Premier Cox: “This Is Not Business As Usual”

August 6, 2011

Paula-A-CoxThis morning [Aug.6] Premier Paula Cox addressed the recent reports of Anthony Santucci being hired as a consultant saying “The controls work. This is not business as usual.”

On Thursday the Transport Minister said, “Mr. Santucci is to be a consultant for a period of four months assisting with legislative changes in the area of road safety.”

The following day the Cabinet Secretary and Head of the Civil Service Donald Scott said, “It is categorically untrue that Mr. Santucci has been engaged by the Ministry of Transport as there has not been a submission to the Review Committee.”

No official reason was given as to why the two senior officials gave conflicting statements.

The statement released by Premier Cox this morning said, “Let me be clear. The dial has been re-set. The rules of engagement have been made transparent. Further, the division of responsibility between policy-setting and implementation of policy is also clearer.”

“Civil servants have charge of operating the machinery of government and it is appropriate that senior civil servants speak to process and procedure. The Secretary to the Cabinet did that in very clear terms. Mr. Santucci has not been engaged.”

Yesterday, Acting Opposition Leader Trevor Moniz said, “We support the Government’s recent move to adopt some of our longstanding calls for better governance, but the Santucci controversy indicates just how difficult it will be to change self-serving attitudes that have hurt Bermuda.”

“The Santucci controversy also contradicts new themes for Ms Cox’s Government, from ‘re-setting the dials’ to ‘doing more with less,” continued Mr Moniz.

The full statement from Premier Cox is below:

The controls work.

This is not business as usual.

No matter how it is framed by a repackaged Opposition what is undeniable is that there is a process and that the process works.

In the matter of applications for consultancies we have revamped the process so it is assessed objectively and on a needs basis. A compelling case has to be made. We made a studied effort to reduce the number of consultancies.

In the matter of Mr. Santucci, the Secretary to the Cabinet and Head of the Civil Service set out the process that is in place for consent to engage staff in government ministries and departments. The same control process is in place for the hiring and retention of consultants.”

Both actions require a compelling business case and searching scrutiny over whether the recommended resource has the required knowledge, skill and experience to deliver.

Given the recent enhancements to the procurement process, there are added controls re disclosure to avoid conflict of interest. None are exempt from the process.

Let me be clear. The dial has been re-set. The rules of engagement have been made transparent. Further, the division of responsibility between policy-setting and implementation of policy is also clearer.

Civil servants have charge of operating the machinery of government and it is appropriate that senior civil servants speak to process and procedure. The Secretary to the Cabinet did that in very clear terms.

Mr. Santucci has not been engaged.

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Comments (136)

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  1. Bermygirl says:

    Madam Premier, sounds like you need to tell the rest of the team! LOL! I don’t buy it though….if the dial was reset when you took over, why/how could this happen? Lister must have known this appointment would be contentious once public – so it makes no sense he deviated from the “new order” as is being suggested….

    • Biggest Hypocrites says:

      Think about it public. Lister ran and lost to Premier Cox.

      I admire they made the correction, now let it rest OBAers.

      Tell us who you won’t hire that will be conflict of interest.

      Tell us how we can get staple food items prices down.

      Tell us how we won’t have milk monopolies etc.

      Tell us how eez zones will continue. (Criag wants it for the entire island)

      Tell us how and stop pointing fingers. NOW

      • Scott says:

        agreed. the control worked.. whether there is was anything devious going on is yet to be seen but for now it should be a closed book. it.

      • sandgrownan says:

        You fail at trying to divert attention. You ought to leave to those more skilled…

      • YES MATE! says:

        There is no milk monopoly, and you can start your own dairy, there isn’t any law saying you or anyone else can’t.

      • 1minute says:

        Why should the OBAers let it rest? For 30 years the PLP picked on every thing the UBP did, that is what an Opposition does. Now that it is reversed, do you want to change the rules?
        Also while I have the floor, to those that asked what would the OBA do. Why would they say what they would do if they were in power?
        1. They are not in power
        2. The Government hasn’t called an election
        3. Is the PLP that desperate that they need ideas from the Opposition?

  2. sandgrownan says:

    Looks like the party have finally told her what to say!

    It’s actually quite laughable. “..compelling business case….scrutiny…” bwwwwahahahahaha…….she say that with a straight face?

    • Biggest Hypocrites says:

      and you says yours being a mask eh “sandgrownan” but you are the brave trusted one. Not!

  3. Cleancut says:

    I find it very hard to believe that Minister Lister would hire Santucci as a “CONSULTANT” without first getting to ‘OK’ from Premier Cox.

    • Biggest Hypocrites says:

      I can he wanted her job and perhaps don’t want her to shine?

      • LOL (original) says:

        That makes no sense at all “perhaps don’t want her to shine” so why would he hire a guy with no qulifications in the area please explain.


  4. Citizen Banned (Original) says:

    The PLP Government loses credibility by the minute. How sad. They had the chance to make real change back in 98. They have spent our money like drunken sailors. Now they expect us to believe everything they say. Too little too late. Very sad.

  5. Rob says:

    So now because the proper process was not followed Mr.Santucci “Has not been engaged” Does this mean he will be engaged after the due process has been followed? or is the Premier reacting to the outcry of the people.

    • Keep Talking says:

      I think it would make more sense to see if he’s ever engaged. Its funny to read comments on this board sometimes.

      The guy was never a consultant at TCD, and i think you may have a licence to get upset that once the process is done, if the government finds an excuse to hire him as a consultant (I’d be pissed), but don’t get angry at nothing.

      • sandgrownan says:

        I wonder if he would have remained “hired” if there wasn’t such a hue and cry..

  6. proud says:

    Thank you Madame Premier. The comments above are likely from those who wouldn’t agree with anything a PLP government said or done anyway. You have made your point clearly as did the Cabinet Secretary. Whatever Minister Lister or the Transport Ministry may have done or not done, the fact that Cabinet Office can stop this appointment shows validity in the process that has been instituted. And it shows that they work.

    • Truth (Original) says:

      ..what exactly are you proud of with respect to this Government?

      • Keep Talking says:

        A Lot! what are you not proud of?

        although its hard for you to admit it, Bermuda is a much better place in 2011 than in 1998. There are more jobs, and more prosperity despite the financial crisis. Just the facts.

        • sandgrownan says:

          You are deluded. To say Bermuda has more jobs and prosperity than it had in 1998 is beyond ridiculous.

          • to add a bit more says:

            And furthermore , higher taxes (wonder why) = higher cost of living , or in other words .. your money is even more worthless.

            More crime .. In reality AND perception.

            No peace and quiet .

            And everyone who had a stinking attitude before Nov ’98 is intolerable now ..

            The only people who think it’s better are those that feast on ‘payback’ .

          • Keep Talking says:

            It would be ridiculous if it were not true.

            Bermuda has higher real GDP than 1998 and more jobs than 1998. Sorry dude, but those are the facts. You may not like it, but those are the facts.

            • sandgrownan says:

              If it were true, I’d like it. To somehow state that BDA is better off than it was in 1998 is beyond stupid.

            • star man says:

              And of course you have objective proof; facts and figures to support your view…? No? Because it is not true.

              • Rick Rock says:

                How about the objective facts and figures about unemployment among Bermudians?
                How about the objective facts and figures about reductions in retail spending figures?
                How about the objective facts about serious crime increasing? And the objective facts about gun crime?
                How about the objective government debt figures?
                How about the objective facts about the reducing number of work permits? Business people are leaving here in their thousands.
                An assertion that Bermuda is better off now than in 1998 is ridiculous and you know it. We all do.

        • YES MATE! says:

          If you call being over a billion dollars in debt prosperous then you need to look up the meaning of prosperous. Your statement is preposterous.

        • Are you serious says:

          Keep Talking,

          Ya a empty barrel making a lot of NOISE

        • Truth (Original) says:

          Wow. There are less jobs. Fact. The prosperity tha you speak of has not trickled down to the grass roots workers. Ask them. Despite the millions that have been spent, that money rotated in a very small circle of the same names. You are beyond delusional.

        • Pastor Syl says:

          What Bermuda are you living in?!? With more that 1000 out of work and pregnant women sleeping in caves, murders every time you turn around and 14 year olds acting like Mafioso, charging people for walking a particular street?!
          The only people better off are those who work for Government (had a look at their salaries recently?) and those who are the Government (plus their cronies). The rich get richer and the poor and already underserved lose what little they had.
          I’ve said it before and it bears repeating – the PLP and their supporters, like you, Keep Talking, are sadly, or is it willfully, out of touch.

        • Hudson says:

          Are you on crack? Show me the numbers mate, ‘cuz your spin aint going to work from where I sit. I can show you the economic reports each year that are issued that clearly show that indeed we are MUCH worse off. Further, I know from my own experiences that there are far less jobs and the prosperity of the rich has improved yes, but the poor are simply poorer. Proove me wrong with FACTS – cite articles, references or give me where i can see a document that shows otherwise. You won’t be able to do it however, butcause the facts speak for themselves. Your words might fool the uneducated, but they won’t fool those that can read and think with the brain that god gave them…

    • Rob says:

      It’s not the process the comments are angry at, it’s the hiring of another “Consultant” and the fact that the Premier seems to know nothing about this engagement. “Not business as usuall ” she had to o.k. this position, I cannot believe that after all the controversy surrounding these consultant positions ministers are able to go through the “Process” of hiring Consultants without her consent first, if that is the case then it’s business as usual.

      • Keep Talking says:

        What are you missing, he was never hired. In order to be hired/enagaged it needs to be signed off. This was NEVER done, so he was NEVER hired.

        I’m trying to figure out what people are missing. I heard this on Thursday and I was effing pissed, now that it turns out to be much ado about nothing, i’m still confused why people are saying they are upset this guy is a consultant, he ISNT.

        As you say above “she had to o.k. this position” as seeing that she clearly didn’t it means that process did work.

        I’m sure no minister will try to do a dumb end around like this again.

        • Rob says:

          Are you dumb? he would have been hired if the Cabinet Secretary didn’t step in.

    • Decisions says:

      Election is around the corner. I smell a set up. Lister makes a decision without consulting the Premier, Madame Premier steps in to show the public that things are different and that the “Controls” work.

      • Vote for Me says:

        @ Decisions
        I do not think the facts support your conclusion. The political risks associated with your assertion are too high to be practical. In effect, you are proposing that the Premier, Min Lister, Donald Scott and Mr. Santucci all acted together just to prove that the controls work… now that is even a stretch for political spin.

        Your assertion also questions the integrity of all involved.

        • sandgrownan says:

          Integrity? PLP? Bbwwwahahahahahahaha…damn right it questions their integrity.

  7. Citizen Banned (Original) says:

    ……but just how many benefits of the doubt can we give this Government??

  8. Chart says:

    Cover up in high gear.

  9. Sean says:

    Oh Paula……you make funny….you soooooooo funny!

    Anyone else sick of the slow moving train-wreck that is our current government?

    This isn’t an example of government at work…..this is more an example of a bad reality show displaying a dysfunctional family of epic proportions. The problem is that we pay the actors and it’s not funny to watch…..

  10. Down 'n' Dirty says:

    Another botched attempt at governing … !!!

  11. 32n64w says:

    “The controls work.”

    “No matter how it is framed by a repackaged Opposition what is undeniable is that there is a process and that the process works.”

    No, the controls obviously didn’t work, the PLP hierarchy were just caught with their hands in the taxpayer cookie jar (yet again) and once the public caught wind of their (relentless) scheming to misappropriate taxpayer funds for the personal benefit of the party machinery the outpour of disgust and distrust prompted a wider cross section of the Bermudian public to (finally) stand up and say enough is enough.

    Don’t believe for one instant Mr. Scott would have been prompted to back track on the Santucci matter had the public not been made aware of the back room dealing to remunerate a recently out-of-work PLP insider. You can’t swing a cat in a room full of well paid publicly funded consultants without bouncing of numerous PLP insiders’ outstretched hands.

    Contrary to Premier Cox’s assertion the process did not work. Perhaps she should spend less time coming up with repackaged verbiage and more time investigating and explaining where $6B in tax receipts over the last seven years have been spent and why the PLP still needed to borrow a further $1.2B from non-Bermudians to fund their lust for excess.

    “This is not business as usual.”

    The most important take away from this very telling and explicit admission is that prior PLP administrations absolutely abused due process and circumvented standing orders to the detriment of best practices and taxpayer interests.

    How can taxpayers really believe the PLP are “resting the dial” when we have the same Minister of Finance who, if we are now expected to buy into her transparency angle (the same language the PLP have been basing campaigns on since 1998 and look how that turned out) shirked her ongoing statutory obligations to guard the public’s best interests declaring she was (is) just a “cog in the wheel” at the time?

    This is all just an election ploy as the PLP tries to dig the party out of the political hole they’ve created and for which taxpayers and our children will be recovering for the next decade as we struggle to fund the result of 12 years of inexperienced leadership, avarice and hypocrisy compounded by a vacuum of ethics and basic business sense.

    The PLP would have you believe it’s the world economy that’s to blame for our current predicament but without question the vast majority of our current economic hardships have their roots in earlier decisions, policy making and conduct in the years leading up to 2008 and unfortunately the same mind set exists through to today.

    The PLP rightfully claim to have been existence since well before the UBP. Well guess what, it shows.

    • Keep Talking says:

      That was a nice long speech, but you missed the point. Santucci was never hired as a consultant. Terry may have wanted to do it, but as you can see it was prevented.

      Therefore your whole “hands in the cookie jar” arguement is false (but you knew that anyway)!

      • 32n64w says:

        I disagree. The PLP were caught red handed and now have egg on their face.

      • Pastor Syl says:

        My level of cynicism is a reflection of how disgusted, disappointed and mistrustful I have become with the current regime. I say this because my first thought was that ‘Mr. Lister has been set up again. This is punishment for daring to run against Ms. Cog.’ It is difficult to accept that Mr. Lister would have made such an announcement totally on his own recognizance, not the way the PLP chain of command works.
        The up side is that the PLP appears to have finally begun listening and responding to the public, a very novel occurrence! I hope it continues

      • LOL (original) says:

        Tell us why Rolf is still on the pay roll again?

        LOL please you trying to out defend the “Great Defender”

  12. PDB says:

    Pros: I’m glad there are policies and procedures in place to properly evaluate the need for and qualifications of consultants. It shows the Premier might be serious about addressing one of the obvious shortcomings of HER gov’t. She has made her point clearly.

    Cons: Trying to blame the ‘repackaged’ opposition is silly and shows she endorses the whole aka UBP language, while she also claims to be above this kind of pettiness. The Santucci scenario is obviously a mess up by HER gov’t. She talks about leadership, integrity etc., well a strong leader would be apologising for causing the fuss and rebuking her Minister for not following procedure. In this case the Opposition was doing what it is supposed to do, it is also a control against runaway gov’t AND the uproar came from sources all over the community not just the OBA. Be brave Paula, we need someone to pull us in a new direction.

    Finally, this statement does not rule out the hiring of Mr. Santucci…

  13. Citizen Banned (Original) says:

    3264 is quite correct – this is just another election ploy. The problem is, most Bermudians will still vote for these clowns and they’ll get in again.

    To the average sane person – these are just more lies – from our dishonest government.

    • Jokers will be Jokers says:

      yes average sane person and don’t forget that you voted for the UBP and had to deal with bda and now oba – but guess what they are still the plp that their voters voted for????????

      Are they perfect, not, but which government is? Grant Gibbons and John Barritt and ET Richards and Michael Dunkley and Trevor Moniz and Alan Marshall were all UBP government officials and were they all politically correct.

      Didn’t Gibbons grant MacDonalds etc to their buddies – but when they do it it is not conflict of interest. Don’t be fooled – they are the same shameless governors of government purses and swayed to left

      Give them both a deck of cards and take out the 2 jokers!

  14. Bedhead says:

    It took 36 hours to come up with this “cogwash”!

  15. Common Sense says:

    I have a real problem with the Premier’s press release. Yes, she makes it clear that Mr. Santucci has not been hired as a consultant, but we, the public were told that he was hired by the Minister of Transport – not somone in the Opposition party trying to stir up trouble. Why on earth has the Premier not explained how this mistake occurred and why her fellow Cabinet Minister issued a statement that is – well – false. I strongly suspect that Mr. Santucci will now be put through the Review Committee process and then hired as a consultant. In that way the Premier will be seen to be correct and the Minister of Transport will also have his wish granted. I would still like to know what qualifications Mr. Santucci has to justify being hired, or almost hired, as a consultant for the drafting of legislation.

    • Rob says:

      At the end of the day he will get a position, most likely with 6 figures. He tries to speak with a silver spoon in his mouth, oh they just love that, same as Burch really, Speak the Latin my friend!

  16. Oh my achin' ears ! says:

    This woman is nothing more than a re-incarnation of David Allen. It’s impossible for her to say anything in less than 30 minutes and when she’s finished she’s actually said nothing , nor answered any questions … Oh wait … silly me , she’s a lawyer ..

    • geez says:

      yup she’s a lawyer all right…

      whats really sad is that the majority that will vote plp have no clue what is going on because they can’t even understand what she is saying.

      the thinking educated public may be aware of what is happening but i bet you that the plp will be voted in because they are largely supported by people who don’t have a clue as to what is really going on, people who don’t bother reading the paper or these comments. people who only watch the news for the sports and weather.

      we need to communicate these issues so that EVERYONE can understand otherwise you will be disappointed come election time. they will be won over with playstations and a free show by luciano once again.

      • Must Vote says:

        An rightly they should vote PLP because that is the only party that remains true to their voters.

        • star man says:

          … And you and your children, and your children’s children, and your children’s children’s children will be paying for rampant plp greed for decades to come!! That’s how true they remain to you lot!

      • Ross says:


        And there you have..the most significant reason why many PLP voters will struggle supporting the opposition at the polls..Your obvious bigotry is not lost on sports watchers..Not at all…

        • star man says:

          What bigotry?! Do you even know what the word means?

  17. Pat says:

    Thank goodness for the repackaged Opposition. The Premier is sleeping or just plain old got her head in the clouds. All these crazy statements
    “Doing more with Less”, “This is not business as usual”and all the other hogwash that she throws out to the people of Bermuda is not flying anymore.

    Bermudians are finally waking up from their drunken sleep. It is time that the Premier speak plain English instead of using all these fancy big words to tell us that the country is in BIG trouble. Does she have any control here or is she just a front?

  18. Rockfish#2 says:

    Lister should hand his letter of resignation to Cox at 9 am on 8 Aug 11.

    • Simply Confused says:

      The Premier was asleep in this instance just as she is in many other instances and if a public outcry was not made, not even Donald Scott would have put his best foot forward in catching this. This news release is only a coverup to make it seem as though this regular occurrence within Government is not tolerated. I say all this to state that Lister and Horton should resign.

    • Rob says:

      No he will not. that’s Honorable, we do not have honorable resignations in this country, not even Burch, the head goes in the sand until time forgets and then comes back out dressed to kill.

    • wiaruz says:

      wondered when someone would say this. Agree.

  19. Makes me think....hmmmmm says:

    Every time I read/hear a statement from Premier Cox (and just about every single politician in today’s world) key phrases remind me of the paradoxical “doublethink” espoused by the Ministry of Truth from Orwell’s “1984:”

    “…The power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them….To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just as long as it is needed, to deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one denies — all this is indispensably necessary. Even in using the word doublethink it is necessary to exercise doublethink. For by using the word one admits that one is tampering with reality; by a fresh act of doublethink one erases this knowledge; and so on indefinitely, with the lie always one leap ahead of the truth…”

    War is Peace.
    Hate is Love.
    Freedom is Slavery.
    Ignorance is Strength.

    It’s astonishing how much civil servants around the globe will try to sweep under the carpet, with words hiding deeds that have become worse and worse the last 50+ years. Unfortunately voters keep hearing just the parts of the message they want to hear and so continue to elect those spouting the most attractive rhetoric without paying heed to ALL the language our politicians use.

    We seem to be on the precipice of another huge change in the world order. May the universe help us all.

  20. More of the same says:

    More BS from the cog. The PLP government is a complete joke (unfortunately, the joke is on us and isn’t funny)!

  21. Haterz says:

    Lil wayne for premier!!!!

  22. Terry says:

    I cannot give away details of my book that will be completed next year but I can tell you that the title will be “The Brown Betrayal”.

    It’s about a member of the…..who seeks revenge by any means necessary…….

  23. Triangle Drifter says:

    They got caught again didn’t they. Cogwash is a pretty good term for the senseless waffle that comes out of the Premiers mouth whenever she tries to explain away the latest blunder by her or one of her equally inept associates.

    Meanwhile nothing really gets done to rectify the multitude of problems created by the PLPs total inability to manage the simplest of projects.

    • sandgrownan says:

      Cogwash…LOL…and a new term is born…excellent…

    • endemic says:

      ‘Cogwash’ .. LOL

      Another uniquely Bermudian literary invention … haha

      Very good one !

  24. W.T.F.??? says:

    2 things come to mind over all this b/s.

    1)it was a set up from the start.
    (then the Cog can make a statement to try to fool joe bermudian into believing her new practises are working..sounds far fetched you say ?)

    2)or it really did happen!

    you choose whatever you want to believe,but the truth is,the Island has been raped and plundered and what was once a paradise is now fast turning into a ghetto.

    • Terry says:

      Well, you have heard of the Marshall Plan (research it) the Brown plan was derived from Hewey and the gang……….

    • Makes me think....hmmmmm says:

      To W.T.F??? —

      Excellent points! Nothing strikes more fear in the hearts of politicians than one of “the people” seeing through political rhetoric and calling them out on it.

      It is very sad to see this beautiful island being overrun by the sort of politics-as-usual found in all corners of the globe, political thinking that turns a blind eye to the well-being of its citizenry while fervently claiming the exact opposite as they cater to cronies in order to keep the inner circle living the high life of money, influence and power.

      Sleight of hand, just as any good magician practices. Watch this hand fluttering about so you don’t see me palm the coin I “pull” from your ear.

      How long will people continue to accept the status quo of political motives that are cloaked from sight? At least in Oz when the Wizard shouted, “Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!” Dorothy was brave enough to fling it aside to reveal not the Great and Powerful Oz, but merely a pudgy man hiding behind a microphone and the bells and whistles of misdirection.

  25. Original (Original) says:

    Its aload of Cogs-wallop!

  26. what a lying government says:

    I dont want to hear anything this government has to say! Im dont with the “professional excuses” made by madame premier….. For them, its business as usual. Underming the public, twist the truth, cover up allegation. Im heard it all before… and lets just bring forth the election.

  27. YES MATE! says:

    Is it me or does she use the phrase “let me be clear” a whole lot? Is anyone counting?

    • Triangle Drifter says:

      She is also the Minister of Clarity, don’t you know. Fits right in with the Ministry of Cogwash.

    • Bedhead says:


  28. 3 sides to a story says:

    Try this one on just may be:

    Minister: hey how have you been since you were let go?

    Santucci: not to good I haven’t been able to find work. After being fired again it seems as if my record in hospitality has been shot.

    Minister: oh no well I can offer you a consultant post for a few months until you get back on your feet. It’s the least I can do after all of the support and help you gave me in my leadership bid.

    Santucci: that sounds good but what about the new code set up to prevent the hiring of unnecessary consultants and conflict of interest. The Premier and people of Bermuda will not go for that.

    Minister: Don’t worry I’ll just send a email to Bernews and other media outlets telling them you’ve been appointed. It will stir the pot a bit people will complain but no one will be able to stop you from being hired because it would make it seem as if there’s no communication in government if they deny that you were hired. It would be to messy so the best thing for them to do. Would be to find a good reason to support hiring you.

    Backfire maybe?

    Disclaimer: This is just a suggestion as to what may have happened and not intended to be taken as a fact.

  29. Rockfish 6 says:

    Where is Pamplin’s husband being incarcerated?

  30. Citizen Banned (Original) says:

    Captain Cogwash!

  31. Lion says:

    It is a shame that everything that the PLP does is wrong. Instead of complaining you will have your chance at the polls but unfortunately for you there is no opposition. Instead of taking cheap shots at the Premier you need to speak with the opposition since you want somebody else leading the country. Focus on your platform so people can have options for change or be quiet. At least when the UBP was in power the PLP were a good opposition. You chose to change your clothes, put a few more people in place but you are still a leopard. You cannot change your spots New UBP/OBA. This is not to say I supported Mr. Santucci because I did not think he was capable of being a consultant in that capacity but I refuse to let you continue to complain when you have no solution. If you want the real story on this ask the Permanent Secretary for Transport because she is the top Civil Servant in this Ministry reporting to the Head of the Civil Service and I am sure she knows the whole story. If you do not want the facts leave it alone and stop making noice because you did worst what you were in power.

    • Rockfish#1and#2 says:

      In most jurisdictions which are similar to Bermuda, when a Minister, (who is not a civil servant) is involved in a matter such as this, the Premier/Prime Minister will explain to the public exactly what transpired. It is NOT the responsibility of a civil servant.
      The leader will take the opportunity to publicly support the Minister if a genuine mistake was made, or the Minister will admit wrong, apologise, and accept the consequences. The obvious question now is whether or not Lister has the trust/confidence of Cox.

      • Makes me think....hmmmmm says:

        @ Rockfish#1and#2 –

        You’re mistaken. For anyone who doubts whether or not an elected or appointed government official is a civil servant, here are the definitions:

        Main Entry: civil servant
        Part of Speech: noun
        Definition: government employee
        Synonyms: government worker, public employee, public official,
        public servant

        Main Entry: bureaucrat
        Part of Speech: noun
        Definition: government official
        Synonyms: administrator, civil servant , desk-jockey, functionary,
        office-holder, pencil-pusher, politician, public servant

        With this in mind, ANYONE involved in the workings of a government is, by definition, a civil servant. And a civil servant’s wages are paid BY THE CITIZENS who pay the taxes that fund that government.

        • Rockfish#1 says:

          Makes me think,
          Thank you for your scholary interpretation/thesis. We can debate semantics all day. Fact is, Lister is an elected MP, Scott is not. So much for my first paragraph.

          Now deal with the second one, it is far more important.

  32. Rob says:

    Here is my reconstruction: Santucci went to the Premier or/and Lister begging for a job, Lister with the agreement of the Premier tailor made a position in transport that would best fit Santucci’s application, Minister Lister went public with a Statement, and upon reading the outpour of disgust from the general public the Cabinet Secretary said to himself ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Now we need to hear from Minister Lister concerning the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth. In the words of President G.Bush, “ain’t gonna happen”

  33. wondering says:

    biggest crock……Premier speaks in same tones with prescribed responses…….not a good leader at all… least not for this country…..

    like the Reagan Guvmint…”no new taxes” and then lmao

  34. Cedar Beams (Original) says:

    And what does Terry Listless have to say about all this I’d like to know.

    • PEPPER says:

      Cedar, Terry needs to resign and the sooner the better, he does not have a clue about transport…. so far he has messed up everything he has been involved in !!!!!!!!!!!! HE NEEDS TO BE FIRED…

  35. No matter how it is framed by a repackaged Opposition what is undeniable is that there is a process and that the process works.

    In the matter of applications for consultancies we have revamped the process so it is assessed objectively and on a needs basis. A compelling case has to be made. We made a studied effort to reduce the number of consultants.

    This suggests that even if a Minister or top civil servant attempts to over-ride the process, it will work. In this case it did work. The “Repackaged Opposition,” was most famous for hiring persons close to them, however this government at least put procedures and policy in place to ensure accountability.

    • Letariatpro says:

      Repackage, reset, recalibrate…

      Working our way through the ‘r’ section in the dictionary.

    • star man says:

      In reality, the plp is a ‘Repackaged Ewart Brown Party’ with a few former UBP members (traitors) thrown in for good luck.

      The plp tried to slip one past the People AGAIN… but the People caught them in their evil act. The plp “over-rides the process” all the time, ‘cept this time they got caught.

      With Bernews & now RG comments, it becomes a whole new ballgame for the plp. It’s called “instant feedback” and it has them scrambling!

      • Triangle Drifter says:

        The internet is a wonderful thing. For every poster there must be many many readers who do not post. The sad thing is that there are also many sheep out there who neither post or read. They can’t read maybe, thanks to the disfunctional education system. They will believe anything the PLP tells them. This is the way they have been programed. You see a few here. Vote PLP no matter what.

        Still, it is good that, with the forums, there is instant reaction as soon as a polititian get caught with pants down.

    • Cedar Beams (Original) says:

      Complain and criticise the opposition all you want. PLP was once again caught with their hands in the cookie jar. They lose credibility by the minute.

    • sandgrownan says:

      “we have..” ? You an insider Spashalgirl? Figures.

      How you going to repay the debt??

    • Shaking the Head says:

      More PLP spin from specialgirl. After 12 years of a PLP Government some checks and balances are made to stop the misnamed “unethical but not illegal” misdeeds, unethical only because the laws in place aren’t invoked properly, that have been so abused by the PLP Government. 12 years of cronysism, misuse of funds, untendered contracts and the list goes on. Even Dale Butler is now calling for a Royal Enquiry into where the $11m allocated to cricket went! 12 years of built up debt and wastage of revenue to benefit a few insiders.

    • 32n64w says:

      “We made a studied effort to reduce the number of consultants.”

      Is that the royal “we”?

      If your a paid employee of the Government or the PLP at least announce your conflict of interest before posting.

      • Rick Rock says:

        She’s definitely an insider. Hence the name. They all think they’re ‘Special’.

    • Rockfish#1 says:

      Of course there will be controls put in place, After all, the Government must control the little funds that they have remaining. Ministers must collect their paycheques no matter what! Lister probably didn’t get the memo, or ignored it.

    • YES MATE! says:

      The OBA has never been the ruling party. Repackage yourself as “SpecialMicer4You” or maybe “ThisSpecialPublicServiceAnnoncementBoughtToYouByDePeeElPee” or “SpecialKoolAid4Me”

  36. New Broom says:

    Vote These Jokers Out!! New party or Not it’s OBA or Bust for Bermuda.

  37. Truth be Told says:

    I know for a fact that nobody is paid to post on behalf of the PLP so you can let that go and except that everyone does not agree with you and the PLP has a great deal of support.

    The Premier said that there would be changes and the situation is prof that the new system in place for the hiring of consultants is a change for the better. Guess what? There are many PLP supporters who would not agree with an appointment like that and I for one am happy that it has been cleared up. Did you ever think for a second that maybe Minister Lister jumped the gun on this because he is not used to the new system in place. I doubt you thought of that because most of you don’t think you just run you mouths and spit rhetoric for your OBA every chance you get.

    The real funny part is that you think you are so smart and great and right yet there is only a minority of Bermudians who think like you. If the OBA is so great where are the solutions to issues? Why have they not said anything of value to Bermuda since they formed? Why are they holding meetings begging everyone who attends to join and run for them, yet the PLP have at least 4 people putting their names forward for each seat? Look at the PLP’s executive, all the new young faces there. Why is the OBA who is suppose to be a new party have all the exact faces as the UBP besides the few from the “BDA”?

    The OBA have not given the People of Bermuda any reason to feel that they would form a better Government. All of the trash talk that you guys post won’t help your chances a bit because the people are not stupid that’s why they vote PLP because they can smell the BS that is the OBA and was the UBP. You have nothing. If the OBA is so intelligent and the electorate so ignorant then why is it that the OBA can not persuade the people to vote for them let alone join them.

    The PLP is the strongest Political party in Bermuda and will remain the Government because it is the peoples party. Perfect? No But we are higher on the list then the OBA. Cogwash? Hahahahaha its things like that, that prove why you are not even close to ready to take over government my 6 year old godson could have come up with that.

    Thank you madam Premier you have shown once again why you are a great leader and that this PLP Government is truly moving Bermuda forward. If you cured all the sick people in Bermuda those against us would say you took money out of the pockets of Doctors, so there’s nothing you can do to please them but the rational people of Bermuda see the truth and the PLP once gain will prevail.

    • sandgrownan says:

      Pure cogswallop!

      • break out my wellies says:

        There must have just been a supersized batch of kool-aid broken out … haha

    • Vote for Me says:

      @ Truth be told
      I hear you loud and clear. Please do not be tempted to stoop to the level of some of the other posts with profanity and childish commentary – after all, it has been said that the problem is not that we aim to high and miss the target but that we aim too low and hit it. It is quite clear that more people read these Bermews posts than those of us who take the time to post.

      If we are consistent with logical and constructive comments, we will eventually raise the level of online debate. I am particulary concerned in this regard about the characterisation of the electorate as ignorant by some and then the expectation that the so called ignorant electorate should vote for OBA.

      It will also be interesting to see how the PLP and OBA face off with a constructive campaign as we get closer to the election since the current level of sometimes childlie posts will not hold water – be encouraged… to you and all of those that take the time to be constructive and thoughtful with what they post.

  38. Truth be Told says:

    Hahahaha and again you guys say nothing. SMH I hope the OBA doesn’t have to depend on the likes of you to win the election because your debate is trash and bellow the childish line. Kool-aid? We can all accuse the others of that but I won’t because its childs play and frankly a cop out.

    The “Milk Man” must still have you guys on breast milk…See how easy it is to be elementary?

  39. New Broom says:

    You have to laugh @ Truth B Told, (or should that be Sen. L F???) not being paid by the PLP .. who gives a damn!! But anyone who speaks against them (list growing daily I might add) is an OBA operative obviously. While I don’t think I nor many of the other bloggers are ‘Smarter or Greater’ than the current Govt MP’s but they sure aren’t any dumber. Here’s a news flash for you, after almost 13 years of the PLP in Govt it’s obvious that they are neither Smart nor Great, Most of us would settle for a lot less if only they had actually been trying to run the country for ‘The Peoples’ benefit, and not their and their cronies benefit. Sadly the evidence says otherwise.

    The OBA don’t need to attract new members but that would certainly help, that has hardly helped the PLP to run this Island that well now has it. The reason you can attract so many to join and want to run is simple enough really, most can see that its a Gravy Train and they want to get on board and feed at the trough too.

    The OBA need to appeal to the swing voters and not the Green and white faithful like yourself, hopefully they will succeed For Bermuda’s Sake, even yours and your Godson’s though you obviously can’t see it. The OBA (anyone other than the PLP Frankly) needs to win the next election another five years of PLP mismanagement, we cannot endure. If the OBA do win then the PLP can return back to the position that they showed they where at least somewhat competent at … being a good Opposition!!

    If anything your comment about the PLP’s vast membership and support proves is the old addage about Fooling some of the People some of the time etc… it’s obviously worked on you.

    Sounds like we could do with electing your Godson, I bet he could do a lot better than the ones in power today, certainly couldn’t do any worse that’s for sure. I do agree that the OBA (no I’m not a member) needs to bring forward their proposals on how they will move us forward, the question you should be asking yourself though here is how has a party (PLP) that has had years of experience as opposition and as the Government got us into this position in the first place (please Don’t Try The Recession Did It)and why do they not have any comprehensive plan to move us forward (Tourism??) because we seem to be stuck in Reverse.

    On your’e last point I would actually say well done to the PLP for curing those ill people … but why did you make them ill to begin with?? lol ;o)

  40. Pathetic Lazy People (PLP) says:

    “I know for a fact that nobody is paid to post on behalf of the PLP so you can let that go and except that everyone does not agree with you and the PLP has a great deal of support”.

    This from a party who admitted that they mislead us way back in 03.

    Truth be told: There’s a bank robber at least who is paid to spread PLP venom.

    You people are evil. Pull the race card and you win every time. If race wasn’t in it – you’d have nuthin. Nuthin, not a red cent. You people are pathetic. However, stupid, below intelligent Bermudians will vote you in again so don’t worry.

    • Truth be Told says:

      Wow you guys really say nothing. Which is it we win on race or because ” below intelligent Bermudians” vote for us?

      At the end of the day the MAJORITY of Bermudians vote for us. Diss them all you want but remember they have the last say and your still hoping its in your favour.

      • Shaking the Head says:

        Correction – a small majority 51% of about 80% at best voted for the PLP. That means approximately 40% of Bermudians actually vote for the PLP. That is not a majority.

        • Vote for Me says:

          @ Shaking the Head
          And no matter how you analyse it, an even smaller number of the electorate voted for UBP. If you then analyse how many voted for those MPs now under the OBA, the number is even smaller.

          • sandgrownan says:

            If only the national debt was smaller…sorry..what’s your plan for paying it off again…..

            Somewhere in the distance, a dog barked…..

          • Shaking the Head says:

            The comment to which I was responding said, quote “the majority of Bermudians vote for us”. This is inaccurate. My response was 100% accurate. The vote for the UBP was not part of the comment nor my response. Please stay with the point in question and don’t raise an unrelated issue.

  41. Truth be Told says:

    @ New Broom….What game are you playing? Don’t try to pin point who I am because you are wrong. Then I read you post and you have said nothing all you have made are accusations that are to date unproven.

    I never said that everyone who speaks against the PLP are OBA members, I’m stating the fact that the majority of people who post on here are members or supporters of the OBA because they display it daily on almost every story.

    The OBA does not need to attract new members? How is that possible? Its a new Party!!!! I hope your not aa member of t OBA because you messed up their recruitment drive with that comment. I have been to a meeting held by Crag of the OBA and he tried to recruit myself and others there to run for the OBA. Talk what you know.

    Fool some of the people some of the time and I am one? Lmao you don’t even have a clue who I am.

    There is much to be thankful for under the PLP leadership so your talk on the last 13 years will prove to backfire on you.

    The PLP has highly respected members of the community who have put their name forward so that gravy train statement is BS.

    What have the OBA said or done to make you or anyone else believe they will be the better choice? Answer that if you can.

    Your last post like you is really not worth answering to, so now go back in the huddle ask what should be said come back under ANOTHER name and try again. Your post was crap. Let someone else talk on this because you fail.

    • Truth be Told says:

      P.S New Broom I hope you don’t think my first post was directly pointed at you just because its under your post. I was speaking in general off of every post I read on here before I posted. I really paid no attention to what you said until I read your post directed at me and scrolled up.

    • Vote for Me says:

      @ Truth be told
      Please remember to aim high with your posts – it is too easy to lower yourself to the standard of so many other posts.

    • Rockfish#1 says:

      @ Truth be Told,

      It is fair to say the present crop of Ministers/MPs are otherwise “highly respected members of the community” However,they still managed(?) to place Bermuda in this terrible position.

    • 32n64w says:

      It was confirmed by a party insider that during the run-up to the 2007 election paid political operatives operating out of the US and acting on behalf of the PLP participated with (which is a nice way of saying hijacked) the administration of Progressive Minds including posing as local bloggers.

      • Truth be Told says:

        @32n64w as a party insider and someone who held a high post within the Progressive Minds during the run-up and during the 2007 election I can say without a doubt that, that is completely untrue. Unless they were paid to post on behalf of the UBP.

        If you are going to post a statement like that you should revel your source for clarity. Even still we are talking about now and there are now persons paid to blog anywhere on behalf of the PLP. We post to engage in the debate and show support for or party and what we believe is right. Why do you post? Are you paid to post on behalf of OBA? Why do you accuse us of being paid to post? Is it a cop out because you fall short in debate? Do you do it to throw people off of the topic? Please explain because your argument holds no water.

        • Truth be Told says:

          *NO persons paied (That was a typo but I’m sure you all will run with it.)

        • sandgrownan says:

          Actually, political operatives were used that were based in hte US, paid for by the PLP.

        • 32n64w says:

          I guess you’re not that much of an insider.

          • Truth be Told says:

            Yeah because Sandgrownan said it everything you posted must be true…lol bore me less.

        • LOL (original) says:

          I was a part of that group as well and can confirm that yes indeed there were people from the US that posted as a young Bermudain named “Rocksolid” on the Progressive Minds blogs on the PLP web site also since your in the know why was the chairman’s and others who were administrators on that side lost their admin rights around the same time? Truth be told I’m calling you out on your lie. I do know the truth to this issue so you can not snow blind me so either come clean or retract your statement.

          LOL so far the only one falling short in the debate is you as you needed to lie.

          • Truth be Told says:

            @lol here’s your post from another story:

            “Hi Truth you said you were a member of Progressive Minds as most of the members who post do so with their real names I know who you are not why the fake name? You are showing pride for the party are you not? J.Starling, S.Brown, Makai Dickerson and others have used their names that only leaves a few others logically speaking.”

            So why not post your real name?

            Now that I pointed out how much of a hypocrite you may be (because I don’t believe you were a member of PM) I will retract that statement.

            It is no business of yours or anyones who posted on behalf of the PLP during the run up to the 2007 election or IF they were paid. As to the chairmens administration rights you would have to elaborate on that because I don’t recall anyone rights being taking away besides the general publics because of disrespect going on in post and I as well as others were able to keep our rights to post as it was our blog.

            As I stated there are now NO persons paid to post on behalf of the PLP and that is a fact I know. So are you going to dwell on what may have been in the past or stick to the topic of today?

            You made some bold statements while claiming to have been a part of the process so who are you besides a trader? Even if you left the party because you no longer agree with it, it speaks volumes to your character as you would give up confidential information once you are out so I see why you have a pin name because it would show your side now that you can’t be trusted if they knew who you were.

            • LOL (original) says:

              Now I know you were not part of the PMs group. “It is no business of yours or any ones who posted on behalf of the PLP during the run up to the 2007 election Thanks for admitting it incase you did not I can pull up posts from another blog. So at this point you are looking like the hypocrite and a trader to your country who cares about party as party is only doing for party (only for the elite in the party at that) No stated that people could not post I stated Admin right the right to edit posts for abuse of the code of conduct we all agreed to and wrote together. You remember that right as you were there? It appeared at the top of the blog.

              “You made some bold statements while claiming to have been a part of the process so who are you besides a trader? Even if you left the party because you no longer agree with it, it speaks volumes to your character as you would give up confidential information once you are out so I see why you have a pin name because it would show your side now that you can’t be trusted if they knew who you were.”

              As do you my friend. I left the PLP because I saw how they tried to guide the group with older members who held cretin views about others based on skin Starling just ignored it for reasons of his own and I have spoken to others who came from that group who no longer are that active in the party any more. So that in it self show what type of atmosphere the 2007 election and forward is with in the party. Trusted I would rather be trusted by the country with my country men seeing their leaders lead with integrity then being trusted to not slip the truth out about lies feed people politicians were elected to rep.

              “if they knew who you were” I’ve given plenty of info for those that were in the PM group to know who I am. What happened there is really none of your business as I know you were there so at best you’re a liar and can’t be trusted. If they knew who you were what is that some kind of threat that’s what the PLP have come too. All that to retain power………….

              LOL as some one once said I do not have the stomach for politics. Look in the mirror truth and your see a liar.

              • Truth be Told says:

                LOL please stop with the BS you were not a part of. PM if you were your probably the guy who came to all of two meetings then never returned and started posting as ex-progressive mind. I can guarantee I was there and have advanced within the party.

                You are not making any sense. The PLP’s political strategy in an election is no business of yours or anyone else who is not a part of it as it is an internal party matter. I wasn’t a part of PM when the PM web sight was launched but I was while it was active and throughout the election and at that time none of what you are saying accrued so you must have gone of topic. I was also apart of the Youth Strategy Team, we organised the open mics and what not. Out of it all I know you were not a part nothing you have said convinces me otherwise. Please tell me when you were a member and give me a hint as to who you are. Or name ONE activity you took part in with the group besides the blog. You say you left for a racial reason? Perception is something else.

                All in all I think you are just spreading hear say and can not back your words at all. “If they knew who you are” is not a threat so stop with the scare tactics. I’m simply saying that anyone would think twice before giving you information because you could turn on them fast.

                Post things from other blogs I have nothing to hide you on the other hand are hiding the truth.

                Like I said say something that shows you were a member any one can speak on a constitution posted on top of a web site.
                No wonder you call yourself lol you are a living joke.

                • LOL (original) says:

                  Now that you know who I am you do know I was there I was at way more than two meeting please you have a selective memory. Now that you mention it I wonder if the Pic is still up on the community garbage day we did is still up you did say one event. I did leave for racial reasons they are really there face it as has been said many times race is a problem. Trust is one thing integrity is another sell my soul for personal advancement sorry not going to happen here. As it is I am a member of no party and supporter of Bermuda. Again with your statement of “have advanced within the party.” tells allot. Ask the radio host about me he will likely agree with some of what you say but as to my character Miss Morrison, Jonathan, SBrown can assist you as you came after me. When I was there I was as genuine as anyone could be I guess the rhetoric did not sit well with as I wanted to see Bermuda advance together as one.

                  LOL who are you to tell me my perception was incorrect about what I experienced at Alaska hall and the resulting never ending debates with one PM member on racial issues as a result of things said by the party publicly anyway? Honestly I don’t care what you think of me but I will call you out on BS. It may get under your skin best way to avoid it is to be straight.

                  • Truth be Told says:

                    AND THE TRUTH wILL SET YOU FREE!!!!! I know exactly who you are now an d your lieing you came to NO MORE then two or three meetings OPS. Lmao you never even made it past the progressive minds meeting room. I was there when you started and remained after your very short stay. You did help with the clean up but that’s it you did not assist in any way with any thing else we did including the web site so stop lieing. You never went to any CC meetings or any other meeting held within the party nor did you help with anything to do with the election. You left because of a comment made towards you by a PM member that you took the wrong way. You are so fake its funny.

                    You are really going to pretend that you were there long enough to even get a basic understanding of the internal workings of the party? Funny

                    All you have is hear say that you heard after your VISIT with us. You never even officially became a member. Now I really know you are full of it.

                    Every one reading this LOL was not involved in any way in the election process of the PLP so his comments about paid blogers based in the U.S and everything else as it relates to the inner workings of the PLP is hear say on his part. You can talk about the clean up till your blue in the face because that’s the only thing you really paid a part in.

                    • LOL (original) says:

                      Dude first off you started after me as you said you were part of Youth Strategy Team this was not even formed yet. No where did I ever say I was part of the election in 2007 I said I was with the PMs before the run up to the election in 2007 however I kept close tie with those that were still active and were mods for the blog and yes they confirmed what I said about said posters. I took what was said to me the way it was mean whether you agree it was meant that way or not. The only time things of that type were not said was when it was just the PMs in the room. I can name everyone in that room in the meetings I attended as I have known them for much longer than my stay at PM so who were you? Apparently you were not at every meeting I went to. Unless your the one I did not name in the above post you really have little room to talk but what should I expect from a political wantabe like your self. Why don’t you make your self know to me and air your laundry as you are trying to do here I’m easy to find just walk around lunch time I’m happy to discuss politics on this island any time.

                      LOL you know you attribute alot of things to me in the post I never said some I did can’t help it if people whom were supposedly cool were lying just to get support. Lets air it all out so Bermuda can see the parties as they truly are as you say the truth will set them free. Oh and as an aside I could be personal but why it not anyone else’s business come find me some time I’ll kept it off record just between you and me if you like. At the end of the day I can vote maybe……

  42. Cancer says:

    Just one question… Who’s worse??? Brown or Cox??
    The Only thing she can do “right” now… Is call an election!

  43. Truth be Told says:

    Lol please stop because you lied and I called you out on it. Now your trying to back track. Because I was a part of something that started after your visit it means I started Minds after you? Lmao No I was appointed to the Youth strategy Team when it was formed.(Common sense works if you use it) like I said you were talking hear say as you in no way helped with the Web site nor anything during the run up to the election apart from the community clean up. Name dropping gets you no where because it can serve to backfire on you as it did here because you named me and apparently you left because of a comment I made towards you so I don’t even get what you mean by,
    “The only time things of that type were not said was when it was just the PMs in the room”

    That was the whole time besides the occasional party member walking through and saying hello nobody ever really addressed you directly besides PM members. Stop lieing. I was at every meeting you attended as it was only a few.

    I don’t need to lie because the truth is proving to be all I need in this discussion.

    You paid a VISIT to PM and didn’t like it and you left end of story. You did not stay long enough to obtain any information about our workings besides how PM conducts a meeting.

    Political wannabe? Better then an ex-progressive mind wannabe. Let it go and find another way to make it seem as if your post hold weight because you were no “insider” I can confirm that.

    Now that you know who I am I assume you will stop lieing now because you know that I know the truth.