Police Warn of Text Message Scam

December 23, 2010

Scams in the WWWOver the past several days the Bermuda Police Service, Financial Crime Unit say they have “received hundreds of calls and e-mails from Bermuda residents who have all received a promotion text message from Nokia.”

A Police spokesman said “The text message, allegedly from a ‘Nokia representative’, tells recipients that they have been selected as a prizewinner, in the ‘Nokia end of year mobile promo’ to celebrate Nokia’s 144th anniversary.”

“It is difficult for Police to investigate these types of text messages as the suspects use pre-paid cell phones which cannot be traced and they use free online e-mail addresses such as Hotmail and G-mail which can be created in any name.”

“These text messages are sent out by the thousands and the culprits simply download telephone numbers from online telephone directories; in other words those receiving the text message have not been individually targeted by the scammers. Advanced fee scams involve the victims sending money in order to obtain fictitious awards or inheritance.”

“Once again, members of the public are advised to be extremely cautious when sending funds to persons who have contacted them unexpectedly, especially via text message or to persons whose identity cannot be properly established.”

Bernews was a recipient of one of these texts, ours came early this morning [Dec 24] telling us we had “won” 415,000 pounds in an end of year promo, and asked us to email or call [a foreign number] to “claim” it.

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  1. mixitup says:

    I got this same text! But who actually falls for this stuff?? I mean come on people.

    • bermyguy says:

      I dont but there are people in bermuda who have fallen victim to these type of scams.

  2. AreUSerious says:

    @ “mixitup” my sentiments exactly!! I wouldn’t even waste my time calling and reporting it to the Police.. Duuhhh why would Nokia send you an email if you have a blackberry?? and did you enter a contest? I would think that common sense would prevail in a scenario like this!!! I’m just sayin……..

  3. Jays says:

    I almost believed it when the scam first started 500 years ago.

  4. rdisTech says:

    Unfortunately, people do fall for this as it is rare they would get a message like this.

    The best advice we can offer:

    A) Nothing is for free – ever. If you don’t pay for something, you should not expect anything out of the blue.
    B) Don’t know them. Don’t respond to them.
    C) If you suspect anything, pass it to the authorities

  5. your joking right? says:

    144th anniversary…….yea cell phones have been around that long LOL.

  6. Letter Spray says:

    I enjoy getting those scam emails and I often reply to them and actually get them to think I’m going to send them $$$. Its quite enjoyable. LOSERS!

  7. chris says:

    144 y