35-Yr-Old Man Assaulted & Robbed

January 30, 2012

A 35-year-old man was found injured on Front Street after being the victim of a robbery this past weekend.

A police spokesperson said, “Around 3am on Saturday, January 28th police and first responders attended a reported robbery on Front Street near the junction with Parliament Street in the City of Hamilton.

“Details are unclear at this time; however, a 35 year old Southampton man was found lying injured in the cycle parking area outside the Number 6 passenger terminal, apparently with some personal items missing.

“He was taken to King Edward VII Memorial Hospital via ambulance for treatment and at last check was recovering on a general ward.

“Inquiries are ongoing and any witnesses or anyone with any information is encouraged to contact the Hamilton Criminal Investigation Unit on 295-0011.”

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Comments (35)

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  1. American says:

    What a charming lovely place Bermuda is to visit. Apart from the murders, robberies, burglaries, unstable Governance, endless race arguments. Why you must have people dying to get there.

    • Liz says:

      BLAH BLAH BLAH You would think this happens nowhere else in the world. Do you think we like what is happening to our island. NO!!!!!
      ***NEWS FLASH*** It happens in your country as well and I am sure you don’t like it either. Yours truely Bermudian.

      • Mad Dawg says:

        Five or six years ago this would have been a really unusual, almost unbelievable story. These days, it’s commonplace.

        I feel safer walking around most US cities than in Hamilton.

        • Tommy Chong says:

          Which U.S. city do you feel safest in Detroit 1,887.4 violent crimes in 2011, St. Louis 1,747.1 violent crimes in 2011, Memphis 1,541.5 violent crimes in 2011, Oakland 1,529.6 violent crimes in 2011, Baltimore 1,455.8 violent crimes in 2011, Stockton 1,380.9 violent crimes in 2011, Buffalo 1,357.5 violent crimes in 2011, Cleveland 1,296.8 violent crimes in 2011 & the list goes on with the lowest violent crime rate in 2011 being 180 in Plano. Bermuda is still safer than the majority of American cities & we would be even safer if certain idiots didn’t try to perpetrate the American gang lifestyle.

          • Family Man says:

            Detroit had 1,887.4 violent crimes in 2011??? Huh?

            What, did the guy get part way through the 1,888th violent crime and change his mind so it only counts as 0.4 of a crime?

            For an island that makes its living off insurance and reinsurance you would think that probability and statistics are something that should be taught in schools. The level of ignorance among the local population is astounding.

            • Tommy Chong says:

              Do you think I went through every American news site & counted the crimes? I got these stats from a census that the American government has taken. I don’t know how they got all the point this & that but I’m sure this is very close to an accurate number. I wasn’t about to doctor my findings even though I did think it was strange that every site I went to had these points but the numbers were constant so the PROBABILITY of them being correct is high. Yes these are statistics but I figured that I didn’t need to waste my time putting the Per 100,000 Residents because I already proved my point with the numbers. If the numbers show ignorance than its the Americans who did these statistics not Bermudians so their the ignorant ones.

              If all you can do to defend your country is to attack stats with .5 & .1 your country your country published you need to be evaluated for schizophrenia because your playing for both sides. Now if you wanna come over to the side with pinks beaches & children who still say good morning & afternoon to their elders you might realize what other countries educational system lack compared to ours. Then again a lots lacking in an educational system when students are given scholarships not for their intelligence but for their ability to throw on padding & smash into others for a funny shaped ball.

              • Family Man says:

                Thank you, I couldn’t have proved my point without your help, although it probably flew right over you.

              • Mad Dawg says:

                Bermuda’s Murder rate is twice the world average, according to a Nov 2011 UN report.

                An example from the US, if you want one. In Boston the murder rate is 5.2 per 100,000 per year. In Bermuda it’s 12.5 per 100,000 per year.

                If you think Bermuda doesn’t have a crime problem, you’re one of the ‘heads in sand’ people I guess. The rest of us are getting pretty sick of it.

                • Tommy Chong says:

                  I never mentioned anything about Bermuda not having a crime problem. I know bermuda does but it can’t compare to America’s. You can only bring up one American city with low murder rates & compare it to Bermuda. Boston has only in the past 10 years been able to drop the rate that low, before that it was 26.5 per 100,000. Isn’t this why our security minister asked for Boston’s help? Yes, we have a crime problem that has rapidly grown in the past 5 years but the huge majority of it is gang related. Gang murders have been going on in boston since the 1930s & still happen at present. This is why you can’t compare. Bermuda just needs solutions to solve this problem & running my island down isn’t. I never ran Boston down in the 90′s & I visited the city many times. I realized their was a problem & remained cautious & took advantage of its good points. Even in Quincy Market in the 90′s there was a chance of being mugged at 3am.

                  I find it very disrespectful from anyone but especially so from someone who is from a country built on a history of violence to talk down my country. I bet neither you Mad Dawg or Family Man have ventured 10 yards into the areas where the shootings have been on foot. I also bet if you’ve gone past in car you roll your windows up. The crazy thing is that I can 100% guarantee if you did absolutely guarantee the worst you’d get is dirty looks. Can you give me that 100% guarantee that it would be the same if I went into gang territory in the states?

                  One word of advice if you want to be on Family Mans team don’t mention the 5.2s & 12.5s anymore. He thinks people who do are ignorant Bermudians.

              • Whatever says:

                Keep smokin’ that bong, Tommy Chong.

              • Rick Rock says:

                Doesn’t look like statistical analysis is your strong point.

      • united says:

        So, let me see if I understand your thought process. It happens in other places so it should happen in Bermuda. So, if stoning someone to death because they broke a certain law it is acceptable by you if it showed up in Bermuda.

        What American was trying to point out to you was that maybe a lot of Americans loved going to Bermuda for the tranquility without having to look over your shoulder, the peaceful nights of actually walking down a street, maybe Front Street arm in arm with their significant other without worrying about some thugs coming up to them and holding them up. Seems like what you are saying is that it is inevitable that Bermuda will become another Jamaica, as crime ridden as Jamaica with the same dirty, rough and tumble type lawlessness.

        That WAS the difference between Bermuda and Jamaica and many of her Caribbean neighbors.

    • The road to hell says:

      You’re absolutely right there, @American. I had a great job there, work permit, no worries and thought I’d made it getting to Bermuda.

      How wrong was I? Yet another example of not reading the guide books.

      Bermuda is paradise on the surface, but scratch the surface and reveal – Bermuda is ruined entirely as you’ve described. I worry for the safety of many life-time friends and colleagues who stay there. I’m only thankful I got out of there with my life.

      Cue all the usual “one-down” comments…..

      • Tommy Chong says:

        Now now, no need to try & deter the competition. One day when the recessions over you may get another work permit & a great job in Bermuda again. As for your life-time friends and colleagues who stay here as long as they don’t join any gangs, don’t go riding at night by themselves, make sure their door & windows are locked at night & don’t wandering around drunk unless their 6ft. & 200lbs of muscle. I know its sad that now people have to take precautions here they didn’t have to before but at least mostly anyone without gang ties can walk down the most infamous streets in Bermuda & still be alive to tell about it. I can’t say the same for many high crime areas in other countries.

    • Notorious says:

      Yeah because Bermuda and only Bermuda has crime right? Still safer than America. Get over yourself. If I had to list everything that was wrong with your country I’d be here all day.

    • Ryan says:

      Most US cities are markedly less safe than Bermuda, especially those which Tommy mentioned. As well, New York is having some trouble with crime too at the moment, despite having a few goods years; honestly, I have never felt unsafe in Hamilton, although, walking down Broadway last May in NYC, I had to watch my back; apparently, the night earlier, there had been a shooting rampage in one of the bars in Midtown, which claimed many a life.

      Such an occurence, fortunately, has never happened here.

      And please don’t quote the US government to me; indeed, I once admired that country; however, as I came to understand just how troubled their government was — and, certainly, what I have learned is far worse than even what the PLP — whom I loath — has committed — I have readjusted my perspective.

      Bermuda has its fair share of problems these days, yes, but I will never let those mar what I think is still one of the best places in the world. And nor will I allow you to lambaste it with impunity, all while refusing to recognize the deeper problems with which your own country is afflicted (I still like it, though!).

      • united says:

        So, you want to compare a city with maybe 19 million people to an island of maybe 64,000 and only twenty one miles long and maybe a mile wide. If all Bermudians were to get together, stand firm and drive this vermin out in the daylight. PUNISH and I mean punish and not bring up casemates and take them to the grocery store shopping. These thugs need to be humiliated in front of their peers. Nothing brings you down to Earth like a good embarrassment. Instead of talking about how our thugs are not as thuggish as your thugs. Thugs are thugs, they are below humanity and need to be treated as such.

        • Ryan says:

          The unfortunate thing is, ‘United,’ that people compare New York to Bermuda time and time again (‘member that ‘per 100,000′ statistic?). That is why I used the comparison, *not* because I believe it to be an accurate one.

          I do agree with all your suggestions, though!

  2. D says:

    See, this is why I’m always paranoid and watching my back when out late or riding by myself at night.

    There’s too many poor a$$ losers on this island that want my sh*t. Get a life. Buy your own blackberry’s and make your own money your dumb a$$ f*c#ers.

  3. Tommy Chong says:

    Bet this guy was intoxicated & thats why these punk sissies targeted him.

    Seen this before a few years ago when three guys started beating on a drunk guy for leaning on their car. I ran across the street & kicked the snot out of these guys & I was fully intoxicated. Police came along & grabbed me off the punks & put cuffs on me. No hard feelings mister policeman I know you were TRYING to do your job but instead of jailing me you should have given me your weeks pay for doing A BETTER JOB. Though I should of sued your @$$3$ when the drunk guy came to & told you what happened instead of just excepting your apology.

    Bermuda needs an enema & if government paid me well for it I would give this island a full flushing.

  4. University Grad says:

    what state do u live in?

    i’m sure you have all of that minus the nice scenery

  5. Really???? says:

    Sorry to tell you but….Bermuda is not exempt from the world’s sin and strife. Unfortunate but true.

  6. SHAMEFUL says:

    Wishing you a speedy recovery mate! To the curprits ‘Let your conscience be your guide’. You too shall answer for your transgressions. Remember that!

  7. A young Bermudian says:

    I’m really glad I read this conversation – about statistics and the US.
    But for all of those Bermudians who feel the need to defend our country – there is one thing I’d like to ask of you. Fight for our country with the same love and pride as you typed with.
    Lots of other places have problems WORSE than ours. BUT WHO THE H*LL CARES.
    That’s not our home. And maybe – the one thing that they didn’t do when those city’s rates and statistics were closer to ours – was fight for them and publicly (even with the fear that a younger cousin or nieces ex-boyfriend might rebel) stand up against the stupidity of the violence we’re experiencing now.

    In Jamaica they have this kind of trouble but the population is triple+ our size. And yet you will see protestors and auntys and uncles out on the streets saying ‘this isn’t right’.

    What are we doing?

    It’s our country. We can do what we want with it. But it seems the only people that actually believe that statement – and are taking action to do what they want with it — are the gang members who’s motivation is money and greed. So until our motivation (the pride and love for our island) becomes STRONGER than any materialistic aspect in life – they’ll continue to have little kids learn how to hold a gun and we’ll continue to defend a memory of Bermuda that is simply fading away.

    • united says:

      Young Bermudian you hit the nail on the head. If you are young maybe you can get more youngsters to focus on a better Bermuda future. Get involved with your elders and get them to start to do something instead of waiting for some body else. The island is too beautiful and nice and generally the Bermudian people are some of the kindest and nicest on planet Earth. Don’t allow these bastards take that Bermuda away. Don’t let people say “When i was younger we never locked our doors, we never heard of guns or gunshots or gangs”. Make it happen TODAY.Start at home, in church at football, at the beach. Everywhere.

  8. Dave West says:

    “Bermuda……Feel the Love” ???????????????????

  9. Tommy Chong says:

    Thanks for not adding my post again bernews! You’ve just given me motivation to create a blog titled “Why bernews has become as biased as Royal Gazette” & trust me when I say I’m the SEO! king so when all your traffic gets driven to my blog I might just offer your advertisers a placement. Its always good to get some extra cash in my pocket.

    • Bernews says:

      Competition is always good, however I fancy myself the SEO queen though, so we will go head to head on that level lol.

      The comment you refer to was posted at 10.38pm, its cleared now – sorry for the delay.

      I generally moderate comments starting from 6am and try go through to midnight each night, but here and there fall short and end a tad early and sleep. Sorry about that…


      • Tommy Chong says:

        Wow! SEO Queen! Nice One! I must say, I’ve noticed the skills. Third place below BDAs media powerhouses on all search engines. I may have come across a bit of arrogance. I saw post from this morning approved before the one I made last night & assumed mine was simply pushed aside for others. My apologies for doing so. ;;) I know what assume makes but felt strongly that I was short strawed. Im in the midst of creating a site on the bias of media in Bermuda but didn’t ad bernews to the list because I find the coverage here is balanced. Thanks for responding back unlike other medias that just ignore. :)

        • Bernews says:

          No problem, thanks for commenting. I appreciate each and every one, which is why I do try and make best efforts to explain when I get backed up.

          Not sure how you are quantifying rankings as there are literally hundreds of search terms people use to access the site each day via search engines. But that said, we should be like 100th ranked being a 2 year old domain as compared to 10 to 15 years etc.

          What causes issues sometimes is comments don’t per se get approved in order – what happens alot is really short ones can slide through quicker as I am ‘sneaking’ moderating them while covering an event. Like last night, in between speakers, I would quickly clear some short comments.

          Anytime I step away from the keyboard comment issues arise, and any suggestions on moderation improvement welcome…
