Hashtag: #ChrisFamousColumns

Column: Parish Pride Cleanup Project Continues

Column: Parish Pride Cleanup Project Continues

[Written by MP Chris Famous] This Saturday, January 5th, we will be continuing our clearing of the pathway between Devon Springs Road and Green Acres Estate. Additionally, we will also be painting a roadside wall of a senior in Green Acres. If you wish to assist in either endeavor, we will be working at the entrance of Green Acres from 9am-12 noon. Also,... Read more of this article

Column: Community Clean Up Efforts Continue

Column: Community Clean Up Efforts Continue

[Written by Chris Famous] Today we wish to acknowledge and thank the many volunteers, including a number of workers from Works And Engineering, who assisted in the first stage of clearing the pathway between Devon Springs Road and Green Acres Estate Road on Saturday, December 1st. We were able to remove: 25 bags of discarded bottles 2 truck loads... Read more of this article

Column: MP Akierra Missick Of Turks & Caicos

Column: MP Akierra Missick Of Turks & Caicos

[Opinion column written by MP Chris Famous] Over the last summer I have had the privilege and honour to represent Bermuda during the 43rd annual Commonwealth Parliamentary Association [CPA] conference held in Cayman Islands June 16thto June 23rd. During this conference we got to meet fellow parliamentarians from around the Caribbean region. Some were... Read more of this article

Column: Parish Pride Cleanup Project Continues

Column: Parish Pride Cleanup Project Continues

[Written by MP Chris Famous] Over the last few weeks, our Devonshire and Smith’s Parish Pride Project has cleared the following areas of excess vegetation: Vesey Street, Green Acres, Devon Springs Road, Devon Springs Lane, and Jubilee Road. This has been accomplished with cooperation from area residents giving of their time, local businesses... Read more of this article

Column: Cayman Conference, Population, Budget

Column: Cayman Conference, Population, Budget

[Opinion column written by MP Chris Famous] “He hath founded it upon the seas” - Cayman Islands Motto Day Two of the 43rd Annual Commonwealth Parliamentary Association [CPA] Caribbean Americas Atlantic Region conference, held in Grand Cayman June 16-23rd, 2018 saw delegates from around the Caribbean gather once again at the Marriott Hotel for a... Read more of this article

Column: ‘The Irma Diaries’ Author Interview

Column: ‘The Irma Diaries’ Author Interview

[Written by MP Chris Famous] During my brief trip to Tortola in March, I had the opportunity to meet Angela Burnett, author of the Irma Diaries, which chronicled numerous survivor stories during Hurricane Irma. Angela attended primary and high school in Tortola, then went on to study Environmental Studies and Sustainable Development at Brandeis University... Read more of this article

Column: Famous On History & Caribbean Ties

Column: Famous On History & Caribbean Ties

[Opinion column written by MP Chris Famous] “Everytime I hear the crack of a whip, my blood runs cold” - Bob Marley In the year 1492 Europeans sailed into the Caribbean and for the next century committed one of history’s largest rape, enslavement and genocide of untold millions of our ancestors, the indigenous tribes of; Arawak, Carib and... Read more of this article

Column: Reflecting On Visit To Cayman Islands

Column: Reflecting On Visit To Cayman Islands

[Opinion column written by MP Chris Famous] Located approximately 450 miles south or 90 minutes flying time from Miami are the three beautiful sister islands of; Grand Cayman, Little Cayman and Cayman Brac. Collectively known as The Cayman Islands. Recently Grand Cayman served as the host island for the 43rd Annual Commonwealth Parliamentary Association’s... Read more of this article

Column: Proud To Embrace Caribbean Heritage

Column: Proud To Embrace Caribbean Heritage

[Opinion column written by MP Chris Famous] “They don’t want to see us unite: All they want us to do is keep on fussing and fighting. They don’t want to see us live together” – Bob Marley For centuries Bermudians have been conditioned to think of those from other islands as less than them We were conditioned to not unite with... Read more of this article

Column: Canvassing – Facts vs. Fiction

Column: Canvassing – Facts vs. Fiction

[Opinion column written by MP Chris Famous] It seems to be a pattern of the One Bermuda Alliance [OBA] to constantly attempt to produce “fake news” prior to General Elections and or Bye-Elections. Prior to the General Election of 2017 they spent an enormous amount of funds on adverts to scaremonger the voting public into believing that the Progressive... Read more of this article

Column: Continue To Learn, Uplift & Celebrate

Column: Continue To Learn, Uplift & Celebrate

[Opinion column written by MP Chris Famous] Exactly 5 years ago I wrote a piece in the then Bermuda Sun to speak about our Portuguese-Bermudian community. Many in the Portuguese community reached out, resulting in long lasting friendships. “Often we get bogged down in the never ending Black vs White discussions and arguments. Yet we often forget... Read more of this article

Column: History, Colonialism & UK Parliament

Column: History, Colonialism & UK Parliament

[Opinion column written by MP Chris Famous] “Didn’t my people before me slave for this country?” - Bob Marley Over the course of the last 500 years of European colonial oppression, persons throughout the Caribbean have taken up arms, or more recently, placards, against unjust and inhumane policies. History records rebellions in islands such... Read more of this article