probably always be the hallmark of the OBA background choir.

So in summation here are the recent actions of Senator Woolridge and other OBA MPs and Senators:

  • They sat silent when the OBA considered giving children of work permit holders the right to work in Bermuda during summer school breaks‎, directly to compete against Bermudian students.
  • They sat silent when the OBA ended term limits allowing work permit holders to potentially work here indefinitely.
  • They sat silent when the OBA Deputy Chairman called Bermudians xenophobic. ‎
  • They sat silent when MP Pettingill called Bermudian Christians kool aid drinkers
  • They sat silent when the former Premier stole the referendum from the people of Bermuda. ‎
  • They sit silent as the Tourism Authority refuses to tell Bermudians how $23 million of taxpayer funds is being spent‎.
  • They sat silent while the former Premier and other OBA officials misled Bermuda over JetGate
  • They now sit silent while the OBA is about to potentially give Bermudian Status to thousands on PRC Holders, thereby affecting you and your children’s ability to gain employment and to purchase Bermudian property.

While they remain mute on these issues, the PLP Parliamentary team will stand strong for Bermudians.

Bermuda, are Senator Woolridge and the OBA speaking up for you? Or do they remain mute on issues that truly affect you and your children?

- Diallo Rabain

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Comments (77)

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  1. Raymond Ray says:

    I’m sorry Senator Robain but, we haven’t yet been shown, (nor told) where the couple BILLION dollars went when the Progressive Labour Party were our Govt. Party.(It was more like the P.L.P. stood for, “People Living it up Party”. We’re having a party :-(

    • Anon says:

      What I’m seeing and reading on the blogs is that people are angry, and getting angrier by the day with all this stupidity and the political games being played by the PLP instead of getting on with what’s important. I think we’re going to see more and more a back lash from taxpayers to stop all this nonsense and just get on with it. Outsource, outsource, outsource all this other stuff is just background noise at this point.

      • Black Soil says:

        Dear Diallo…..the OBA are simply trying to fix the HELL MESS the PLP left us. Your party has already said in the global media that you supports institutionalized classism in Bermuda. How IRONIC. That’s right, the PLP only cares about political power. To hell with human rights. This is why the PLP will loose the next general election. You give persons NOTHING to vote FOR. You just want to stir the hate-pot (which involves lots of lying) to get people to vote against the OBA.

        • STANDING STRONG BDA says:

          Well written article Sen. Rabain.
          Do not expect too many great comments from the OBA core supporters. It will touch at the raw core of their nerves. This indicates you have been successful at making some very significant points.

          But remember that there are many others whom do not brother to comment or write on the blogs who also support your political perspective. The political strategy of the OBA is to attack any PLP MPs or Senator that writes on this site. SO do not be concern.

          Well done ! Brilliant, just the number of negative comments reveals how you have hit at the nerve of the OBA supporters.

          “Truth is often difficult for many of OBA supporters to accept.”

          Well written piece.

          • Come Correct says:

            Yea, ok Betty, sure. No bias here.

            • Ian says:

              Gotta love the hypocrisy when you folks throw words like bias around…

              • LOL (Original TM*) says:

                As much as when the PLP through around the Tea party thing…………………….


    • watching says:

      absolute lies. there has been no missing billions and this lie has been allowed to perpetuate forever.

      • jt says:

        Qualified audits suggest 800 million unless I have misread.

      • Anon says:

        The islands debt increased by $2B+ while the PLP were in power. Do you need to see bank statements to believe it. That number doesn’t even include the over $2B+ in unfunded pension liabilities. Lie? Seriously, these types of naïvely blind comments scare the heck out of me. Do you need the IMF to come to your house and explain it to you….because trust me that’s a very definitely possibility Bermuda.

        Lies? FFS SMH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • Redo says:

        Seriously? Have you been under a rock or in a coma? I’ll just assume you are being sarcastic because no one is that stupid.

    • blah blah says:

      This is exactly what the PLP are talking about. The OBA never give answers. To say that is what the PLP did does not solve anything and in fact it makes thing worse. Why when good questions are asked do the OBA apologists point fingers rather than asking their leadership for answers. From what I can see the OBA is as bad if not worse than the PLP because they lied and continue to do so. If we are honest with ourselves we would all agree the the OBA government has been a failure.

      • LOL (Original TM*) says:

        depends if we messure it against the former for comparitive reasons they are still less a failure than the PLP government…..

        LOL still a failure but what make you think any want to go back to the former administration

    • Steve Biko says:

      Why is everyone acting SPECIAL we all know when Black associated entities screw up its a disaster but when White associated entities screw up its , well ok!!!!!LMFAO

      • campervan says:

        that sounds whiny. take some personal responsibility, stop blaming and move on. put your big boy pays on already.

      • LOL (Original TM*) says:

        All I have to say it Booooooo.


  2. Hmmm says:

    Hopeless opinion… if every elected person spoke up on each raised comment, then the whole day would be full of poinless opinions and personal views. WE DO NOT PAY YOU TO REPRESENT YOURSELVES.


    Leave the opinions to us on blogs, and go do some work.

    • Impressive says:

      Are you serious?? I mean really?? Leave the opinions for us on blogs,, what next,, Its friday right,, time for the weekend..

      • Hmmm says:

        So you’d rather every elected member spout their opinion !

        Nothing would ever be done in the house.

    • JustAskin2 says:

      You want Bermuda to be run by the opinions of alleged racist, bigoted, greedy, selfish blogs? What ignorance…

  3. Red eye says:

    How did the PLP put Bermuda in soooo much debt!? Silence!

    • LOL (Original TM*) says:

      where have you been its been listed like 40 times all over this and many other sites

  4. Unbelievable says:

    Yeah but the big difference is that the OBA was not silent and so they held themselves accountable and so they are cleaning house. Their first Premier resigned over the controversy.

    I don’t think that is something the PLP ever did in it’s 14 years of office. In fact, it pretty much pulled the wool over the eyes of its own i.e. Jennifer Smith. The OBA have not been quite spiffy clean in this past year but the PLP really hasn’t got much to say for itself either.

    • blah blah says:

      And your new leader promised us a response yet we have nothing. If what you are say was actually true Shawn Crookwell would be gone too. And Mark would resign rather than crookedly wearing the 2 hats.

  5. aceboy says:

    All Preparation and no H summs up the PLP.

  6. Ace girl says:

    Senator Rabain, to quote Mark Twain, one of our former tourists, ‘it is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool, than to open it and remove all doubt”. Get the message Senator?

  7. Build a Better Bermuda says:

    The hypocrisy in this opinion piece is that this is exactly what the PLP do as well.

    As for his claim that Mr. Bean is speaking up for Bermudians, is nothing short of political flatulence, what has been going on these last few weeks with Mr. Bean speaking in the house has been his own personal points of view and opinions, and has been nothing but disruption to government business. If what his say represents Bermuda and Bermudians, then it is a real p!$$ poor showing about where we are as a people, community and society.

    Mr. Rabin, at least the OBA had the decency of providing Bermuda with a new leader when their old one stop representing the country, the PLP would rather sit back quietly in the hopes that their supporters believe that there is some sort of solidarity and unity in the party. We know there is turmoil and division behind the PLP closed doors, it has been there for decades, the only people you fool are those who allow themselves to be fooled.

  8. Navin Johnson says:

    Not sure how the recent outbursts by Bean qualifies as standing up for Bermudians….

  9. Tolerate says:

    So an opinion column written by an OBA Senator on the inappropriate actions of the Opposition Leader (which where) is followed up by an opinion column written by a PLP Senator?
    The use of language and actions was questioned in an opinion column; now Mr. Rabain questions that opinion in his opinion column?
    Can’t make this sh** up. No wonder we are going nowhere fast. Here’s my opinion; I don’t care what your opinions are (both parties) just stop the bulls*** time wasting and get on with it.

  10. Starting Point says:

    “Politicians are afforded a platform to speak for their constituents and the people of Bermuda. ”

    “The Opposition Leader has proven time and time again that he is willing to stand up for what he believes to be right and speak his mind on these topics.”

    Senator, if you are not focused enough to contradict yourself in your second and third paragraph, perhaps you should not be speaking at all…..

    Marc should be speaking for his constituents, however he is speaking for himself……

    • careca says:

      vote PLP….let us smoke some stuff or drink some tea…..

  11. watching says:

    I don’t think Senator Rabain was excusing Mr Bean’s comments, but I think his point was that it is ironic for Senator Woolridge to be so vocal on this one aspect, but so quiet on many other aspects of her Party’s governance. And in that regard, he is absolutely correct.

    • sonso says:

      all rabain was aiming to do in this letter was stir that proverbial pot! and to that same point, it is even MORE ironic that rabain is also very vocal only on one aspect, and that one aspect is tearing down the OBA!

      • Anon Ymous says:

        Agreed! I don’t believe I’ve seen any comment from the opposition so far regards the ferry debacle….strange, since they are usually quick to dive in where political points can be scored….oh, wait a minute, I think I got it!

    • Redo says:

      What’s ironic is the fact that the PLP has the b@lls to ask the OBA about money when they still owe the country $ billions!!! Ironic AND STUPID! Get the skeletons out of your own closet before even daring to ask about anyone else. #justplainstupid

      • Raymond Ray says:

        I also thank you Redo…As a matter of fact, “they are pissing into the winds”. As said by Susan Sontag, an author and critic,(1933-2004)”Interpretation is the revenge of the intellect upon art”

    • Keepin' it Real!...4Real! says:

      Opinions are like A$$#@les…everybody is got one.

  12. Starting Point says:

    So in summation here are the recent actions of Senator Woolridge and other OBA MPs and Senators:

    They sat silent when the OBA considered giving children of work permit holders the right to work in Bermuda during summer school breaks‎, directly to compete against Bermudian students.

    so the PLP is now against people thinking….

    They sat silent when the OBA ended term limits allowing work permit holders to potentially work here indefinitely.

    And yet we still need more workers….

    They sat silent when the OBA Deputy Chairman called Bermudians xenophobic.

    he was using the PLP definition of Bermudians…i.e the PLP, who are xenophobic.

    They sat silent when MP Pettingill called Bermudian Christians kool aid drinkers

    Kool aid can be very refreshing, although high in sugar

    They sat silent when the former Premier stole the referendum from the people of Bermuda. ‎

    The referendum did occur, it is called the 2012 election.

    They sit silent as the Tourism Authority refuses to tell Bermudians how $23 million of taxpayer funds is being spent‎.

    surprised there PLP notices 23 mil, they averaged that on every capital project they undertook.

    They sat silent while the former Premier and other OBA officials misled Bermuda over JetGate

    except that they pushed out said premier – actions speak louder than words…

    They now sit silent while the OBA is about to potentially give Bermudian Status to thousands on PRC Holders, thereby affecting you and your children’s ability to gain employment and to purchase Bermudian property.

    Better silent than vocal like the PLP government who drafted the law to give Status to PRC holders…

    • Anon says:

      Sorry but a lot of the PLP are xenophobic. Just ask any Filipino what some of their experiences have been in the last 5 years. I know, I know, Filipinos are taking away jobs from hard working Bermudians who aren’t even applying….but you’re not one of those xenophobe types, right?

    • jt says:

      Lie…prc’s getting status will have no such affect on Bermudians. They are here now…working…owning property…renting…paying taxes. ..volunteering. ..contributing.
      Explain clearly how prc holders getting status negatively impacts Bermudians…other than just saying “it will”, not one person has been able to do so.

      • Ian says:

        You really think the vast majority of PRC holders own property when the market they are limited to is comparable to the market foreign buyers are limited to? You are in complete denial if you cannot admit that by making thousands of people “Bermudian” with the stroke of a pen, its not going to take opportunities away from average Bermudians on the real estate front. Think about how many of those PRC-holders have been thriving on years on corporate housing/tuition/travel/utility allowances while they moan about being second class citizens. And now, with the buying power they have had the luxury of building over time, they should get the opportunity to complete with average REAL Bermudians for property ownership. Give me a fri@&in break. The OBA deserves the massive waves of backlash it gets if they attempt to push through this ill-conceived, however nonetheless predicted, strategy to bolster their support base. Its hilarious how this “human rights” is all of a sudden a ‘hot topic’ now that they are in power. Yet the fact REAL Bermudians are experiencing home foreclosures is hardly a blip on the OBA [cheerleaders'] radar.

        • hmmm says:

          Why do you assume PRC holders are all affluent. Shows how out of touch you and your PLP actually are.

          • Ian says:

            Im sorry… point out where I said “all” PRC holders are affluent. And try not to waste my time with an ignorant response…

        • SMH says:

          Do you personally know any PRCs? do you personally know any PRCs with housing allowances? Or do all white people have housing allowances? Do all expat have housing allowances? Scarily ignorant

          • Ian says:

            I do know PRCs and I do know PRCs with housing allowances AND much more in the way of subsidized living. The rest of your comments are just foolish and don’t speak to anything I have said above…

  13. JH says:

    ….and when we stood up and protested that your leader participated in human trafficking and brought four suspected terrorists here in complete secrecy under cover of night – we were called racists. A lynch mob.

  14. Steve Davis says:

    the truth is, Bermuda is over represented as it is. We have a political system that provides too many seats. I mean you have people in charge of a couple 1000 constituents, it really is not necessary. We have limited intellectual capital as it is on this Island, why no shrink the size of the house so that it can be more effective and efficient.

    The reason no legislation has been passed, is the PLP agenda to make that so. Last thing they want is the OBA to achieve anything worthwhile.

    This latest BIU/PLP wildcat strike is a classic example. Damage the future of the nation so the workers can do as they please. Time for the government to make some radical changes, the unions and privatization being the first port of call.

    The middle class relies heavily on the economy and on public transport! Why are the PLP trying to sabotage both!

  15. Hello says:

    Diallo, Really? From what I read the PLP appear to think being honest is their platform. I hear Marc talking about adultery and all kinds of stuff. I guess the PLP members don’t commit adultery, or do they? But, talking about platform, what is the PLP doing to help the Island or their brothers and sisters?

    I think the new drug testing policy has hit some serious nerves.

  16. GoodIdeaBadIdea says:

    I didn’t know that the house has become a radio talk show where the members are free to talk about everything that irks them about their opposition members. It’s not clever, it’s wasteful of time and taxpayer money. What is missing here is actual debate rather than mud slinging and innuendo.

  17. jt says:

    Some people speak only when they feel they have something of substance to contribute. Others speak constantly without consideration to substance.

    • sonso says:


    • Anon Ymous says:

      ‘Speak when you have something to say, not just because you have to say something!’

  18. Unbelievable says:

    Folks, let’s refrain from making rude and disgusting comments and calling names.

    Sen. Rabain is challenging someone who criticised Marc Bean’s rude comments. It makes it worse when we do it.

    • sonso says:

      I would have to disagree with you there kind sir. Unfortunately the attitudes and behaviours that we have seen up on the hill since 2000ish have permeated our culture to the core and it is evident not only in the blog world but all around us. Go stand at the bus stop around 3:45 and tell me what you see and hear!

      The level of discourse in the house needs to be upped, and upped immediately. I, like most level headed people just want to see forward progress for OUR country rather than this meaningless, and often overbearing, tit for tat strikes against fellow MPs!

      Just get to hell on with the peoples business!!

    • Terry says:

      The senator is just another attack dog being used by the PLP.
      Every other week he and others do same in their opinions.

      You are unbelievable in your comments.
      And yes the shoe fits for the OBA.
      Legislation has to come from the House before the Senate can deal with it and one does not pass anything on a whim or it looks good.

  19. Bermuda Boy says:

    Where did all the money go?

  20. Tax Payer Revolt NOW says:

    Good afternoon Bermuda.

    What happening on this Island is shameful. The nonsense in the House, Bus and Ferry strikes during the most important part of our tourism season.

    Personally I am sick to my stomach about hearing every Tom, Dick and Harry talking about how they are doing something positive for the people or Bermuda while they systematically tear the place down.

    We should demand value for our tax payer dollars–we deserve better.

    AND our where is our sense of pride and hospitality–letting our visitors stand in hour long lines because someone is getting remprimanded—honeslty–this is just ridiculous–..

    Careful what we wish for Bermuda–we may just get it–in abundance.

    Let’s start with the GVT and Opposition–lets stop wasting precious time and money with your theatrics and get to work like the balance of us…

    Just disgusting–smh

  21. Doctor do more says:

    Senator Rabain,do you drink Ganga tea?

  22. John Thorne says:

    What you are really saying is, the OBA is just like the PLP when they were silent while bankrupting the country! At least the OBA Premier admitted he made mistakes and resigned. The PLP still thinks they did a great job and the recession is to blame for all of the debt, millions of dollars unaccounted for, unemployment and all the problems the country is facing. We the people are not stupid! Where was the People’s campaign during the PLP’s reign of terror under Dr. Ewart Brown and Paula Cox?

  23. Joonya says:


  24. Really says:

    So Mr. Rabain is stating that some OBA members remains quite etc. It is better to be quite and let your work speak for itself. You really believe that by coming up with an opinion column to now criticize what Ms. Woolridge wrote is in some way beneficial? So you want to start a tit for tat then? I believe you need to mature and take what Ms. Woolridge said as constructive advice both for yourself and the rest of your party. Ms. Woolridge professionally and accurately stated the facts of what has recently been said by Mr. Bean. Mr. Bean is embarrassing many with his comments and needs to tone it down and have the opposition be an effective opposition rather than always trying to see the demise of the current government. Put Bermuda first and stop the self interest. As far as i am concerned, Ms. Woolridge is getting the job done in a professional way, one does not always have to be talking all the time for this to occur. I said it once and I will say it again, SILENT RIVERS RUN DEEP…Obviously The honorable Ms. Woolridge struck a cord which caused Mr. Rabain’s reply. I guess some people are not used to things being done without hostility and cannot see eye to eye with someone who carries out her job with integrity and dignity. I see Ms. Woolridge’s persona as someone who is a true role model to the youth of Bermuda. The only way we will get somewhere is with integrity, confidence, humbleness and cool heads.

  25. 32n64w says:

    They sat silent when the OBA considered giving children of work permit holders the right to work in Bermuda during summer school breaks‎, directly to compete against Bermudian students.
    - This remark is a complete red herring. Considering is completely different from doing.

    They sat silent when the OBA ended term limits allowing work permit holders to potentially work here indefinitely.
    - If the party makes a decision that is in Bermuda’s best interests in an attempt to revive an economy in the midst of a depression caused to a great extent by the inane policies of the PLP and their appetite to spend with abandon what needs to be said?

    They sat silent when the OBA Deputy Chairman called Bermudians xenophobic. ‎
    - Why say anything when he’s right? Just listen to the anti-foreigner vitriol on the radio or read stories in the paper.

    They sat silent when MP Pettingill called Bermudian Christians kool aid drinkers
    - This is taken completely out of context. Typical PLP spin. Why let the facts get in the way of a talking point, eh?

    They sat silent when the former Premier stole the referendum from the people of Bermuda. ‎
    - You can’t steal something that was never given. Using this failed logic the PLP stole millions when they rescinded their promised day care policy for ALL Bermudians. Nice try.

    They sit silent as the Tourism Authority refuses to tell Bermudians how $23 million of taxpayer funds is being spent‎.
    - Another misrepresentation. As far as I know they’ve elected not to disclose salaries which they consider a private matter. But while we’re on the topic, where was the PLP’s condemnation of the sweetheart deal then Minister Burgess gave his buddies to prepare a rank amateur report costing over $100,000?

    They sat silent while the former Premier and other OBA officials misled Bermuda over JetGate
    - The Premier’s resignation is a clear example of accountability. Where was the PLP’s condemnation of Uyghurgate, consecutive years of qualified audit opinions, the use of public funds to repair a wall on private property owned by an MP or hundreds of millions of budget overruns in capital projects … and that’s just the tip of the iceberg?

    They now sit silent while the OBA is about to potentially give Bermudian Status to thousands on PRC Holders, thereby affecting you and your children’s ability to gain employment and to purchase Bermudian property.
    - Didn’t you just complain above about Bermudians being called xenophobic? Great way to prove it by denying basic human rights for people that have called Bermuda home for more than 25 years, contributed great to our economy and society and made lasting connections for our collective well being.

    Senator Rabain, your observations are welcome as everyone is entitled to an opinion, but they would carry more weight if they weren’t burdened with hypocrisy and selective out of context snippets together with undeniable fact that taxpayers have inherited billions in debt as a DIRECT result of your party’s incompetence during their last two Premierships. The PLP’s silence from 2005-2012 was deafening!

    • Ian says:

      Talk about spin and drinking kool aid… In your played-out words… “its okay when they [OBA] do it…”. You are clearly programmed to view anything the OBA does as acceptable, or at the very least forgivable… Its always said when seemingly intelligent adults waste their wit on justifying blatant foolishness.

  26. street wise says:

    How can anyone with half a brain take the plp seriously…?!

  27. coolieh says:

    Mr. Rabain!
    Don’t compromise your christian principles!
    It’s not worth it!
    Be truthful and honest in all that you do! Be reflective!
    You my friend “sat there” through many more damaging things and sad nothing!
    This is why we are now financially be broke!
    Help, not hinder our recovery!


    P.S. If you believe what you wrote, God help us! Christian accept responsibility and are humble!

  28. Terry says:

    Operation Pressure Cooker.

  29. Blue Familiar says:

    Dear Senator Rabain,

    In response to your final questions posed: “Bermuda, are Senator Woolridge and the OBA speaking up for you? Or do they remain mute on issues that truly affect you and your children?”

    As a Bermudian (Born as well as generations of my family), I say respectfully, that I have no issues with the OBA regarding the topics you’ve covered.

    I believe that the OBA has the best interests of Bermuda, Bermudians and generations to come in mind.

    I don’t mind if the children of work permit holders have the right to work in Bermuda during summer school breaks‎, directly to compete against Bermudian students, because they are proper residents here, and they are children who deserve the same opportunities as our own children. There is nothing whatsoever wrong with competition.

    I don’t have a problem with ending term limits allowing work permit holders to potentially work here indefinitely. Potentially is the key word here. If a Bermudian can and is willing to do the job in the way an employer wants, then yes, the Bermudian should have the job. But if there is no Bermudian capable and/or willing to do the job as the employer wants I want that employer to stay in business and therefore they need to bring in ex-pat works.

    Personal experience has shown me that some Bermudians are xenophobic. ‎It’s not good, but it’s a fact, and if you’ve not run across it, you’re not out in the community where a cross section are present.

    Some Bermudian Christians are kool aid drinkers, in the definition that they will do whatever the leaders say regardless of whether it is logically, ethically or Christian to do so. (I happen to know where the term comes from.) Not all Christians. Not most Christians. But some do fall under that label. Like it or not, there are hypocrits everywhere.

    Okay, I don’t agree they should have pulled the referendum after promising it. I don’t even agree with the rationale they used behind it. But when it comes down to it, it’s not like it’s the big deal everyone seems to think it is.

    I don’t care how the Tourism Authority spends the money … right now. I’d like an accounting as things progress. And if we don’t see progress, then we can start to demand greater policing.

    I don’t feel misled by the former Premier and other OBA officials regarding ‘JetGate’. I care as much about it as I did when people started going on about it, which is not at all.

    If you’d been paying attention you’d know that the all such applications have been put on hold while waiting on the QC’s response. What’s happening is, instead of jumping the gun and doing something that POTENTIALLY could make matters worse, they’re taking the time to get it right. If you recall, action without full preparation is how we got this loophole in the first place.

    In the end, the OBA are by no means perfect, but so far they’re doing fine.

    The opposition now, I’m more than a little concerned about.

    Sure, Mr. Bean has no problems speaking his mind, but therein lies the problem. Mr. Bean doesn’t seem to know when he should keep his mouth shut. Most children learn at an early age how to carry themselves, and when and what is appropriate to be said at any given time. Mr. Bean seems to have lost this natural, civilised filter.

    Now this is not to say that no one else has mis-spoken, but not to the extent that Mr. Bean has. Speak up, loud and clear, when there are issues that are actually of concern… Let’s see. M&P issues, W&E issues, union issues, housing issues, health issues, environmental issues, tourism issues, I could go on and on and on.

    Basically, what I’m say is this. Mr. Bean has a job. I expect from him as I would any employee, (if I had employees) or coworker. “Do your job. Don’t waste time and energy on gossip or backstabbing your coworkers. Because all that does is waste your time, their time, my time and my money.”

    I seriously believe the PLP need to take a look inside their own house, before they start to throw stones at anyone else

  30. no one can talk as it is rude to interrupt and you party has the monopoly on talking about nothing of late. If the shoe fits.

  31. Bryant Trew says:

    “Only those who are fully committed to truth and integrity will stand up and speak to the concerns of working and middle class Bermudians.”

    Surely you jest!!! If the Senator is going to have absolutely any credibility at all with regard to truth and integrity, he should start with substantiating or withdrawing the claims he made on Facebook just last week. It’s been a week now, and he has failed to explain what is the basis of his accusations with the comments below:

    “My how a person can change their opinions based on who they chose to support or what they can get out of that support….rewind a few years ago and you will find Mr. Trew arguing a polar opposite stance. in fact, he used to be staunchly against spouses of Bermudians having status let alone PRCs. Very interesting times these days. One only wonders what makes a person make 180 degree turns with the only difference being who happens to be the government.”

  32. Doctor do more says:

    Thank god the 14 yrs are over!

  33. James Herald says:

    Senator: In December 2012 the Bermuda public sent your party packing. They might not have been entirely sure of the new OBA party, but quite certain that a dog turd could run Bermuda better than the PLP.

    Your party had 14 years in which to ruin Bermuda – and they did a great job. Enough – go away now.

    May Bermuda never be so stupid as to vote you incompetents in again.

    It is a mathematical fact that 50% of the population is below average intelligence. It is plain to see how PLP was voted in.

  34. Huh says:

    Wow, Roban & his myopic PLP gang drove Titanic straight into a BIG FAT iceberg – it’s been in danger of sinking & his posse now want to complain about “attitudes” of OBA who have been successfully manning the pumps and beginning to stabilize the vessel..
    Seriously PLP, that’s ALL you got…..

  35. Huh says:

    Sorry Rabain not Roban – same difference – just like all the Xenophobic/racist code words they all constantly use. Peek-a-boo PLP – we see for what you are – THE BERMUDA TEA PARY