$100 Fee For Police Check/Reports

August 29, 2011

As of Thursday, September 1st 2011 it will cost $100 to perform a police criminal record check and provide a police clearance certificate.

A police spokesperson said, “This payment should accompany a completed application form, which is available on the Bermuda Police Service website at www.bermudapolice.bm under Forms & Publications. All fees should be submitted by cheque and made payable to the Accountant General.”

The following services are now also the subject of a $100 fee:

  • Provision of fingerprinting services for visas, job applications, etc.
  • Provision of police incident reports and collision reports.

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Comments (96)

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  1. Oh Noes! says:

    Thanks for the ample notice. $100? That’s a bit steep considering it cost $0 a week ago.

  2. Jus' Askin' says:

    How did they come up with a $100 fee?

  3. EXPress says:

    I would like to say “And so it begins” But………….it has already begun!

  4. Family Man says:

    I thought Paula was setting up a commission to investigate these greedy merchants who over-price their goods and services?

    Oh, wait, she only wants to investigate “the other guys”.

    • Emeka47 says:

      @ Familyman … Who’s Paula, are you referring to the Premier, If so have some respect if not for the person, then for the position she holds. You don’t need to call her by her full title, but she is “The Premier of Bermuda, the Hon. Mrs. Paula Cox, M.P.

      • Yeah Right says:

        I wouldn’t call her Honerable as she was one of the reasons Bermuda lost so much money to begin with. I don’t care what your job is. You’re nothing but just another human being on this world. Why should I have to include all that rubbish than just call you by the name your parents gave you?

        • Stop Pointing ya Fingers says:

          ERRRRRRRRR< WRONG! We are in the deep doodo that we are in because of the UBP. PLP got in the seat with all this debt, UBP just covered it up well.

          I told this guy the other day, who are you gonna vote for, the party that screws you in private or the party the screws you in public??

          • Lissa says:

            Love it.!! I will take the public screwing

            • Derek Simons says:

              I Agree!!

              • OU812 says:

                Please _ you call her whatever you like. You dont demand respect, you command respect!

                • Warrior 1 says:

                  Ya if you live in a communist country>>>Respect is not Commanded or Demanded >>>IT IS EARNED!!!!!….seems like you all cant remember Bda’s reputation for 30yrs before YOU made it Happen….thats when Bermuda Was Another World rhat we ALL enjoyed,,,,,

                  • OU812 says:

                    Mmm maybe a dictionary would help……look up command……..

          • Real Talk (original) says:

            Anybody who is willing to get screwed by any party has a ‘screw loose’…
            Screw ‘em all…

          • JWOW says:


  5. alteredbeast says:

    so the police have become a business enterprise instead of a public service?

    • Emeka47 says:

      Why shouldn’t the Police charge a fee for a criminal check and certificate. Who do you suggest should pay for the paperwork and certificate? If you ask HSBC to research your statement older than 90 days it cost $50 PER HOUR,not per JOB! Do you complain to them? If you want your business to have the best of people working for you, then invest in the research! Times have changed and nothing is FREE!

      • Onion says:

        HSBC still gives you copies of your statements free, if you’ve lost them and need new ones they charge you for that. A little different than charging you right off the bat for a police report. Even $100 for a criminal check is high considering they are checking into their own records.

  6. Family Man says:

    In a couple of years, when you can pay with Bermuda Peso’s $100 won’t seem like much.

  7. Shaking the Head says:

    Agree the price commission needs to look at any enterprise that can increase its fees from $0 to $100, especially if it is a Government enterprise. Not only an increase in fees, but a reduction in quality. How come the “Accountant General” has been shortened to “Account General”? Is this because Government can’t afford the additional letters? Now it’s clear there is a shortage of money.

  8. still waiting says:

    I wonder what they’d charge me for a report of the burglary I had two years ago where they still have not taken an official statement from me ?

    It’s easy for people who have never had a crime commited against them to rally support for the Police Service , and that’s the way it should be , but there’s a lot of ‘good people’ who’s frustration with the Service is growing every day.

    • tuba says:

      You reported a burglary and the Police took the details? Was anyone arrested? Why would the BPS need to take an ‘official statement’ from you??

  9. Malachi says:

    By using an extremely complex mathematical formula which none of us mere mortals could ever possibly .understand

  10. through the lens says:

    For all you peeps who continue to complain, go check the fees for the same process in the US, UK and Canada approx. 70 pounds from Jan 2011.
    So please shut the hell up and quit complaining, because chances are you don’t need this service anyways.

    • real talk says:

      Thats your @#$%^&* problem!!! This is not the US or UK!!

      • Tickled Pink (and Blue) says:

        Well said.

        Don’t we already pay our “taxes” for this service already.

        The bottom line is, there is no cash around to fund BPS overtime which BTW is exhorbitant by any stretch of your imagination and definitely no cash for extra manpower so the money has to come from somewhere.
        So why not Joe Public, we’re already getting raped day in day out from every angle as it is, why not just another Government Dept. to add to the already long list.

        Why don’t the “muppets” On The Hill start by taking a pay cut.

        Let’s just say $1,000 each for starters which would be more than enough to cover the cost of someone to type a name into the BPS database & print a report off.
        This should take about all of 30 secs of the officers time so he can get back productive policing.

        Finally some folk are just not going to pay the $100 for a criminal record check so some poor individuals who have nothing to hide may just not get that job they wanted because of a $100 fee levied by this penny-pinching Government who have blown everything we had, out of the proverbial window.

        Just another dis-service to go along with the mountain of others provided recently.

        • Family Man says:

          Future job applicants will be charged the $100 fee for a background check. Don’t want to pay? Don’t apply for a job with me.

    • freddyg says:

      I agree with through the lens… It cost every where else, why should BDA be any different. What is the chance an average person will need this service?

      • the truth says:

        So if someone breaks into your house and stills your TV and laptop, you’re fine with paying the Police $100 to file out an incident report? That’s a BASIC police service, which SHOULD be covered under the taxes we already pay. What’s next, the Police are going to charge a ‘call-out’ fee? Will the Fire service send a bill to you when they come to your house to put out a blaze? Seriously, what’s next?

        • Scott says:

          to do up a report, and a call out to the house are totally different things though. they are not charging you do their job, they’re charging you for a record of whats happened…

          while i think the fee is over the top, your simplistic analogy is way off base.

          • the truth says:

            I was being somewhat tongue in check, you didn’t catch on though. And, filing an incident report is effectively Policing 101 and should be covered by taxes you already pay the Government. Or you a fan of being taxed twice?

            Have you also considered how this impacts employers who require background checks for job candidates, or am I just too damn simplistic for you?

            • tuba says:

              Wait a minute, our taxes should cover the cost of every service provided by a Government Agency?? So nobody should pay extra for a passport, drivers licence, vehicle licence, bus or ferry ride, cell phone licence, etc, etc???

              • the truth says:

                Don’t be ridiculous, no-one’s suggesting that. But it’s pretty obvious that this move is a result of the Police budget shortfall. Are you honestly suggesting that if someone robs my house, that I need to pay the police to write an incident report? Really??!! That if someone strikes my car, that I should pay for the collision report. In both of these scenarios, the victim should pay for a police report?

                Sigh…….going to get my passport, and having to pay the police for an incident report because someone broke into my house are two TOTALLY different situations, and I’m sure you’re smart enough to know that.

                • tuba says:

                  Why would you request a police report if your house was broken in to (not robbed as a house cannot be robbed) or you had a collision? Perhaps because you are going to claim off insurance correct? Insurance companies should be requesting and getting a police report if it is needed. You pay a massive premium and you are expected to foot a bill and spend your time going to the police requesting reports to take to an insurance company. You must like paying someone else while you do the leg work. I understand why you are sighing!!

                  • the truth says:

                    Common procedure is when you’ve had an accident/break-in, the police are called onto the scene and a report is produced, not only is this for insurance but it’s also for Police records. If the Insurance company requires a report in order to process the claim, then yes the onus is on the victim to attain the report.

                    ‘Who’ requests the report is neither here or there, the issue is that the $100 fee is applicable whether the victim does the legwork, or the insurer. Does that suck? Perhaps, but don’t look at me…. I didn’t create the system. Bottomline is there’s now $100 fee involved, and if the Insurer is the one requesting the report, that $100 fee will be passed onto you whether it be deducting it from your check, or increasing the premium. It’s not like the Insurer doing the legwork means they’re also footing the $100.

                    It was a non-issue before whether the victim or the company requests the police report, because there was no fee to speak of.

                    • Tuba says:

                      Ok…when the police are called to a collision, they give parties involved a form (report) that has all information on it. This has always cost nothing and will continue to cost nothing. Also, how often in your entire life have you had to request official reports from the police? Once, twice? This is hardly going to bankrupt anyone.

                      Paying $9 for a box of cereal at a grocery store, with the knowledge that cereal is DUTY FREE, is a bit more annoying than possibly, perhaps, maybe having to request a police report once or twice in my entire lifetime.

                    • the truth says:

                      So when is the $100 fee assessed then?

                      And….how often I’ve had to request a police report, or will have to request one, is irrelevant. And on that note, we’ll agree to disagree, but you’re free to invest more time in that line of discussion. You bringing cereal into the equation made me realize why I’m wasting my time with this pointless back and forth.

                    • tuba says:

                      funny how one cannot respond to your latest post.

      • Onion says:

        Bc only in the UK is it that high, most places in the states it’s free if you need a police report under 10 pages and if not approx $30 or $3 per page if it’s over 20. Canada is very similar. Criminal background checks cost around the same too. Google the costs of these services for a few cities in the US or Canada and see.

    • Jus' Askin' says:

      Because everyone else is doing it. We have to do it?

    • Just Me says:

      Its GBP35 in the UK for a criminal records check… But they’ve charged a nominal fee for a while and it only goes up in small increments. Going from $0 to $100 is disgusting.

    • Warrior 1 says:

      well you see what they have done to Ghadaffi right …..well thats what needs to be done here …..If you are a Tyrant like him and are living high off of the citizenz that you have been graciouslly elected to govern ….then the same thing should be done to you ..instead off John shooting David , go after the ones OPPRESSING YOU…lets see how many run for office then PEOPLE OF BERMUDA ITS TIME FOR A CHANGE …TAKE YOUR ISLAND BACK ….POLITICIANS NEED TO BE SCARED TO F#@K WITH THEIR EMPLOYERS …US!!!

    • United says:

      Your lens is rather cloudy mate. The U.S. charges ZERO for those services as those services are part of the TAXES they confiscate from the pay cheques of the working stiff. The ones on government assistance;ie lazy layabouts pay ZERO in taxes and create most of the problems; ie police activity.

    • Emeka47 says:

      That was my point earlier. Its probably an employee/employer check, US or foreign criminal check and a certificate to say you are ‘good to go’ to work, overseas to school or live. Open your brains and think outside your little box!

  11. sick n tired!!!!! says:

    So question: Someone breaks into my home and my insurance company needs an incident report I have to pasy $100 to get one from the police department?????

    • the truth says:


    • Emeka47 says:

      Do you people read??? this is the statement. “As of Thursday, September 1st 2011 it will cost $100 to perform a police criminal record check and provide a police clearance certificate” A criminal record check means a PERSON. It will state that the person has a criminal history or NOT. Has nothing to do with breakins or insurance claims! Most of these checks have to do with employer/employee hire, going overseas, which is required by the Govts to provide such info if you attend schools etc. Or if you want to check out a person yourself. You just can’t go on-line and download peoples’ personal info or criminal history. It’s not etthical!! SO PAY UP!
      If you had enough sense, you’d ask the police for a statement at the time of your incident took place or when the report is being done.

      • alsys says:

        Ah, actually Emeka47, if YOU read above it says

        “The following services are now also the subject of a $100 fee:

        â– Provision of fingerprinting services for visas, job applications, etc.
        â– Provision of police incident reports and collision reports.”

        So you CAN’T simply just ask the police for a incident or collision report… unless they are going to start carrying around those credit card readers or accept cash. That’s the whole point.

        • real talk says:

          The job of the BPS is to prevent crime. Yes? So If I dont pay for a background check it is possible that I could hire a criminal ( un be known to myself) and put myself in danger? Is this prevention?

      • the truth says:

        Do you read? What does “Provision of police incident reports and collision reports” mean? If you have to report a break-in, the police will file an INCIDENT REPORT. If someone slams their bike into the back of your CRV because they’re too busy texting on their cellphone, you have to file a COLLISION REPORT. These are both subject to $100 fee. These are completely separate from police certificates, etc.

  12. CheapSkate says:

    They want you to pay them for rap-sheets on their relatives… Sign of the times, now that more white collar workers are going court for crimes unimaginable, again their friends too…

  13. so long says:

    This wouldn’t have anything to do with the growing number of people leaving the island needing their police reports?…nah …government is there to serve the people not the other way around

  14. shakaZulu says:

    How would the unemployed applicant afford this service?

  15. Let's look at this again! says:

    Let’s examine this new policy, I can pay $100.00 for the police to perform a criminal records check on anyone I like, my boyfriend, his mother, her sister, etc. Why is this vital government document controlled by $100.00 fee payable to the Attorney General? Where are the checks and balances by the government? For example, if the criminal record is incomplete and/or inccurate, I will have the right to use that information in a public way – such as post it on the Internet.

    Moreover, it should be a public service, not a fee generating enterprise for government, no matter how small or large a profit.

    Should witnesses now demand a witness statement fee? After all our time and energy has monetary value also, and these statements take up a lot of our time.

    It is not who has a criminal record, but who will have access to that information, is that information accurate and will it be used responsibly.

    • Warrior 1 says:

      OH COME ON NOW!!!!!….you know its jus a revenue marketing scheme…find out what the majority NEEDS then charge them for it …hahahaha
      like anything else ….im wait for toilet paper to become illegal coz they know we all use it ….what a great way to make everyone a criminal…PAY mofo!! PAY!!! coz i wanna go away !!!!

  16. Aquarius says:

    wow. that just means that most employers won’t do their checks and criminals can now be freely employed :)

    • the truth says:

      Either that or the cost of the background check will be passed onto the job applicant…

  17. Spectators Corner says:

    Real talk says.I agree We have to stop trying to compare with other countries.lets start challenging these decisions made by the powers that be,and hold them accountable .We have a lot of questions that need to be answered,and the answers can not be found in America or the UK.


  18. peace of mind says:

    To Through the lens:To the Unemployed that go through agencies that are helping bermudians get a job this isntfair. because they requireyou to get a police report to even continue the process of getting a job.

  19. Lee says:

    Isn’t it supposed to be “Accountant General”?

  20. B says:

    Maybe now that we have to pay for this service, they will actually perform the service in a timely manner, without me needing to call them 7, 8, 9, 10 times to follow up on where the hell my police clearance certificate is.

  21. Triangle Drifter says:

    This just shows what a sorry sorry state the Cox PLP Government has gotten Bermuda into. They are desparate for money. How long before Government won’t be able to meet payroll?

    • Warrior 1 says:

      Ha they cant meet it NOW!!!!…thats what all the underhanded activity is all about …Little Haiti here we COME!!! {trust me ..it will happen overnight}…you will wake up to another world …and it wont be Bermuda !!!!

    • the truth says:

      Ding ding!

  22. thoughts says:

    Watch, soon the government will be lauding our decrease in crimes because people wont bother getting a police incident report for petty thefts if it isn’t covered by insurance.

  23. :( says:

    This is rediculous ….. Inflation at its best I guess ~ 0 – 100 in 2.4 seconds. This has got to be the influence of foreigners. It is no way that this should cost an exhuberant $100. How is it that the unemployed, and employers going to afford this for each individual applicant/ application. Not only the employment segement will suffer also the national sports players will be affected by this extravegant fee. LUDICROUS !!!!!

  24. Terry says:

    The Consolidated Fund is empty and Govmant is hurting.

    Just don’t let someone brake into yah howze ann haiv ann acseedent dee same day yah applyin four ah weeza….

    Jinhus….dets shree hundraid rite der chiel………..

  25. My two cents says:

    Bermuda is broke and desperate. This is just the beginning.
    Please start saving your money, you will need it!

    • the truth says:

      Saving money? Impossible for the average Bermudian, and that’s even if you live a modest lifestyle. I go months without eating out, rarely shop for anything but essentials, bring my lunch from home…still wind up with pennies at the end of the month.

      • My two cents says:

        I am sorry to hear this. Unfortunately there is only so much you can do to save and shave on an island that is so expensive.
        Some last ditch measures would be to get rid of all cable TV, cell phone, internet, and making meals go further such as beans and rice with cheese instead of meat as it is expensive. These are suggestions for anyone that finds themselves in your situation. You may have already done all of these things. Also, driving a bike to work instead of a car can save thousands per year if it is an option for you.

        • the truth says:

          Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have a ‘hard’ life. I just live within my means and try to ‘not spend’ unnecessarily when possible. I’m just saying that saving money in Bermuda, much like owning a home, is pretty much a pipedream.

    • tuba says:

      Like most other countries….

      • the truth says:

        Good generalization….how many countries on earth can you have a couple each earning 80,000 a year but still can’t afford a home?

        • tuba says:

          My comment was actually a reply to ‘My two cents’ comment about Bermuda being broke.

          • the truth says:

            Sorry, it’s not immediately obvious who you were referring to.

            • Tuba says:


              • the truth says:

                Yep, clearly.

                • tuba says:

                  Yes …clearly…

                  • The Truth says:

                    oh look, a game of who can get the last word in! Moving on…..

                    • Tuba says:

                      Oh look you won….oh wait nevermind….

                    • the truth says:

                      I’m sure the urge to get that last little quip in is irresistible, isn’t it? I’ve said all I have to say to you on whatever we were talking about earlier, so beyond that this is petty nonsense. I’ll leave you to your own devices. I only lower myself by continuing any further.

  26. Rockfish#2 says:

    Surely Minister Perinchief will offer a sensible explanation for this apparent debacle!

  27. Bedhead says:

    Do you know how long some rap sheets are, ya know that’s a lot of paper and paper is expensive LOL

  28. The Messenger says:

    Sad that our govt is now looking to find ways to raise revenue. Watch, soon we will be paying dearly for everything.

    • PEPPER says:

      Messenger..Govt is looking for ways to raise revenue !!!! but guess what is it to pay for their trips abroad ? Patrice Minus is taking a contingent to Atlanta !!!how many is a contingent ? I am so fed up with this so called Govt.

  29. PAS says:

    Last week I called the police because my neighbors were fighting and he was loudly threatening to beat her up. Next time, if i don’t have a spare $100, I should just let them have at it?

    • tuba says:

      Dont be stupid..Why would YOU need a police report for that…

  30. Real Talk says:

    .. is this actually putting the public at risk? What about those people who work with children (schools, daycares, after school programs) who might be inclined to bypass the $100 background checks due to the cost…

  31. Oh Noes! says:

    Really – paying for a background check / police check is not out of the question. It’s just the introduction of a fee of $100 when the old fee was $0 with less than a week’s notice.

  32. Shut Yo Mouth says:

    Next time people won’t be so quick to make noise when the fares go up for a ferry ride . You cannot win when fighting a government . If they can’t flog you one way they’ll figure out how to flog you another . Oh also , to you ganja smokers , don’t get caught with even a roach ,because you’ll be spending money for police reports for the rest of your life . Even if this government were to make it legal .

  33. Unbelievable says:

    PATHETIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now you have to pay to see if someone is a criminal! Google is cheaper!

  34. Crystal Smith says:

    well i hope with this $100 charge we will see faster service by the BPS! Geesh i remember a few times, it took at least 4-6 weeks for a police check to come back.

  35. LOL (original) says:

    Does this apply to driving records since some time insurance companies require people to get a record for traffic offenses, it use to be free as it was your info then went to $10 and back to free so now its $100?


  36. ms. says:

    My Thing is how the hell can they bring in people to tell us about OUR school systems and we know what we have to do “bring the trade schools back!!! the reason they took them out so our black men can be on the streets!!! if you look back our men were doing good those that are not book smart!!they made a living and passed it down, Now they want you go up the college and pay…And all this crap about paying the bps kiss my @## take it outta that trip brown took to the playboy mansion!!..this government need to stop the crap and lets come together and get this place running properly bcus its wayy too small for this crap the u.s and u.k are big enough for the crap that goes on there!! and all these foriegners here kick em out and train a bermudian how to the job like before then allow them to move on with experience!!!

    • Jazzy says:

      what has this got to do with the subject? And if you kick out all the foreigners, you kick out most of the employers too. Racism is not what this country needs to get on it’s feet again.

  37. Let's look at this again! says:

    What, on earth, does the above posted comments have to do with paying $100. for a police criminal record check?

    This can also be a hindrance for the unemployed as an interested employer can request, during the interviewing stage, that the cost be borne by the job seeker, thereby, eliminating any costs to their firm. The job seeker may now have to factor the cost of a criminal records’ check as a cost of finding a job.

    @Lee, yes, Accountant General not Attorney General…

  38. Hudson says:

    We have bigger issues to worry about. I don’t see the big issue, although a little more notice would have been nice. I do agree that this could be a further obstacle for the unemployed as they seek employment.