Man Remanded For Traffic Offences

March 4, 2011

A 34-year-old man who had missed previous court dates was today remanded in custody until Monday, after appearing on charges of speeding and failing to stop for police.

In Magistrates Court this morning [Mar.4], the Court heard that Ian Mullings had previously been charged with speeding at 98kph and failing to stop for police on 23rd May 2010. In 2010, he had been ticketed and given a Court appearance date.

Asked by Magistrate Archie Warner why he had not appeared on 1st March which was a date that he had been given, Mr Mullings replied that he had just gotten back to the Island on that date. The Prosecutor said this was one of several Court dates on which Mr Mullings had failed to appear.

The two charges of speeding and failing to stop were read out again and Mr Mullings pleaded not guilty. The Magistrate then remanded Mr Mullings into custody until 2:30pm on Monday 7th March when his case will be tried.

Mr Mullings appeared to react with surprise to the remand.

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Comments (8)

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  1. Terry says:

    Sorry Bernews…just can’t help myself on this one….

    With a name like Ian Mullings, there’s no doubt he is from Scotsdale Lane in Pembroke.

    Betcha his ‘Inner Hebrides’ will be pondering and studying the situation whilst he awaits an appearance before Archie.

    Let him mull over that……

    Then again, he could be from Jamaica where Mull is the prefered….Kintyre………

    • PLEASE STOP!!! says:

      Seriously Terry – Please stop!!! Just reading your comments is sometimes annoying! This is one of them. I know this dude and he is Bermudian, Married w/ child and works very hard in a legit job. Unfortunately he is not good at adhering to traffic laws – that’s about it. Hopefully, this little stay away from home would help him remember the rules of the road!

      Go do something constructive!!!

      • Sheriff says:

        Thank you – Please stop! Married w/ children. Plus there is another side to this story.

  2. RME says:

    Now that they have his attention…

  3. Best Brother-in-Law in the WORLD says:

    Some people have nothing else to do with their time. Shouldn’t you be working or doing something constructive with your time. Stop with the stupid stereotypes and get a life!

  4. itwasn'tme says:

    Terry thrives on pissing ppl off. It must be better than sex…..the best thing is to ignore him, which probably pisses him off!

  5. Terry says:

    Boy!!! Frustrations. I grew up with the Mullins but never knew a Mullings. As for pissing people off…far from the truth. Peoplke read too much into what is written to fit their agenda for rebuttal or just plain old attention.

    In fact, as please stop pointed out, it’s human nature to come to ones defence and that is what my whole statement was about.
    Now…off to interview Charlie Sheen. He wants to visit Bermuda with a view to going over a pilot for “Two and a Half Onions”…….

  6. Terry says:

    That name “Mullings” just got be going. So I went back to my office…..I knew I had read something, somewhere amongst my files and low and behold I found it after reading the Bermuda Sun , Cellularone Soccer league…Ian Mullins

    Bernews, is your spelling correct or am I just catching hell from the local bloggers……

    Is it Mullings, Mullins, or Mullin.

    Got a meeting in five minutes with OMB. Catch up latter.