Revised Responsibilities For PLP Spokespersons

May 4, 2017

Opposition Leader David Burt has revised responsibilities for PLP spokespersons, saying that “as part of our election readiness effort it is important that our MPs demonstrate to the people of Bermuda that they are ready for any challenge.”

David Burt Bermuda May 4 2017

Mr Burt said,“The PLP is a team of diverse talent and as part of our election readiness effort it is important that our MPs demonstrate to the people of Bermuda that they are ready for any challenge.

“These changes will bring fresh perspective and renewed energy to holding the OBA minority government accountable for its record of broken promises.

“In five years, they have lost 2000 jobs, doubled Bermuda’s debt and shortchanged Bermudian students all with the result of further dividing our country. The OBA’s failure to keep their promises has increased the divide between the 2 Bermudas.”

The list of spokespeople follows below:

  • MP E. David Burt: Opposition Leader & PLP Spokesperson for Finance & Technology
  • MP Walter H Roban: Deputy Opposition Leader & PLP Spokesperson for Public Works
  • MP Dennis P. Lister: House Leader & PLP Spokesperson for the Environment & Energy Policy
  • MP Lovitta F. Foggo: Opposition Whip & PLP Spokesperson for Government Reform
  • Sen. Renee Ming: Senate Leader & PLP Spokesperson for Municipalities
  • MP Walton Brown: PLP Spokesperson for Home Affairs
  • MP Derrick Burgess: PLP Spokesperson for Seniors
  • MP Rolfe Commissiong: PLP Spokesperson for Labour & Workforce Development
  • MP Zane DeSilva: PLP Spokesperson for Public Safety
  • Sen. Tinee Furbert: PLP Spokesperson for Disability Affairs
  • MP Wayne Furbert: PLP Spokesperson for Transport
  • MP Diallo Rabain: PLP Spokesperson for Education
  • MP Lawrence Scott: PLP Spokesperson for Community & Culture
  • MP Michael Scott: PLP Spokesperson for Justice
  • MP Jamahl Simmons: PLP Spokesperson for Tourism & Entrepreneurship
  • MP Neville Tyrrell: PLP Spokesperson for Sports
  • MP Michael Weeks: PLP Spokesperson for Social Development & Drug Policy Reform
  • Sen. Kim Wilkerson: PLP Spokesperson for Economic Development
  • MP Kim Wilson: PLP Spokesperson for Health

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Comments (32)

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  1. wassup says:

    that’s a damn big cabinet!!! LOL!

  2. Sure says:

    Reading that list I don’t see the diversity stated by Mr. Burt.

    • Madog says:

      Well done Mr Burt …..

      PLP ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!

      • aceboy says:

        Well done for what? It is a list of people with a title. It does nothing at all. Your standards are so low….why is that?

        I suppose you think Kim Wilson is brilliant for her promise to “reevaluate” things. lol That is basically plausible deniability at work. If nothing gets done all she says is “We have reevaluated and no action is necessary at this time.” By doing absolutely nothing she keeps an election promise.

        You are being played…again. By your own people.

  3. Truthhertz says:

    It’s quite obvious that the PLP don’t understand what the word ‘diverse’ actually means.

    • Unbelievable says:

      “Diversity” is no longer THE buzz word. It’s been replaced in “Inclusion” and this Shadow Cabinet is NOT inclusive.

      • Just the facts says:

        Agree. So they aren’t even elected and we can’t trust the words coming out of their mouth? They SAY one thing but DO another? I’m a swing voter – you are in a hole and need to stop digging if you want my vote.


  4. mark says:

    Ready for any challenge?!? LMAO…any challenge except governing, please god help our people avoid a similar fate to the americans!

  5. Starting Point says:

    “In five years, they have lost 2000 jobs, doubled Bermuda’s debt and shortchanged Bermudian students all with the result of further dividing our country. The OBA’s failure to keep their promises has increased the divide between the 2 Bermudas.”

    or they have cut job losses in half (previous government lost 4K plus jobs)

    Air arrivals up
    Cruise visits up
    Cruise ships to St. Georges
    Average Spending by visitors up
    Pati legislation in
    Human rights legislation in
    Americas Cup
    Hotel in St. Georges started
    Hotel on Naval Annex started
    Renovations to three hotels
    Airport project started
    Finally investigate the madness that was the PLP procurement process for capital projects

    So we should consider putting the PLP in place who had 12 years to do all the above in place (and did non of it) over the OBA who’s biggest crime is that their PR department sucks? don’t think so.

  6. watching says:

    I like this.
    It gives each member an area to focus on as we enter election season.

    • Do Right says:

      what do you think of Wayne Furbert as Transport shadow?

      • Joe Bloggs says:

        Wayne Furbert was the Minister of Transportation in the 1990s, when he was a UBP MP.

        • PBanks says:

          For real – that’s the most natural fit of any of these appointments.

    • Build a Better Bermuda says:

      But what does that mean for after the election, if they cannot shadow a smaller cabinet, how can they be expected to function a smaller government cabinet. This is an election ploy to be able to deploy larger numbers over a more diverse portfolio, because they don’t actually have to fund a cabinet, but government can’t fund such a large amount of ministers to oversee such a diverse portfolio set, so… election ploy to make it look like they have an important and diverse agenda, with lots of ideas… question is will they actually produce any ideas, or just gonna be the same vague innuendos like their ‘Vision’ plan

  7. So Silly says:

    PLP is getting ready to govern again.

    I love the fact that they are focusing on Seniors and on the plight of the disabled!

    Also curious to see how Drug Reform comes out.

  8. aceboy says:

    What is this demonstrating again? That you can formulate a list? Congratulations, you got that one done at least.

  9. Joe Bloggs says:

    “In five years, they have lost 2000 jobs, doubled Bermuda’s debt and shortchanged Bermudian students all with the result of further dividing our country. The OBA’s failure to keep their promises has increased the divide between the 2 Bermudas.”

    On the assumption that that statement is true, what happened in the 5 years, from 2008 through 2012?

    Context would be helpful

  10. francis says:

    Chairs being shuffled on the deck of the titanic. Same players same faces.
    MP E. David Burt: Opposition Leader & PLP Spokesperson for Finance & Technology – SO HE RUNS A TECH COMPANY WITH GOVERNMENT CONTRACT – CONFLICT
    MP Walter H Roban: Deputy Opposition Leader & PLP Spokesperson for Public Works – WHEN HE WAS ENVIRONMENT HE HAD TO RESIGN FOR HELPING OUT ZANE NOW HE IS SHADOW FOR PUBLIC WORKS?
    MP Dennis P. Lister: House Leader & PLP Spokesperson for the Environment & Energy Policy
    MP Lovitta F. Foggo: Opposition Whip & PLP Spokesperson for Government Reform – THERE DOES THE DREAM FOR EDUCATION
    Sen. Renee Ming: Senate Leader & PLP Spokesperson for Municipalities – LOL
    MP Walton Brown: PLP Spokesperson for Home Affairs – MR INDEPENDENCE
    MP Derrick Burgess: PLP Spokesperson for Seniors –
    MP Rolfe Commissiong: PLP Spokesperson for Labour & Workforce Development –
    Sen. Tinee Furbert: PLP Spokesperson for Disability Affairs – ok
    MP Diallo Rabain: PLP Spokesperson for Education – MR COMPLAINER
    MP Michael Scott: PLP Spokesperson for Justice – ARE THERE NOT ISSUES ABOUT HIM OUT THERE TOO?
    MP Jamahl Simmons: PLP Spokesperson for Tourism & Entrepreneurship -
    MP Neville Tyrrell: PLP Spokesperson for Sports – REALLY?
    MP Michael Weeks: PLP Spokesperson for Social Development & Drug Policy Reform
    Sen. Kim Wilkerson: PLP Spokesperson for Economic Development
    MP Kim Wilson: PLP Spokesperson for Health

    • PBanks says:

      What’s wrong with Tyrell for Sports, he’s been involved with sports committees for years now.

  11. Rocky5 says:

    New PLP proposed 19 seat PLP Cabinet SPENDING 5 year cost if elected – 19 x $175,000.00 = 3,325,000.00/year X 5 years = $16,625,000.00 plus travel/year – 19 x $50,000.00 = $950,000.00/year x 5 = $4,750,000.00.

    Next:- PLP Consultants – based upon – 1998 – 2012 – average $75,000,000.00/year x 5 = $225,000,000.00.

    New PLP Civil service Hiring – based upon 1998 – 2012 – 143/year x $100,000.00 x 5 years = $71,500,000.00.
    ESTIMATED TOTAL so far $317,875,0000
    We’ll save the 5 year PLP estimated increase in Govt. Debt, Interest costs,unemployment, social assistance and loss of Govt. revenue based & pensions based upon 1998 – 2012, for another day….

  12. Remember says:

    The election will be called right after America’s CUP. July 27 Bermuda will vote.

    Can’t wait to vote the Dunk in the Dunk.

    • Remember says:

      Tired of the OBA and the 2 sided Bermuda.

  13. Guy Fawkes says:

    What on earth does this mean?

    Is this a Shadow Cabinet reshuffle? If not, why are the existing Shadow Cabinet members not assigned topics consistent with their portfolio, who speaks with authority on what topic.

    Other than to fill column space, I’m not sure what the value of this announcement is?

  14. trump supporter says:

    Yes I!

  15. Do Right says:

    A House Leader in Dennis Lister and a a Whip in Ms. Foggo? This is evidence of confusion, not leadership. Also, Zane Desilva as Public safety Shadow? What a joke. Burt is a joke trying this nonsense!

  16. Triangle Drifter says:

    “Election Season” is it! So, to Burt & crew the management of Bermuda is a sport with seasons? “Keep your eye on the prize”. Is that what it is all about?

    Let us hope that the Bermuda voter is much smarter now than he was during the PLP Experiment of 1998 to 2012.

  17. Warlord says:

    Dream on Burt

  18. FUI says:

    at first I had to laugh but on reflection I am laughing even more so much so that it hurts but my “spokesman” for seniors will NEVER speak for me. let alone the flip flop politicians and diversity. I strongly recommend they look up that word in a dictionary.

  19. aceboy says:

    So if Kim Swan says something he can be ignored as not being an official spokesman, for anything?

  20. francis says:

    Pathetic Loser Party

  21. Rick is a D... says:

    What me and my aceboy wanna know is how come it takes three “spokesmen” to do the job of Minister Fahy, who is part time if i come correct??? These PLP fools won’t get my vote for sure

    • PBanks says:

      None of them are getting paid extra for these roles, so they can pretty much assign whatever they want to whoever they want, no biggie.