Minister Uses Wheelchair To Gain Insight

April 20, 2011

Earlier today [Apr.20] Minister of Health Zane DeSilva conducted a tour of Hamilton using both a manual wheelchair and then a mobility scooter with NOSPC Accessibility Officer Keith Simmons – a wheelchair user himself – to gain insight into the lives and challenges of those with physically disabilities in Bermuda.

Minister on mobility scooter

National Office for Seniors and the Physically Challenged [NOSPC] Accessibility Officer Kristina Bean was also on-hand to assist the Minister with areas of steeper gradient around Hamilton.

The tour began at the Ministry of Health Headquarters on Church Street at 10am and terminated at the NOSPC offices on Victoria Street at 10:30am – at which point two papers were presented to the Minister of Health by the NOSPC on the topic of disabilities in Bermuda.

Minister Wheelchair 1

One of the reports was entitled ‘The Bermuda Government Building Accessibility Report,’ and looked at the accessibility of government buildings to service users and workers who may have a disability. 21 buildings in total were inspected: 13 post offices, 4 health centres, 4 police stations and the Cabinet Office Building.

The second report – ‘Mobility Scooter Feasibility Report’ -investigated the feasibility of introducing a motorised scooter service in the city of Hamilton. This was a preliminary report that researched whether this service was provided in other jurisdictions, whether there was a need in Bermuda and what would be required to make it happen should it be deemed suitable.

Minister wheelchair 2

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  1. Terry says:

    Another photo op. I hope the Minister never has these problems. But then again, he is one of the wealthyist people Bermuda has ……yah rite………annn axcuse my spallin about wealth….

    • PEPPER says:

      Zane is not a man to be trusted…
      The P.L.P. under doc Brown, Correia and insane de silva has screwed us… and guess what if there was an elction two weeks from tuesday theY WILL BE ELECTED AGAIN…………stay tuned tomorrow for Paula Cox with her address to us all….what a joke she is……

    • itwasn'tme says:

      Terry has got $$$$$ as well….we know your loaded Terry!!!!!

  2. Face the Nation says:

    Zanes riding Future Care and HIP , Kieths’ riding health care thats’ provide to the Elite Ministers’.Now if a pictures worth a million words than these kinda says it all .

    • PEPPER says:

      Hey Zane..what do you pay for health insurance??? you are a no good excuse for a health minister…you should be ashamed of your self… we lot have had enough of your $%^&

    • This is not funny!!! says:

      Face the Nation, if you would like to spend a day in the life of Keith Simmons I can arrange it for you. Mr Simmons has been advocating for the disabled for many years and has been ignored. If you want to know whether or not yesterday’s mission was successful ask Minister Desilva how his hands and arms feel today. I can guarantee you that he will never forget what he went through yesterday!

      Please don’t ever slight the challenges of the disabled…you never know if or when it could be you!!!

  3. The 411 says:

    Gotta admit he one of the hardest working men in show business! Unfortunately, Im not sure he is up to the task of serious healthcare reform. He is passionate though and is giving more than I would have ever given him credit for.

    We have to value his spirit and committment to Bermuda.

  4. Truth says:

    Actually, I am glad that Mr. DeSilva decided to do this. No one really has any idea how hard it is to be a wheelchair person in Bermuda, unless you are in that position yourself. My husband is in a wheelchair, so I understand what it’s like for him. Many, many buildings in Hamilton are just not accessible enough, if at all. There are so many barriers that the physically challenged faced, and not just getting into buildings. The whole mindset here regarding disabled persons needs to change. I hope this will be one step in the right direction.

  5. Tryangle says:

    Is it just me or does it seem that every several months a Govt Minister does the Hamilton tour/photo op with a representative of the physically challenged community, a speech is made, then squat is done about certain sidewalks, ramps and the like?…

  6. margie says:

    Way to go Zane … maybe more people will see what a hard working, caring person you are!

    You certainly do have the right idea … to ‘roll in someone else’s wheels!’


  7. Cush says:

    Hey Pepper what are the real reasons why you are so bitter may I ask?

    • Sunshine says:

      The Godfather is looking good in yet another starring role….What a guy!!

      Pepper is right on the money,Cush, All that sparkles ain’t gold!!

  8. Guy says:

    Screwed us or not. Crooked or not. He’s the Health minister and at least raising awareness if nothing else. The topic at hand: Bda is disgusting when it comes to wheelchair accessibility. I hope Zane actually does something about it. Let’s look on the bright side, he can get Correia to fix it!!! lol!

  9. St.D says:

    I wonder if Minister De Silva tried to find a accessible restaurant (with accessible bathroom), visit a doctor’s office, transit through popular shopping areas, do some banking etc, etc. Thanks to the healthcare Bermuda has enjoyed up to now,an aging population and increasing dependency on cruise ship passengers, there is a silently growing group of wheelchair users who will vote for accessibility using their wallets.

  10. SSS says:

    Dont worry about those negative minded people! You are doing a great Job Mr. Desilva!! A lot of people are very happy to have you!

  11. SEA says:

    I thought that this Minister out and about in a wheelchair was done already a few months ago as well Tryangle.

  12. Living it everyday says:

    Everyday is a challenege for Keith and every other disabled person to get around Bermuda. Sidewalk ramps are soo steep that they practically have to lean really far back to even make it, which is very unsafe to say the least. All you people do is complain about photo ops but have you thought that nothing is getting done because not many people see it as an issue? The majority of people talking about a photo op on here are the same people who won’t help a senoir or disabled person cross the street or doesn’t care that they cannot enter the same buildings as you! There have been many of times they cannot even enter their cellphone providers door to pay a bill they they must knock onthe window for someone to come outside and help them! So instead of running your mouths about a photo op maybe you will get out there and help with the cause to make the sidewalks and buildings more accessible. Or maybe you should take the challenge and see how hard it is to get around and be talked to like your an invalid! MAKE A CHANGE

  13. Hmmmmm says:

    Zane’s energy demonstrates just how lazy the others around that table are. He is doing the job he was elected and then appointed to do. Funny how the hardest worker is the one they say was too close to Ewart. Maybe the lazy but “pure” should try and take a page out of his book and do some work for a change.Lesson about politics and character for the Premier in this too…..

  14. sally says:

    I agree with Pepper, NOT to be trusted!!!

  15. LOL (original) says:

    Welcome to Zane’s circus. I’m sorry but this guy is a clown. What were they racing? This is called electioneering plain and simple. If he’s so great at his job all he has to do is listen and attempt to fix these photo ops are ridiculous. He is good for making people……………………………………………….


  16. Up & Ova says:

    Those of you spewing venom would still be spewing the same skank if he wasn’t doing anything…guess he can’t be trusted because he doesn’t parlay on your side of the table, like you think he should. forget a photo op – so what – Mike D’s always getting on camera photo ops – he’s playing to win it like a good politician should…and so is Zane. they both being active for what the say they believe in…Dammm if you do and dammm if you don’t…

    • LOL (original) says:

      Youv’e been dupped ……………………


  17. Confused says:

    I’m Confused… You all complain about the PLP then on election day you vote them back in…

    • Guy says:

      Oh, you’re going to start something! Pee El Pee!
      “UBP has been doing it for years. At least it’s PLP now.” Let’s all go for a change. Give the new boys on the block a try. In four years, if we don’t like it, let’s vote them out.

  18. Sunshine says:

    I should make it clear that my previous comment was not meant to be a slight to the disabled and ridicule their plight, however this story is not new. I just wish the goverment would make the nessary changes to the buildings and sidewalks to accommodate the disabled and not just play lip servce.

    Having said that I just came out of a company meeting held with Colonial Insurance Health representatives about the new proposed ‘National Health Plan’. I had caught bits and pieces of this on the news and in the daily newspaper, but hearing it from Colonial themselves unnerves me.

    Did you know that the Government is intending to implement this plan in June or July by deducting between 8 – 12% from every paycheck to sudsidise this plan (the exact % is not yet been revealed), it could be higher than 12%. They expect it to take between 5 and 7 years to get off the ground. In short we will pay more to get less coverage. No longer will you be able, if already afforded that opportunity, to choose between numerous overseas network providers.Colonial, Argus and BFM etc. will no longer be servicing healthcare plans as this be a national program – mandatory!

    The government has given us until April 30th, 2011 to protest by writing to the CEO of the Bermuda Health Council

    I urge everyone to become informed and let your voice be heard. The general consensus is that the Government is using this new plan to raise the funds necessary to build the new hospital. But the millions they will take from the working people will probably all end up in one pot with multiple uses. INCOME TAX…that is the correct name!

  19. #Thatisall says:

    Zane’s leading by example!

    Recent Headlines:

    Zane gets his colon checked…
    Zane brushes his teeth…
    Zane checks his cholesterol…

    Zane takes a green poop… Pictures below..

  20. truth be told says:

    Its funny how people complain about everything done by PLP Ministers. This is no photo op this was a genuine attempt by the Minister to get a first hand view of what disabled members of or society have to go through on a daily basis. He stated in a meeting prior to this that he agreed to do it and why he felt it was necessary. Things like this help those who have the power make the best decisions possible. Stop the hate and take part in the work.

  21. Not Dopey says:

    The Minister has taken on the cause that is noble and important. Some comments have called your actions a “photo op” DUHHH, of course it is a photo op !That is the purpose of the exercise (photo op), to highlight the issues facing people with challenges. It is so easy to be a critic. Minister Z.. Well done… keep using your profile and positon to highlight areas of concern in our community… You using your post to highlight important health related concerns.