Literacy Day: Elliot Primary Partners With ACE

July 27, 2011

On Friday 17 June 2011 Elliot Primary School held its second annual Literacy Day. Throughout the day students participated in various reading activities designed to encourage them to improve their literacy skills.

The event was organised by teachers and parents, together with ACE employees who participated in the Literacy Day as a part of the ACE Employee Volunteer Program.

The day began promptly at 7:30 am with a number of students, teachers and ACE volunteers standing on the side of Hermitage Road and Middle Road with handmade signs encouraging motorists to read to their children.

Holding Signs

The voices of ACE volunteers Joshua Schwartz, Jeff Trimarchi and Jim Paugh could be heard throughout the school soon after, as they welcomed students by reading on the roof with megaphones alongside Elliot Primary’s Literacy Coordinator Ms. Pauletta Francis and Primary One teacher Ms. Makese Gilbert.

Parents and students were pleasantly surprised as they entered the school and saw teachers and volunteers reading to students from the rooftop.

Reading on the Roof

At approximately 9:30 am, the ACE Team was officially introduced to the Elliot students. The team consisted of Jim Paugh, Sarah Champion, Jeff Trimarchi, Shalene Trott, Kim Preston-Nesbitt, Gaynell Rubaine, Eliza Riker, Rebecca Conklin (Student Intern), Joshua Schwartz, Shae Neocleous, Paul Phillips, Brian Ancharski and Richard Keane.

The ACE team then helped the students and faculty members to arrange themselves into lines in order to spell out the word “READ”. The team was treated to a well-prepared song and dance about reading which was performed by the students andtaught by Elliot’s Music teacher, Ms. Wanda Raynor.

The 250 Men’s Reading Challenge began soon after. The students and teachers proceeded to their classrooms while a large number of male volunteers registered, had group pictures taken and then went on to read to the students.


Literacy Coordinator Pauletta Francis stated that “It was truly a beautiful sight to behold as teenagers, young men, middle aged men and older men took time out to share the joy of literacy with our students.”

The literacy day continued after a short lunch, with veteran educators such as Mrs. Judith James and former principals, Mrs. Carol Bassett and Mrs. Cathy Bassett captivating the students through storytelling.

Older students participated in a scavenger hunt soon after, being encouraged to read out clues in order to find hidden items both on and around the school grounds. Younger students were entertained through the storytelling of Mrs. Ellen Kelley and Mrs. Shurnette Caines, as well as ACE’s Sarah Champion and Joshua Schwartz.

The entire student body recited the Elliot Primary Summer Reading Oath at the end of the day, where they promised to read each day and each night. The ACE team, led by Kim Preston-Nesbitt, talked about the day and how they anticipated coming back to Elliot next year.

Pauletta Francis added that “By all accounts, our Literacy Day was a huge accomplishment. The highlight of the day, however, was our 250 Men’s Reading Challenge. While our aim was to have 250 men participate in the challenge, the 175 men that did partner with us, made the event a phenemenol success.”

“Next year, we are extremely confident that we will reach our 250 men goal. We are looking forward to having even more men join us next year. We were extremely grateful to have the continued support of our friends from ACE who helped to make the day memorable.”

Joshua Schwartz, an ACE employee, also spoke of the day’s success “Literacy Day was a resounding success once again this year. It was a wonderful collaboration between Elliot Primary and ACE Claims and Legal Departments, and most importantly the children had a great day.”

“This was our second year participating in the event and we particularly enjoyed being welcomed back by some of the children we met last year. We hope to continue to encourage the children to read and share our love of reading with them as we build a stronger relationship with Elliot Primary School.”

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  1. Well done Elliot, Pauletta (school Literacy Coordinator)and all sponsors for demonstrating our love of reading and the importance of adult role models who walk the talk of literacy importance.