Hashtag: #MissBermudaPageant

Videos: 41 Years Ago Bermuda Won Miss World
41 years ago today [Nov 15] Miss Bermuda Gina Swainson won the Miss World contest, becoming the first, and to this date, the only Bermudian to ever win a major international beauty pageant, and the photos and videos below can give you a walk down memory lane to see the crowning moment. Also notable as one of the few pageant contestants from around... Read more of this article

Podcast: Alyssa Rose On Experience In China
In our latest podcast, Bernews talks to the reigning Miss Bermuda Alyssa Rose, who has just returned from taking part in the Miss World contest in China. She talks about what it is like behind the scenes at Miss World and how the experience has changed the way she sees the world and her future. Ms Rose has just got back from China where she spent close... Read more of this article

Video: Alyssa Rose In Miss World Talent Top 13
Miss Bermuda Alyssa Rose recently placed in the top 13 in talent at the Miss World pageant, with a video capturing her dance performance from a variety of angles, showcasing her unique talent along with the other top competitors. Miss Rose had travelled to China, along with more than 110 contestants from all over the globe, for the Miss World competition. Screenshot... Read more of this article

Alyssa Rose Thanks Supporters After Miss World
Miss Bermuda Alyssa Rose returned to the island after competing in the Miss World Pageant in China, where she made a strong showing, placing in the top 13 in the talent portion and in the top 26 in the sports segment. In a post on social media after the Pageant, Miss Rose said: “I want to express my gratitude to every single one of you that followed... Read more of this article

Video: Miss Bermuda’s ‘Beauty With A Purpose’
As she continues to compete in Miss World – recently placing in the top 13 in talent – Miss Bermuda Alyssa Rose is supporting Dame Marjorie Bean Hope Academy and its efforts to raise the quality of life of children on the island, with the Miss World organisation releasing the video as part of the pageant’s ‘Beauty with a Purpose’... Read more of this article

Vote For Miss Bermuda In Miss World Contest
Bermudians can support Miss Bermuda Alyssa Rose in the upcoming Miss World competition, with a People’s Choice category open to votes from the public, with voting available from within the Miss World app. Miss Rose has travelled to China, along with more than 110 contestants from all over the globe, for the Miss World event, which will culminate... Read more of this article

Davidrose Sponsors Miss Bermuda Alyssa Rose
Miss Bermuda Alyssa Rose visited the Davidrose Jewelry store today [Nov 18], as the east end shop is sponsoring her jewelry for the upcoming Miss World Pageant. Ms. Rose will travel to China for the Miss World event, which will culminate in the final event on Saturday, December 19 at the Beauty Crown Grand Theatre in Sanya. Speaking about the Miss... Read more of this article
Video: 36 Years Since Bermuda Won Miss World
36 years ago today [Nov 15] Miss Bermuda Gina Swainson won the Miss World contest, becoming the first Bermudian to win a major beauty pageant. Also notable as one of the few pageant contestants from around the world to place extremely well in both world pageants, Ms Swainson also placed 2nd in the Miss Universe 1979 Pageant held in Australia. The Miss... Read more of this article

AS Cooper’s Sponsors Miss Bermuda Wardrobe
In the lead up to the 2015 Miss World Contest, reigning Miss Bermuda Alyssa Rose was awarded a wardrobe by AS Cooper & Sons today [Nov 3]. Miss Rose, representing Smiths, was crowned the new Miss Bermuda on July 5, beating out five other competitors for the title, with 2014 Miss Bermuda Lillian Lightbourn handing over her crown. She will travel... Read more of this article

NMAC Presentation For Miss Bermuda Winners
Northshore Medical & Aesthetics Center [NMAC] recently held a presentation for Miss Bermuda Alyssa Rose and NMAC Acne Awareness Video Competition winner Miss Pembroke Ligaya Sanchez-Wilson. Ms. Rose was awarded a $1,000 NMAC gift certificate and a year’s supply of Dermalogica skin care products, while, as the winner of the NMAC video contest,... Read more of this article

Miss Bermuda, Contestants Visit Cabinet Office
Earlier today [July 15], Premier Michael Dunkley welcomed newly crowned Miss Bermuda Alyssa Rose to the Cabinet Office. Also attending the Cabinet Office were Ms. Rose’s fellow Miss Bermuda contestants Brittany Madeiros representing Southampton, Tamara Bradshaw representing Warwick, Ligaya Sanchez-Wilson representing Pembroke, Miss Congeniality, Kathryn... Read more of this article

Ligaya Sanchez-Wilson Wins NMAC Contest
Northshore Medical & Aesthetics Center [NMAC] hosted the 2015 Miss Bermuda Pageant contestants on June 20, resulting in an Acne Awareness Video Competition, won by Miss Pembroke Ligaya Sanchez-Wilson. Ms. Sanchez-Wilson was also the 2015 pageant’s People’s Choice winner. Voting for the NMAC contest was held until July 12 — with... Read more of this article