Two Arrests After Front Street Scuffle

March 17, 2011

Two 18-year-olds are expected to appear in court after being arrested following a scuffle on Front Street early this morning [Mar.17].

A Police spokesman said, “Around 3:15am on Thursday, Police responded to a reported disturbance on Front Street in the City of Hamilton near the junction with Parliament Street.”

“Officers observed several individuals engaged in a scuffle at the scene. Most of those involved fled on foot as Police attempted to diffuse the situation.”

“However, two 18 year old Pembroke men that participated in the fracas were arrested and detained. A court appearance is anticipated.”

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  1. Can't seem to believe says:

    This sought of behaviour comes from boredom, so before our next election lets take out time to try to find positive things for the youth to do.

    Few Examples

    Small amusement parks for the kids like Ferris Wheels, etc.

    Community centers for After School and Weekends using some helpers in the Community to teach them a trade so eventually as they get older they can probably sell there items which they have being taught to create whether it be cookies,woodwork,glass etc.

    Roller Skating Rink down the Old Base utilize the Hanger dow there find things for people to do because I know when the tourist come here they must damn a beautiful pkace but for the second richest country in the world there is absolutely nothing to do here after 5pm.

    Just some Ideas come Bermuda Step up to the times and ask yourself when you where a kid how many things where open for you to do.

    • mixitup says:

      Small amusement park? How bout a good old fashioned cut ass!

      • It is what it is says:

        @ Mixitup..any suggestions other than a whooping? Violence begets violence!!! I agree with “can’t seem to believe”…Okay it MIGHT be a tad bit too late for this current generation but we do need something for our younger generation…and I personally would reintroduce the skating, the reopening of Community based Centres and yes maybe even a small amusement park..this I would do before building another hotel….

    • Terry says:

      Can’t seem’…We had all those things years ago.

      You do the math.

  2. W.T.F.??? says:

    Chain Gang!!

  3. Can't seem to believe says:

    The news reporters need to stop broad casting how many police are going to be let go from the force as well. Because all this does is open up more ideas for this little Island to get involve in more crime. Yes I understand that is your job but just think about it first before you post it. Stop encouraging negative if you will like to get positive results.

    In the United States they leave out certain things from the media, and with a small Island like this come on do you think that sometimes you guys encourage the situation more.

    • Bermudian says:

      MUCH AGREED!!!

    • yungnthuggin says:

      the united states government kills their citizens too..Why Does Bermuda have to be like them?

  4. Can't seem to believe says:

    To mixitup yes a good old fashion style cut ass!!!

    But dont forget that point in which I am trying to make I am not for no side just for improving this little small Island, and the next generation to come would you like to give a few suggestions.

  5. Why Dont the police make the correct arrest says:

    I don’t understand how could the police observe several people fighting and only arrest two. Do the police take into consideration that some individuals are victums.

    • lol says:

      Those individuals probable didn’t fit the colour code of a victim if your a white bermudian or an expat worker your automatically a victim. However, if your a young black bermudian male well your guilty until proven innocent. Sad to say but this is true.

  6. Can't Blame the Youth says:

    We young ppl do need to be entertained. YES we DID have youth centers that were made for the babyboomers. NOW they are old and worn out for this Generation. If a young adult wants to be entertained in BDA after 10pm on a weekend all he or she has to do is DRINK ALCOHOL at bars. We need late night positive entertainment. PCC hasn’t been updated for years, Loyal Hill playground can be turned to a 24 hour sports centre. Something in fun that is held open late for young adults and teens.

    I need to be in GOVERNMENT the VOICE of the YOUNG PEOPLE