Premier Cox Visits BMA Graduate Trainees

June 10, 2011

The Bermuda Monetary Authority’s graduate trainees received a surprise visit earlier this week from Premier Paula Cox.

During the informal gathering, Premier Cox said that the BMA’s Graduate Training Programme [GTP] sounded very practical and liked the fact that it included secondments in the private sector.

Premier Cox congratulated the trainees on their hard work thus far and hinted that secondments between the Authority and relevant Government Ministries could be further developed in future.

Premier's Visit to BMA_080611

Despite the fact that the BMA operated separately from Government, the Premier said that it would be beneficial to the BMA’s Graduate Trainees to experience working in different aspects of Government, for example, the Treaty Unit of the
Ministry of Finance.

“It was truly an experience that I will never forget,” BMA Graduate Trainee Vashun Blanchette said. “Madam Premier spoke with all of the graduate trainees individually.”

Mesheiah Crockwell, Head of the GTP and Assistant Director, Resourcing and Technical Development at the Authority said yesterday’s visit was an example of the kind of unique opportunities that the GTP provided to young Bermudian graduates.

“Financial regulators play vital roles locally and overseas,” Mrs. Crockwell said. “So it should be no surprise that it is a key objective of the BMA to resource the Authority with knowledgeable, Bermudian regulators. The GTP is one of the main avenues that the Authority employs to achieve this objective.”

The BMA launched its three-year GTP in 2008. Mandatory rotations across various departments in the Authority last a total of 24 months and are followed by nine-month secondments out in the industry and three-month secondments with regulators overseas. Upon successfully completing the GTP, the trainees will be offered full-time employment as BMA Analysts.

Jeremy Cox, the Authority’s CEO, explained what the GTP programme was trying to achieve: “Through mentorship and leadership, the GTP ensures that each trainee becomes a key resource at the Authority. The addition of secondments in the private sector and overseas regulators also ensures that trainees have a well-rounded experience.

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