Governor To Swear in Legislators Tomorrow

April 3, 2011

Government issued a release this evening saying there will be a swearing-in ceremony for Members of the Legislature at Government House tomorrow morning [Apr.4].

It is unclear exactly what changes will be made at this time, but this indicates there may possibly be a change in the makeup of the Senate.

There are presently 11 Senators; five are PLP Senators: Lt. Col. David Burch, Kim Wilson, David Burt, Cromwell Shakir, and Laverne Furbert. Three are UBP Senators; Jeanne Atherden, Michael Dunkley, and Suzann Roberts Holshouser, and three are Independent Senators; Carol Ann Bassett, Dr Walwyn Hughes, and Joan Dillas-Wright.

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  1. One Love says:

    After the Tucker’s Point fiasco, does anyone rally care. They played us the same way politicians have been playing us for decades. I honestly and clearly naively thought it would have stopped 13 years ago, but unfortunately many of us were duped into believing that a new government would bring about real change and all we got was more of the same, albeit with a dose of colour. Two dames and countless other Queens Honour offered and happily accepted by the new guard later,highlighted what we knew but hoped we were wrong. Simply put, many of these ‘power to the people folk’ were not so closeted, anglophiles. So there we have it, the rape and pillaging continues and the poorer get poorer while we have added a few party insiders to the rich column. Murders have all but become accepted and they keep on coming. There’s no more blaming the ugly white man as many of these killers and killed are PLP babies, aka, kids that were infants when the PLP rode into town as the new sheriff! Over a BILLION DOLLARS spent on Education later and we still haven’t cracked the code BUT we seem to have mastered the art of LOCKING them up. Oh yes, a power to the people government has accepted that the problem continues, oops, my bad, has ‘gotten’ a great deal worse over the past 13 years. Who knew that they could be worse than the UBP? Who knew that they would be as self serving? Who knew that they would forsake the people on the bottom rung of the ladder, all for a few more pennies in their pockets? Who knew that they where elitist that wore the same smile as some of the racist that ruled before them? Who knew that they would plunge the country into the abyss and attempt to spin their way out? Well I have finally abandoned this PLP train, but I am also confused and in the wilderness as I just can’t vote UBP and find the new start-up to be a confusing lot. But I know that the PLP must, must go, and I lay awake most nights pondering what happens next. Personally I don’t care how it effects me but I fear for our children. We are at the cross-roads folks and what we decide from here will determine our fate.Choose well

    • My two cents says:

      You are not alone. Many don’t want to continue voting PLP but would never vote for the others either. Where does that leave you? I know where it leaves me BOYCOTTING MY VOTE. The vote is ALL they are EVER AFTER. It’s all about them once they get in.

  2. Triangle Drifter says:

    Yet another shuffling of the deck chairs on the Titanic. There is only one PLP Senator possibly worth keeping. The other four are into something way over their heads. The Senate should be a place for seasoned respected polititians, not party hacks using The Senate as a training ground for a seat in the House.

  3. BeOne says:

    @OneLove, you are so right. I find myself in the same quandry having been born and raised believing that the PLP (as opposition) could be the first substantial people-government of this country. I don’t believe in this current cadre. So far from the roots of what the party was formed around. Yet I don’t see a viable “people” solution in either of the others.