Police: Missing 17 Yr Old Girl [Found]

July 18, 2011

[Updated - she has returned home] Police have issued an appeal to help locate 17 year old Santina Harvey, who has not returned home since this past Friday.

A Police spokesman said, “Police are appealing for the public’s assistance in locating 17 year old Santina Harvey. Ms. Harvey has been in contact with her mother but has not returned home since Friday, July 15th.”

Santina Harvey (1)

“The teenager is described as 5’5” tall of slim build with a dark complexion and pierced ears. Anyone with any information on the whereabouts of 17 year old Santina Harvey is encouraged to contact the Vulnerable Persons Unit on 295-0011.”

This is the second time this year Santina has gone missing. Police issued an appeal in March 2011 about the missing teenager, and said at that time that it was not the first time Santina has gone missing.

Update July 19: A Police spokesman said, “The Bermuda Police Service would like to thank the public for their assistance in locating 17 year old Santina Harvey. Ms. Harvey returned home Monday evening safe and well.”

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Comments (29)

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  1. United says:

    If the girl is in contact with her mom then why waste tax dollars for searching for her? Could this be a case of a runaway child? Don’t want to sound callous but the story does say that she has contacted or is in contact with her mom.

    • Really?? says:

      What tax dollars? They’re asking if you see her to please call. I know that times are hard but the cost of a phone call is not that much. It’s not like they’ve formed a search party and are actively hunting for her. Isn’t this the best way to search for a person in Bermuda? Put it into the public eye that she is missing and ask for the public to call in if you see her. I don’t see anything wrong with that.

      • United says:

        Good point. I was under the impression that the police were on notice with a MPB.

    • Warrior 1 says:

      Now that she has been found it should be made known where she was ….you asked the public for help so its our buisness now ….yes?

  2. It is what it is says:


  3. through the lens says:

    because maybe according to the law, she is not a legal adult. I believe you have to be 18 in most countries. And just because she is on contact with her mother, doesnt mean that she isnt somewhere that she shouldnt be. We dont need anymore tragedies in Bermuda.

  4. Cleancut says:

    Its called “SHACKUP” every so often young girls get drawn in to the homes of guys that Brainwash them. once both parties have had a wonderful time they usually part. It will take strong willpower for the girl to break away from these happy drugged up clowns!

  5. Mystery says:

    Let them learn the hard way! On the streets or whatever they are doing. Sometimes these young people think that they are grown. Lets just hope she grows up, before she ends up somewhere she doesnt want to be.

  6. Whatever... says:

    She needs licks.

    • Point Boi says:

      Its the parents that need licks…she hasn’t gone ‘missing’ she just doesn’t want to be at home. Lots of question marks why she has done this at least twice. I think we focus on the misbehavior rather than what causes it. She’ll come home when she ready to, probably already told her mother exactly like that.

  7. SWEETBLACK says:

    i completly agree with everything you said point boi. i am now 28 yrs old,but when i was that age i ran away not beacuse i was wild but because i just didn’t want to be home with a drunk father and a mother who was to afraid of him to stand up for herself. maybe this young lady just needs to talk to someone and say how she is feeling it could be some deep hidden issues y she has run away.

  8. WOW says:

    This little girl has got issues, GO HOME

  9. God have Mercy! says:


  10. Lissa says:

    Go ya tail home little girl. You have a few more months then you can do whatever you want. but til then – go the heck home…

  11. Waste of time says:

    This is a waste of reporting space for important issues! This girl is clearly not missing…. shes just not doing what her parents want! Stop wasting peoples time …. when i first read it I was concerned for her safety… These people need to stop crying wolf… when their child really does go missing no one is going to care…
    Get a hold of your children and stop making it everyone elses issue!!!

  12. YouSPEAKtruth says:

    That’s embarrassing…..

  13. Stupid Comment says:

    I am a friend of the mother who does how best with her daughter without a father present in her life. She has raised her daughter the best that she could on her own. Before you know the facts stop jumping to conclusions that it is the parents fault. She is doing everything in her power to get her daughter home. If something happened to that young lady then people would be complaining that the mother did nothing. It is a losing battle. If she was a parent that didnt care about her child she would not be trying to have get her daughter returned home. SMH!

    • United says:

      Excuse! There thousands if not millions of single parent homes throughout this world where the children are well rounded. It is NOT anyone elses’ responsibility to raise the child. If the child were abducted that would be something differen. But to summon the police where they have their hands full with all the gun violence to look for the petulant little, spoiled child. That is irresponsible!

    • seriously? says:

      ok so i wish i could say that i understand but i don’t. yes her mother has appealed to the public for assistance, which is a step, but i believe everyone is wondering how the heck is this young lady still contacting her mother yet refuses to come home. it’s time to stop being friend and time to start being parent. i’m a single mother myself and there’s no way my child would be able to get away with this. i’d HUNT him down if necessary. look, i know it’s rough, but sometimes you gotta lose your mind at least once to show your kids how serious you are. no more miss nice mom.

  14. o my blog says:

    this is a hot mess…seriously tho…lady find out where ya child is next time she contacts you! talk to her friends! demand that they tell u! get in your car and find her little butt n when u do…LICKS! be a parent!!!

  15. United says:

    Unfortunately, we can no longer discipline our kids. We have relinquished all parental rights to governments that think they know what’s best for US and our kids. You know, they went to college so they know better.

    I remember going to Warwick Sec, Randy Horton was principal. Man, when they called out your name because you were disrespectful or acted in a punk type way, Mr. Horton had the cane CANE in his hand and if Mr. Horton’s massive frame didn’t scare you, the cane hitting the palm of your hand straightened you right out.

    All that is gone now. Too bad.

  16. Little Girls says:

    LoL… The girl should be embarassed how many time u wanna end up in the royal gazette for going missing… you wanna act grown? then stay home, DEAL with ya issues and get out when ya 18 so ya mother can stop boring our lives with ya missin stories… SHE IS NOT AND WILL NOT be the first teenager that has issues at home and wants to run away so she can freedom…

  17. Uncle Nick says:

    On a more important note.

    Where are the fathers? It’s to much broken homes in Bermuda. Why hasn’t the father put out a “look out” for his daughter. Or does he just not care.

  18. Changing Statys says:

    This girl needs to be diciplined, never would i have ever had the nerve to run away from my home without the fear of what i was returning to. being as this is at least the thrid time shes done this, means she comes home to no more than a ‘bad girl’ speech. Better keep an eye on her before she comes home with another baby for the mother to take care of.

  19. Stupid Comment says:

    Hey United since you call your self United! Go help the mother find her daughter and Unite them do something positive with all your energy! When you have children no matter how good of a parent you are they stray at times. Even in 2 parent house holds. So quick to judge people!!! Stay strong to her mother who is fighting to save her young daughter from a horrible path.

  20. seek the truth says:

    I am a single mother of three doing it on my own but it all boils down to how you raise your children because i can guarantee you that after the first time it definitely wouldn’t be a second…..

  21. Cedar Beams (Original) says:

    Is there not a responsible adult at the house the girl is staying at? Who wouldn’t do the right thing and call the mother who must be worried sick?

  22. Onion Soup says:

    Everyone is so quick to judge both the girl and the mother, but none of us have the whole story! That the police have taken it upon themselves to raise an alert, it should be obvious that something is amiss. Perhaps she’s being held somewhere against her will or has found herself in a situation and is afraid to return home for fear of the consequences. This could account for her having contacted her mother but either cannot or will not return home. Having run away at least twice before, she may well have good reason to not want to return home. Then again, she may simply be a girl that feels she can lead an independent life without restrictions being imposed by a parent. We do not know what is going on in the girl’s life or in her head. No matter what the reason, she obviously needs help. I just hope she’s not come to harm.

  23. Ignorance says:

    Fellow Bermudians(british overseas citizens)
    If you do not like the above comment then return the passports…..

    What if….

    The communication between mother and daughter is via text.

    Majority of the comments here are very dangerous and premature. If you know where she is then call the police or her family. If you do not, then stop.