Chris Famous On ‘Connecting With The People’

November 11, 2014

[Opinion column written by Chris Famous] From all corners of Bermuda, we gathered as one family. Once again we hugged, shook hands, touched fists and embraced each other in love and a sense of purpose. After a few minutes of recapping the week’s activities, we received our directions as to where we were to head. Some were to go ‘that-a-ways’, some were to go ‘this-a-ways.’ Heigh Ho, Heigh-ho, off to canvassing we were to go.

Training Day

This particular Saturday, Jamahl and I had the privilege of taking someone along with us who had never been canvassing before in their life. For them, this was their training day.

Armed with directions, clipboard and camera, we ventured to our first stop to knock on the door of a couple who had “kindly” requested that Jamahl pay them a visit. As the door opened, we were greeted with, “bout time you came here” in the typical, jovial Bermudian manner. The lady was a former schoolmate of Jamahl, and their children had attended extra-curricular activities with the children of our new canvasser.

The couple spoke of the need to continue to nurture Bermudian children in every way: academically, socially and politically, as it is highly important for Bermudian children to be fully aware of our social and political history. In doing so, they can never be fooled by anyone attempting to re-invent history.


Let’s Talk

As we rolled off the hill, a lady shouted out, “Jamahl, come here bie!” There, we met a family standing out in their yard looking up at their roof partly covered in tarpaulin.

“We watched you on TV Monday night and we were wondering when you were going to come see us,” was the initial comment by the wife. Apparently, they had watched Jamahl on Let’s Talk with Gary Moreno and were duly impressed with how he had handled himself. They expressed their support for Jamahl in the upcoming bye-election and looked forward to his representation of their concerns in the HOA.

Fence Sitter

Moving on, we met a young lady who declared herself a swing voter who no longer voted along party lines but who will support the party that puts Bermudians as their priority. She was extremely concerned that gaming seemed to be the main thrust of our tourism product. She wanted to see more emphasis on the incorporation of local businesses in the grand scheme of things. In her own words, she clearly stated, “Casinos are here to make money for casino owners, not for Bermudians.”

She insisted that whichever party is in government must do more for local businesses to participate in the future of tourism.

Spunky Senior

As we made our way back up the hill, we were invited in to sit at the table of a senior who was full of pizzazz. She spoke of days gone by when she had to polish brass for one shilling per week and how during World War Two, whenever the Germans torpedoed ships off the coast of Bermuda, her mother had her and her siblings go out to Deep Bay on North Shore to await crates of food floating in.

Her major concern was that as a senior, she was only getting $450 per month for her pension and that this was hardly enough to survive on. Her saving grace was that she had her own house and her children pitched in however they could.



After this lesson in Bermudian history, we made our way back to the meeting point to get some cool drinks and a light lunch prepared by members of the Somerset branches.

During our debriefing, one of the common issues that arose was the need for more public meetings on various issues impacting the community. Many Bermudians want to see their elected representatives more often so they could be updated on the economy and proposed legislation.

Bermudians must hold their MPs accountable, regardless of the party they belong to. The MPs signed up for and begged us to give them the job. So we must ensure that they carry it out beyond sitting in the HOA every Friday.
I would invite more party members / supporters on both sides to get involved in canvassing and holding town hall meetings. As a nation, we need to mature and involve ourselves in our civic duties. Thirty-six MPs cannot do it on their own.

Besides it’s a good way to meet new people while doing some exercise.

- Chris Famous can be contacted via email at or Twitter at @ryderz777

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Comments (23)

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  1. Creamy says:

    So he goes up to four people wearing green PLP shirts, a photographer happens to be there, and Chris Famous writes 500 words telling us that this was Jamahl “connecting with the people”?
    It’s nice to see Bean behaving himself around women though.

    • Sky Pirate says:

      the truth is very few REAL Bermudians are interested in what you have to say!

    • hmmm says:

      “as it is highly important for Bermudian children to be fully aware of our social and political history. In doing so, they can never be fooled by anyone attempting to re-invent history.”

      Like the PLP are currently doing re: their failure

      Like Jamal is doing re: his outbursts and tweets.

      Noone is rewriting the history of white indentured servents and later black slavery. that history is fact.

      The more recent history will also not be forgotten. No matter how much you and the PLP try to make us forget.

      • BetttyTrump says:

        Very enjoyable article Chris keep it coming! Good going Jamal just knock on those doors and connect!

  2. Cleancut says:

    Judge him by the content of his character, not the……………

  3. Evans Bay says:

    And he says, “Bermudians must hold their MPs accountable…” Do you really mean that Mr. Famous?

    I would venture to say that your position of “it’s a good way to meet new people…” is only attractive when the people look, think and talk exactly like you. That doesn’t make for a healthy democracy and defeats the entire premise of town hall discussions Mr. Famous.

    • Black Soil says:

      Chris has always said that he would vote PLP “no matter what” or “come hell or high water”. Go figure. In 2012 we came close to tipping over into hell. Today we wake up to find an OBA that has negotiated a new airport for Bermuda that will not place any real burden on the tax payer. Hello Mr. Famous…what’s the SPIN on that?? And indeed Mr. Famous, your spin work will be a busy one since soon the OBA will be announcing a new hotel for St. Georges and new development at Morgans Point. Sharpen your pencil.

  4. Mixitup says:

    And their OFF……. Goon number one ‘Creamy’ in first place, oh no here comes ‘Evans Bay’….holding a close second!! Clean cut not looking so clean..

    Bunch of sad cases with no lives they are.

    • hmmm says:

      Folks are sick of the spin, lies and BS that comes from Famous and the PLP.

      It is disgusting, divisive and is destructive.

  5. Sky Pirate says:

    another truth is very few REAL Bermudians are interested in what C Famous have to say!

  6. Chris Famous says:

    Thanks for reading.. Enjoy your holiday. Oh I meet and talk to plenty of people who do not resemble me ..

    It comes with the territory.

    • 32n64w says:

      So what are your thoughts regarding Mark Bean’s allegedly demeaning comments to Toni Daniels? The PLP candidate and his wife were said to both present and heard his horrible remarks firsthand. Will they condemn his misogynistic ranmblings or just chalk it up to boys being boys?

      Is this how the PLP leadership choses to connect with the people?

    • Sickofantz says:

      I was very disapointed with your last article where you quoted the senior with the unlikely daughter in University, who was a qualified accountant who had been frequently unemployed, told she was overqualified and had to work as a cashier!

      In one fell swoop you managed to discourage Bermudians from seeking a relevant education and demean people who work as cashiers. This time I was interested to read about the swing voter who believes that gaming will make money for casino owners!

      I agree with her, and I also think that online gaming will make money for people involved in business relationships with online gaming companies!

  7. sebring says:

    hey ! one would think they are trying to get old ubp faithful on board with the candidate for the plp wearing blue! i have no doubt that the plp/ubp . will try anything to get in control again! one would think the party colors would be the thing to wear ?

  8. Triangle Drifter says:

    Chris Famous, it looks like you are not so famous after all. All day for the post to soak & there are only 9 comments.

    Does the comment “We don’t care what you think” sound familiar?

  9. sandman says:

    This article is a classic study in selection bias and self delusion.

    Why no mention of voters who were hostile, or reluctant to share their views? I am sure there must have been at least some. Election day will be the proof of that.

  10. Bill says:

    Divided we are but we must respect alls opinions! Chris I salute you and your steadfast support of the PLP and to the OBA supporters if you considered both parties and the facts inclusive of history and the Bermudian people you will see that the divide isn’t a mistake. Focus on holding your MP accountable and grow the country not the ignorance……

    • hmmm says:

      OK, ging a child Ganja tea. Professing it cured cancer, opening a gambling shop, and the latest with Toni.

      Why isn’t Marc Bean held accountable by you?

      How about Jamal, why are you not holding him accountable?

      The PLP only wins if people are divided. The People only win if people are not divided.

  11. aceboy says:

    The PLP have NEVER stepped out of their comfort zone and tried to come to my house to convince me to vote for anyone in their party. Probably just as well, it wouldn’t have gone quite as well as it did with the 4 people you went to see. Not at all.

  12. Navin Johnson says:

    You are right Mr Famous that “36 MP’s cannot do it on their own” we need about 6 good ones to do the job…

  13. Elaine Faber says:


    Do you know precisely what was said? How do you know that the comments were misogynistic? They could have been purely sarcastic remarks? How do you know that the alleged sarcastic remarks were not true? Are the ramblings that Toni heard, the same as what the PLP candidate and his wife heard?

    So, let me summarise, Toni Daniels writes disparaging remarks about the opposition candidate in the media with the silent support of the OBA candidate (Georgina Marshall) and OBA party executive and much to the gleeful contentment of OBA supporters.

    Yet, Toni Daniels now seeks the eye witness evidence against the Opposition Leader from the very individual that she trashes in the media. Summary correct?

    Georgina Marshall and Senator Lynn Woolridge (OBA executive chair) need to take Toni into conference and focus her into a positive vein of communications.

    And as much as you OBA supporters try to turn the knife, you politicians appear to fall on their own swords as political disputes have unfolded below:

    Nandi Outerbridge attempted to undermine him, but her own tapes appear to compromise her.

    Craig Cannonier had a writ issued against him but ended up resigning in disgrace.

    Now Toni Daniels, have you really thought through the consequences of negative campaigning?

    • BetttyTrump says:

      Well said again Elaine Faber enjoy reading your comments!

  14. A Better Bermuda says:

    I find it interesting that no one has anything nice to say about Jamahl, even the obvious PLP supporters. Says a lot about him as a person